"Blogrolling 2.0" finally promised for 2nd March
Friday, February 27, 2009
Yay! After about 4 months when it has been impossible to update blogrolls hosted at blogrolling.com, we are now promised that the updated version will FINALLY be launched this coming Monday, 2nd March.I've been adding quite a lot of new blogs (to me, at any rate) to my feed readers over recent months, but have been unable to incorporate them into my two most important blogrolls embedded in both
Bank of America’s Lewis Testifies, Gets Subpoena Over Bonuses
Feb. 27 (Bloomberg) -- Kenneth Lewis, chief executive officer of Bank of America Corp., testified for four hours at New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo’s offices in a probe of $3.6 billion in bonuses paid at Merrill Lynch & Co. just before it merged with the bank.
“I answered the questions that were asked to the best of my knowledge,” Lewis, 61, said yesterday after the deposition, before being driven away from the attorney general’s office in lower Manhattan in a black Lincoln Navigator. “I hope this brought some clarity.”
Benjamin Lawsky, a special assistant to Cuomo, said after Lewis left that the attorney general’s office served the bank during the deposition with a subpoena to produce a list of the individual bonuses.
“The attorney general is severely disappointed in Bank of America’s decision in not turning over specific information: who got what bonus at Merrill Lynch,” Lawsky said. “The list goes to what individuals got and when they got it.”
Cuomo has been examining whether Merrill broke securities laws when it paid the bonuses. He is cooperating with U.S. Special Inspector General Neil Barofsky in a federal probe of executive pay at banks that received money from the U.S. Treasury’s Troubled Assets Relief Program. Merrill and Charlotte, North Carolina-based Bank of America have received about $45 billion in TARP money. The bank completed its acquisition of Merrill on Jan. 1.
Bank’s Offer
Bank of America has been offering the names of individual bonus recipients to Cuomo for two weeks on the condition that he keep them confidential, said Robert Stickler, a bank spokesman in phone interview yesterday.
“He refused to do that,” Stickler said. “We believe our employees are entitled to privacy in terms of their compensation. We also believe that to make the compensation of individuals public would put us at a competitive disadvantage with people who want to recruit our employees.”
Stickler had no comment on the subpoena.
Asked whether Cuomo’s office got the list of individual bonus recipients from former Merrill Chief Executive Officer John Thain, who testified for Cuomo for the second time this week, Lawsky declined comment.
Thain’s Testimony
Thain, when deposed by Cuomo’s office on Feb. 19, said he couldn’t identify those who got bonuses, citing orders from Bank of America that he keep the information confidential. Cuomo went to court Feb. 23 to compel Thain to disclose the recipients. A judge ruled he was free to disclose the names.
Thain testified again on Feb. 24 for 2 1/2 hours, said his attorney, Andrew Levander.
“He cooperated thoroughly and answered whatever was asked,” Levander said of Thain’s Feb. 24 testimony in an e-mail. Levander declined to comment on whether Thain was asked to identify bonus recipients.
New York State Supreme Court Justice Bernard Fried will decide if Thain’s testimony will become public, according to Levander.
Lawsky said Lewis’s testimony yesterday lasted about four hours and covered “many topics.”
In a Bloomberg Television interview on Feb. 25, Lewis declined to comment on whether he or the bank directed Thain not to disclose the recipients.
Lewis also said the acquisitions of Merrill and Countrywide Financial Corp. have been “stars” so far this year.
Merrill will be “a thing of beauty” over the long term, Lewis said. Merrill, the New York-based securities firm, lost $15.8 billion in the fourth quarter.
Lewis flew on a corporate jet for the deposition by Cuomo’s office “because of the importance of this meeting,” Timothy Gilles, a Bank of America spokesman, said in an interview.
Source www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=ayqn2mJk9zjA&refer=home
“I answered the questions that were asked to the best of my knowledge,” Lewis, 61, said yesterday after the deposition, before being driven away from the attorney general’s office in lower Manhattan in a black Lincoln Navigator. “I hope this brought some clarity.”
Benjamin Lawsky, a special assistant to Cuomo, said after Lewis left that the attorney general’s office served the bank during the deposition with a subpoena to produce a list of the individual bonuses.
“The attorney general is severely disappointed in Bank of America’s decision in not turning over specific information: who got what bonus at Merrill Lynch,” Lawsky said. “The list goes to what individuals got and when they got it.”
Cuomo has been examining whether Merrill broke securities laws when it paid the bonuses. He is cooperating with U.S. Special Inspector General Neil Barofsky in a federal probe of executive pay at banks that received money from the U.S. Treasury’s Troubled Assets Relief Program. Merrill and Charlotte, North Carolina-based Bank of America have received about $45 billion in TARP money. The bank completed its acquisition of Merrill on Jan. 1.
Bank’s Offer
Bank of America has been offering the names of individual bonus recipients to Cuomo for two weeks on the condition that he keep them confidential, said Robert Stickler, a bank spokesman in phone interview yesterday.
“He refused to do that,” Stickler said. “We believe our employees are entitled to privacy in terms of their compensation. We also believe that to make the compensation of individuals public would put us at a competitive disadvantage with people who want to recruit our employees.”
Stickler had no comment on the subpoena.
Asked whether Cuomo’s office got the list of individual bonus recipients from former Merrill Chief Executive Officer John Thain, who testified for Cuomo for the second time this week, Lawsky declined comment.
Thain’s Testimony
Thain, when deposed by Cuomo’s office on Feb. 19, said he couldn’t identify those who got bonuses, citing orders from Bank of America that he keep the information confidential. Cuomo went to court Feb. 23 to compel Thain to disclose the recipients. A judge ruled he was free to disclose the names.
Thain testified again on Feb. 24 for 2 1/2 hours, said his attorney, Andrew Levander.
“He cooperated thoroughly and answered whatever was asked,” Levander said of Thain’s Feb. 24 testimony in an e-mail. Levander declined to comment on whether Thain was asked to identify bonus recipients.
New York State Supreme Court Justice Bernard Fried will decide if Thain’s testimony will become public, according to Levander.
Lawsky said Lewis’s testimony yesterday lasted about four hours and covered “many topics.”
In a Bloomberg Television interview on Feb. 25, Lewis declined to comment on whether he or the bank directed Thain not to disclose the recipients.
Lewis also said the acquisitions of Merrill and Countrywide Financial Corp. have been “stars” so far this year.
Merrill will be “a thing of beauty” over the long term, Lewis said. Merrill, the New York-based securities firm, lost $15.8 billion in the fourth quarter.
Lewis flew on a corporate jet for the deposition by Cuomo’s office “because of the importance of this meeting,” Timothy Gilles, a Bank of America spokesman, said in an interview.
Source www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=ayqn2mJk9zjA&refer=home
Madura Island
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Madura, from an administrative viewpoint, is a part of the Indonesian Province of East Java. Located of the eastern end of Java's north coast, this long, narrow island measures 160 km from east to west and 35 km north south, amounting to a total area of roughly 4,250 square kilometres. Madura is divided into four Regencies, or Kabupaten, which run consecutively from west to east, respectively Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan and Sumenep. Beside the main land mass, however, there are 67 more small islands and islets, 66 of which lie to the east of Sumenep and are a part of that district, while one island belongs to Sampang.
Karamian Island, the most northerly, and Sekala Island, the furthest east of the Madura group,
both lie more than 240 km from the main island. Ocean conditions among the islands are for the most part clear, clean and not so deep, displaying an abundance of sea-life, for example in the area around Mamburit Island near the Kangean Group. Beaches are almost all white, such as at Siring Kemuning, Camplong, Slopeng, Lombang, as well as throughout the Kangean Islands, at Saebus, Mamburit, Saur, Pagerungan, Kangean etc. In some cases, though, there are islands which are totally covered in thick vegetation right to the water's edge. Compared with other areas of East Java, Madura's soil is relatively poor. The land is stony and dry. Yet these conditions have taught the Madurese people to be ingenious and adaptable, two characteristics for which Madura's inhabitants are well known. Lying only a 30 minute ferry ride from Surabaya's harbour of Tanjung Perak, the port of Kamal on Madura's south west coast is easily accessible. Ferries transporting vehicles of all sizes, passengers and goods, arrive and depart at 15 minute intervals around the clock, thus forming a permanent moving bridge connecting Madura with the mainland.
Karamian Island, the most northerly, and Sekala Island, the furthest east of the Madura group,

Furthermore, East Java's Regional Government is currently planning the construction of a bridge which will connect Tanjung Perak with Kamal. Barring obstacles the SURAMADU bridge project should be underway in the near future. This ambitious task stirs the imagination when one considers standing at the half way point and enjoying the panorama, as well as watching the numerous sea-going vessels which regularly make their way across the straits. The bridge will, without a doubt, prove to be a major tourist attraction and a photographer's dream.Though still receiving comparatively few foreign visitors, the island of Madura is already well known for its bull races, the bold designs and colours of its batik textiles, its sate (cooked meat on skewers) and veto (soup), as well as an enviable number of unspoiled beaches. For plant enthusiasts, the Bonsai Casuarina ( cemara udang ) is unique to Madura. Until now we have only mentioned Madura's main island. In addition, there is a string of around 66 more small islands running off to the east of Sumenep and comprising a part of that administrative district.These islands include the Kangean Group, which lie due north of the island of Bali. Planning and development could turn this beautiful mini-archipelago into an incomparable marine resort, equipped with all facilities, including opportunities for all kinds of water sports and marine activities.
More power cuts today
Power went off early today - at 8.30am, then back on at at 2.15pm and just as I had started to write this earlier at about 3.20pm it went off again. Electricity came back on again for the evening (one hopes!) at about 6.25pm.Although it was bright and had begun to get warmish in the morning, it became quite overcast by about midday and cool in the afternoon. After lunch and reading, I went for a
Baluran National Park
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
About 40% of the Park area is dominated by savannatype vegetation.

In addition, there are about 155 species of bird, some of them endangered species like the green peafowl (Pavo muticus), red junglefowl (Gallus gallus), malabar hornbill (Anthracoceros coronatus conversus), rhinoceros hornbill (Buceros rhinoceros silvestris), barn swallow (Hirundo rustica), koel (Eudynamys scolopacea), and lesser adjutant stork (Leptoptilos javanicus).
At Km. 80 on the Batangan-Bekol road there is an old well which has become a legend amongst the surrounding community. Legend has it that long ago, people from the towns of Banyuwangi, Bali and Balurawere simultaneously digging wells in their respective cities. Whichever well was first to gush forth water meant that the city would become a centre of trade and culture.
Interesting locations/attractions:
Batangan: historical site in the form of a Japanese cave. This place is a witness to Indonesias fierce struggle for independence against the Japanese. A good place to observe animals, particularly the peacock dance in the mating season between October and November, and go camping.Bekol, Semiang: watching animals such as the barking deer, banteng, red junglefowl and green peafowl.Bama, Balanan, Bilik: marine tours, fishing, swimming, diving/snorkelling, and watching great herds of deer. During July and August, stags can be seen fighting each other. At low tide, troops of ebony leaf monkeys can be seen fishing for crabs using their tails at high tide.Manting, Air Kacip: a year-round water source, birdwatching in the early morning and afternoon.Popongan, Sejile, Sirontoh and Kalitopo: rowing on the calm sea while watching shoals of ornamental fish, watching migrant birds.Candi Bang, Labuan Merak and Kramat: sites of historical/cultural interest.
Interesting locations/attractions:
Batangan: historical site in the form of a Japanese cave. This place is a witness to Indonesias fierce struggle for independence against the Japanese. A good place to observe animals, particularly the peacock dance in the mating season between October and November, and go camping.Bekol, Semiang: watching animals such as the barking deer, banteng, red junglefowl and green peafowl.Bama, Balanan, Bilik: marine tours, fishing, swimming, diving/snorkelling, and watching great herds of deer. During July and August, stags can be seen fighting each other. At low tide, troops of ebony leaf monkeys can be seen fishing for crabs using their tails at high tide.Manting, Air Kacip: a year-round water source, birdwatching in the early morning and afternoon.Popongan, Sejile, Sirontoh and Kalitopo: rowing on the calm sea while watching shoals of ornamental fish, watching migrant birds.Candi Bang, Labuan Merak and Kramat: sites of historical/cultural interest.
Best time of year to visit: March to August.
How to reach the Park: Banyuwangi-Batangan, 35 km; then proceed to Bekol, 45 minutes (12 km); or Situbondo-Batangan, 60 km by car.

Mount Kelud

Today, Mount kelud is very phenomenal with its new dome that exists from its lake. To reach Mount kelud, the visitors can use motorcycle and the direction come from Kediri to Wates continued to Margomulyo – Bambingan till Jurang Gelap or Mount Pedot. From Jurang Gelap till the new dome of Mount kelud is about 2 km and you can go on foot.
Mount kelud has change, it had green crater before explode, but today the beautiful crater is gone and turn up new crater that different from the previous.
The increase of Mount kelud activities from the beginning step to the next step is show phenomenal activities that never happen before. The water temperature in 1990 exploded is about 400 Celsius, and in this activity, the water temperature is increase till 77,50 Celsius, makes thermometer broken caused of high warming. The earthquake is also has increase level, both volcanic and tectonic earthquake. The earthquake is higher compare with exploded in 1990.
The white and black smokes that come out from the crater is not happen in 1990.
The climax activity of Mount kelud is to turn up a dome from the lake crater in November 5, 2007 with diameter 100 meters and 20 meters height from crater water. Today, the Lava Dome still growing slowly till 200 meters height and widened to southwest side of the lake crater wide. The first white and black smoke are detected in November 4, 2007. At that time is 200 meters height and today the wind has blow them to south side. The white smoke is come out from the dome and blow to the air till 1.000 meters height.
If this is really the end of Mount kelud and the status is normal, with Mount kelud condition at the present, then Mount kelud has a new face. With its Dome that comes from the crater, Mount kelud is more beautiful than before, add with the other phenomenal that never happen before. Mount kelud changes with its new Dome are very interesting for visitors. The visitors can see and enjoy its new dome if the condition is really safe to be visited. The Dome is seems to be Mount kelud’s son. There is no crater-lake or green water in Mount kelud, but the new kelud presents its new dome. Fantastic and curious nature panorama.
A mostly 'powerless' day
The electricity on my part of MCC went off shortly after 10am, and I noticed that a couple of men (who I took to be electricians) seemed to be walking up and down the street. On my way out to do a little shopping I noticed that the generator which supplies our houses was still working so came back up to find out "what gives?" - the two gents advised that power would be back on by 2pm. So far so
Monday, February 23, 2009
Ubud is located 35 km northeast of Bali's International Airport. It is attractive to tourists for a variety of reasons. On a relatively small island with a horde of attractions, Ubud is centrally located, and even the closest beach is only 15 minutes away.

Ubud is popular in part today because it is the best place in Bali to break out of the tourist mode and get off the beaten path, although far from undiscovered. Hotels are plentiful; home stays and Indonesian guesthouses (losmen) are easily available to the foreign tourist. Many tourists simply base their entire stay in the city and travel to other destinations from Ubud.
Accommodations in Ubud are also somewhat more reasonably priced than in the beach towns of Bali. But atmosphere is perhaps the major attractions. One visitor summed it up this way: Kuta is madness, Sanur is sterile, and Nusa Dua is culturally isolated; Ubud is the place to go.
Kuta Beach

Kuta was the site of the October 12, 2002 Bali bombing (202 killed) and the October 1, 2005 Bali bombing (26 killed).
Kuta is now the center of an extensive tourist-oriented urban area that merges into the neighboring towns. Legian, to the north, is the commercial hub of Kuta and the site of many restaurants and entertainment spots. Most of the area's big beachfront hotels are in the southern section of Tuban.

Legian and Seminyak are northern extensions of Kuta along Jl. Legian and Jl. Basangkasa. They are somewhat quieter suburbs with cottage-style accommodations, where many of the expat crowd live. Also to the north are Petitenget, Berawa, Canggu, and Seseh - new and quieter continuations of Kuta's beach. They are easy to reach through Abian Timbul or Denpasar and Kerobokan. Several large hotels are located in this area: the Oberoi Bali, Hard Rock Hotel Bali, the Intan Bali Village, the Legian in Petitenget, the Dewata Beach and the Bali Sani Suites in Berawa.
To the south, Kuta Beach extends beyond the airport into Jimbaran.
The Balinese Provincial Government have taken the view that the preservation of the Balinese culture, natural resources and wildlife are of primary importance in the development of the island. To this end they have limited tourist development to the peninsula on the extreme southern aspect of the island; Kuta beach is on the western side of this peninsula and Sanur is on the east. To the north of the peninsula no new tourist development is supposedly permitted.
Uluwatu Temple

Tanah Lot
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Bali is true heaven of tourism. At least that existing fact and which I feel as part of Bali society which live and grow in Bali island. There are a lot of beautiful exotic place in this island. One of them is Tanah Lot. As tourism object, Tanah Lot is true famous. It’s called as icon of Bali Tourism beside GWK statue kuta, Sanur, Nusadua and Ubud Beach. As Icon, Tanah Lot is so enthused by all tourist, foreign or Domestic tourist.
Tanah Lot is True with fascination. This tourist object integrate consist of sunset moment that very beautifull with spiritual tourism marked by tanah lot temple. Even a number of tourist at the moment. Tourist can directly show activity of hindhu people ritual.

Tanah lot temple established by Dang Hyang Dwijendra some one who has iron skill that live in majapahit kingdom in era 15. He comes to Bali for starting lofty Duty. Teach spiritual problems and social harmonization. By the Bali King that has power, Dalem Waturenggong Dang Hyang Dwijendra accepted and gived achance to spread Hindhu religion. In Bali, Dang Hyang Dwijendra establish some temples, one of them is Pura Tanah lot.

Beside Tanah Lot Temple and sunset view, there is another thing that proper enjoyed by tourist. That are sixs Pura the location in a row to the west from pura Tasnah lotwith walking for about 1 km, the tourist can find pura Pakendungan, Pura Penataran, Enjung Galuh, jro kandang Batu Bolong, Batu Mejan. All of that temple has unique, in Fact in the last Pura that’s Pura Batu Mejan be located in beach lips. There are 9 water sources out from under the beach and the water tasteless!. In order to enjoy all of interest places souronding Tanah lot tourism object, you must come early or before evening. After satisfied visit seven temples, in the evening you can enjoy sunset in the west part. Now, it’s time to leave from the beach (Tanah lot) But wait, have your hand bring the souvenir! Don’t worry because of that. In there, available art market that available some of crafts and Bali special food. The price, it’s cheap if you smart to bargain.

Bali Island

Bali Island, the perfect holiday destination for all ages offers something for everyone. Bali offers not just various customs but also various "adrenalin pump" parks. Many exciting amusements are available in Bali, with something new opening all the time. The number of offshore and inland attraction are on the rise because many tourists want them. This tropical paradise has a unique blend of modern tourist facilities combined with wonderful shopping and a rich past and heritage. After white water rafting that has gained popularity in Bali, comes offshore rafting or ocean rafting. The more adventurous sort of amusement has now become an alternative sport for
tourists. Meanwhile white water rafting is still a popular activity with trips on Ayung, Telaga Waja, Unda Rivers, etc. The tourists can refresh their mind by watching beautiful scenery along the route. Those are not enough, some of the best surfing beaches in the world can be found on the western side of the island whilst conversely the eastern side is a wonderful haven for families, with beautiful white sand beaches and gentle seas.

Bali is small island, just 140 Km by 80 Km and lies between Java, the most highly populated and influential of all the islands, and Lombok, one of the quieter and moderately slower paced islands. Like many islands, Bali has developed a world of its own. It not only captures what is special about Indonesia but also has a uniqueness of its own.

The culture of Bali is unique. People say that the Balinese people have reached self-content. The Balinese people are proud of having preserved their unique Hindu culture against the advance of Islam, the dominant religion throughout Indonesia. This is still reflected in days to day life and can be seen in the numerous ceremonies, Balinese festivals and magnificent temples and palaces. The Balinese are skilled artisans, particularly in woodcarving and in fashioning objects of tortoiseshell and of gold, silver and other metals. The Balinese are noted for their traditional dance, the distinctive music of the gamelan and for their skills in weaving cloth of gold and silver threads, Songket, as well as for embroidering silk and cotton clothing. Stone and woodcarvings, traditional and modern paintings and intricately designed jewelry in gold and silver are readily available in shops and galleries throughout the island.
As for recreation, there is no shortage of options. Nature walks, horseback riding, diving, surfing - even bungy jumping and white water rafting - await the adventurous here.
Twitter feed added to right column of blog
I mentioned a few days ago that I had recently started a mini/micro- blog using Twitter and that I'd probably add an RSS feed to this blog. Well, I just added it and you can find it near the top of the right column. I've taken the opportunity to amend the look and feel of my Twitter page to make it more compatible with this blog, for the the time I am in Spain, although the style will probably
Tips To Get Airline Tickets & Hotel Rooms Cheaply
Friday, February 20, 2009
For many people, vacation time presents a mix of joy and pain. While everyone is willing to point out the wonderful feelings experienced when travelers go on vacation, most travelers continue to dread the price shock experienced. A select few have truly mastered the art of maximizing the enjoyment and minimizing the pain of vacation time. So, here are 4 tips for compounding the good of a vacation and suppressing the bad.
Tip 1 is Plan Your Trip Early Pretty much everything is cheaper when you buy it early. Using a popular travel site, we found that a trip from Houston to San Diego scheduled 3 days before flight time costs 560 dollars. While, the same trip purchased 6 months early would cost 369 dollars. Thats a savings of almost 200 dollars.
This leads many to ask a question. Why dont hotels and airlines just set their price and be done with it? Hotels and airlines recognize that your money can only get to them if they can lure you into making the purchase. The longer you wait to purchase from them, the more likely you are to change your mind or use their competitors. So, the lower price incentive lures you to act as soon as possible to lock you in with them. They understand that travel plans change rapidly and you are less likely to postpone a trip once you have already purchased the ticket. Though annoying, always use this to your advantage. Plan and pay for your trip as early as possible. I recommend 3-6 months ahead, if possible.
Tip 2 is Travel During Non Peak Seasons This is so simple to understand. Hotels and airlines are businesses. They would rather get a portion of the money they would like to charge for their services rather than getting no money at all. Thats why non peak season deals abound. For instance, if you dont ski, go to the areas that cater to the ski crowd during the non-ski months. Why you ask? Well, the beauty of nature is still there, the other entertainment options that ride the ski sport to the top are still there and the hotels and airlines are screaming to fill the spaces that would otherwise sit idle. You can often find rates at less than 30 cents on the dollar.
Tip 3 is Use Vacation or Travelers Account Tools For many travelers, vacations are a yearly thing. The need to travel is not a surprise when the time comes. Create an online vacation or travel account. If you like saving money, you cant afford not to. With the new tools that have come along in the last year, you dont even have to go to the bank to do so.
Use free tools like the Cheap Airline Tickets Toolbar to build your vacation budget. The Cheap Airline Tickets Toolbar at www.cheapairlineticketstoolbar.com allows users to earn money for vacation travel, hotels and entertainment by pointing out errors that they see online. The money can be applied directly to a debit card for use. Using such tools opens up a variety of travel options by allowing for more and increased quality of your vacations. At an average payout of two dollars for every valid error report, a vacation budget can quickly be built using such tools.
Tip 4 is Shop Around Everyone understands the concept of shopping around, but there are a couple of special considerations and tactics when doing it for travel purposes. In the age of the Internet, it is easy to compare pricing for flights and hotels without leaving home. Many travel websites actually search multiple airline carriers and hotels simultaneously and then list their rates and amenities side by side for comparison. Use them. They can help you save a lot of money. Also, when you travel to tourist towns, bargain for the hotel rooms cost. In tourist towns, there are usually many mom and pop type hotels that are clamoring for business. It often helps to contact several and play the bid game. Tell them you are coming to the town and need a room. Then tell them the price that their competitor has offered. You will be surprised at the number of times that the person on the phone (which is usually the manager) will lower his/her prices to get you to choose them rather than their competitors. This is highly compounded during off-peak seasons.
Tip 1 is Plan Your Trip Early Pretty much everything is cheaper when you buy it early. Using a popular travel site, we found that a trip from Houston to San Diego scheduled 3 days before flight time costs 560 dollars. While, the same trip purchased 6 months early would cost 369 dollars. Thats a savings of almost 200 dollars.
This leads many to ask a question. Why dont hotels and airlines just set their price and be done with it? Hotels and airlines recognize that your money can only get to them if they can lure you into making the purchase. The longer you wait to purchase from them, the more likely you are to change your mind or use their competitors. So, the lower price incentive lures you to act as soon as possible to lock you in with them. They understand that travel plans change rapidly and you are less likely to postpone a trip once you have already purchased the ticket. Though annoying, always use this to your advantage. Plan and pay for your trip as early as possible. I recommend 3-6 months ahead, if possible.
Tip 2 is Travel During Non Peak Seasons This is so simple to understand. Hotels and airlines are businesses. They would rather get a portion of the money they would like to charge for their services rather than getting no money at all. Thats why non peak season deals abound. For instance, if you dont ski, go to the areas that cater to the ski crowd during the non-ski months. Why you ask? Well, the beauty of nature is still there, the other entertainment options that ride the ski sport to the top are still there and the hotels and airlines are screaming to fill the spaces that would otherwise sit idle. You can often find rates at less than 30 cents on the dollar.
Tip 3 is Use Vacation or Travelers Account Tools For many travelers, vacations are a yearly thing. The need to travel is not a surprise when the time comes. Create an online vacation or travel account. If you like saving money, you cant afford not to. With the new tools that have come along in the last year, you dont even have to go to the bank to do so.
Use free tools like the Cheap Airline Tickets Toolbar to build your vacation budget. The Cheap Airline Tickets Toolbar at www.cheapairlineticketstoolbar.com allows users to earn money for vacation travel, hotels and entertainment by pointing out errors that they see online. The money can be applied directly to a debit card for use. Using such tools opens up a variety of travel options by allowing for more and increased quality of your vacations. At an average payout of two dollars for every valid error report, a vacation budget can quickly be built using such tools.
Tip 4 is Shop Around Everyone understands the concept of shopping around, but there are a couple of special considerations and tactics when doing it for travel purposes. In the age of the Internet, it is easy to compare pricing for flights and hotels without leaving home. Many travel websites actually search multiple airline carriers and hotels simultaneously and then list their rates and amenities side by side for comparison. Use them. They can help you save a lot of money. Also, when you travel to tourist towns, bargain for the hotel rooms cost. In tourist towns, there are usually many mom and pop type hotels that are clamoring for business. It often helps to contact several and play the bid game. Tell them you are coming to the town and need a room. Then tell them the price that their competitor has offered. You will be surprised at the number of times that the person on the phone (which is usually the manager) will lower his/her prices to get you to choose them rather than their competitors. This is highly compounded during off-peak seasons.
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Electricity meter fitted
An electricity meter has just been fitted outside my house - which means that assuming everything goes well next week, when we start to fund the diesel direct through the CoO to fuel the site generators, I won't have any interruption in power supply to the house. The builder has stated they no longer have the funds to supply diesel themselves as they are apparently required to do until a '
Bungy Jumping Blangsinga -
With the increasing of tourists who visits Bali especially to the Gianyar Regency, the goverments must be able to provide and develop a variety of attractions that are required for the consumption of the tourists, especially foreign tourists.To anticipate that thing, now in the Blangsinga Village , Blahbatuh District , the Gianyar Regency, at Tegenungan waterfall, has built a Bungge Jumping. The
Dusun Kuning Waterfalll - Air Terjun Dusun Kuning Bangli Regency
Dusun Kuning Waterfall located in the southern of Bangli, about 6 km from Bangli, in Taman Bali Village. Because located at Dusun Kuning, this waterfall named Dusun Kuning Waterfall. This waterfal also located about 25 metres above Melangit River. This place can be accessed by a lot of transportation facility and from the village it will take 500 metres walking to reach this waterfall.Around of
A safe and pleasant journey to Spain
I arrived in Spain Wednesday evening after a pleasant and completely trouble-free two-leg flight from Inverness; the flight down to Bristol left on time and we landed about 10 minutes early. I'd never been to Bristol airport before; it is busier than Inverness, but not bigger. Check-in for the Murcia flight was done within 10 minutes of me collecting my baggage (half an hour before check-in for
St. Martin Island
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Cox's Bazar Holiday Complex of Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation on the island is an shore tourist resort having comfortable accommodation, catering, sightseeing and other facilities.
24-hour countdown begins for my departure for Spain
I have just updated the header message at the top of my blog in anticipation of my departure tomorrow, almost exactly 24 hours from now, for about three months in Spain, to escape the tail end of the British winter and enjoy the early Spring-like weather in Murcia over coming weeks.I'll probably be blogging here rather more frequently during my time in Spain of course than I am accustomed to when
10 best exotic places to take an extended holiday
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Algarve on the south coast of Portugal is and has been one of the top exotic extended holiday spots for many United Kingdom and European residents for years. Many Canadian tour operators offer packages. The region offers temperate and mild warm weather, large resort areas surrounded by small villages and four championship golf courses. Besides its 150 beaches, be sure to visit some of the "Pueblos Blancos" or traditional villages such as Monchique, for great views and authentic Portuguese arts and crafts.
2. Southern Spain: Costa del Sol
There's nothing like the Mediterranean beaches of the Spanish Coast to call on all sunbathers, the stylish rich and famous, and party people. In Costa del Sol, you'll find exotic beaches, golf, luxury resorts and Puerto Banus, one of TripAtlas.com's Top 10 Portside Cities of the Western Mediterranean, the most luxurious marina in the world. Honourable mention on the coast also includes Costa Blanca and Costa de Almeria.
3. Morocco
From the magical streets and markets of Marrakech to the little-known beaches of Essaouira, Morocco is no longer a haven just for indulgent artists and poets. As one of the best expressions of North Africa, there's something about Morocco that exudes an alluring and exotic culture that takes an extended holiday or long stay to really appreciate. Visit Morocco before it expands into a resort-overloaded destination.

4. Goa, India
Goa is a hot holiday spot for Indian and South Asian vacationers and is best known for its beaches, festivals and ancient temples. It was once a Portuguese colony and thus offers an eclectic mix of both east and west. Calangute and Candolim are the most popular beach towns, but Goa's capital Panaji (also Panjim) is worth a visit, as is Ponda, a sacred site of Goan temples.
5. Florida
While Florida may not be the most exotic destination on the list, Florida is home to hundreds of thousands Canadian snowbirds each year. Stay in the Florida Panhandle area, which is less crowded, or the attraction-filled Orlando. Perfect your "Captiva Crouch" on Captiva Island or your golf game at the hundreds of golf courses throughout the Sunshine State. Many condo rentals, airlines and tour operators offer great deals.
6. Canary Islands, Grand Canaria, Tenerife and Fuerteventura
Off the northwest coast of Africa between Morocco and Western Sahara, the Canary Islands are a set of volcanic islands that are the perfect hideout for Europeans and other visitors looking to stay away from snow and chilly winds. Destinations include the bigger islands of Grand Canaria and Tenerife, while Fuerteventura is known for its windsurfing and La Gomera is best for its rainforest and walking trails.
7. Bali, Indonesia
Stay for a month in Bali to get the best of enchanting Indonesian culture, cuisine, and beautiful beaches. Popular spots in Bali include Benoa Beach, Legian and Sanur Beach. This region is known for water sports enthusiasts including honeymooners, scuba divers and surfers.
8. Phuket and Pattaya, Thailand

9. Mazatlan, Mexico
For fresh seafood and for sports fishing fans, Mazatlan offers exactly what you need for your extended holiday getaway. While it's a great resort area with warm beaches that you could laze on for weeks, Mazatlan also gives its visitors a taste of Mexico from the past as well as today. It's such a nice place, many Canadians, Americans and Europeans now move to Mazatlan to retire.
10. St. Martin, Caribbean
Among the many paradisiacal islands in the Caribbean, TripAtlas picked St. Martin because of its great mix of relaxation, culture and a refined sense of exotic French and European flavours. An extended holiday on St. Martin also allows time for you to explore the Dutch side as well, or island hop to and from other nearby islands such as Anguilla, St. Barts and Saba.
Now back online!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
After wasting many hours on Thursday trying to cope with a very defective internet connection (it became clear to me it was not my own connection that was at fault, but was obviously a fault in the internet itself, as I could easily get into some websites, but not others), it came back to life at around midnight on Thursday/Friday.This allowed me to do two specific things I NEEDED to do urgently
PM aims for world class education
Gordon Brown has pledged to help Britain achieve a "world class" education system where young people from every background can prosper.
In a speech at the University of Greenwich, the PM called for a "culture change" and promised to assist all young people in "seizing the opportunities available to them". Low expectations and acceptance of failure have "held our country back for too long", he said.
The PM said:
"I believe that each young person has talent and potential. Each some gift to develop. Each something to give to the good of the community.
"The Britain I strive for is a Britain with no cap on ambition, no ceiling on hope, no limit to where your potential will take you and how far you can rise: a Britain where the talents of each contribute to the well being and prosperity of all."
Mr Brown outlined a number of Government priorities, including increased parental participation, improved early learning and the recruitment of the best possible teaching staff. The Government plans to introduce more one-to-one and small group tuition and increase the number of young people staying in education beyond 16, he said.
Other measures include annual improvement targets for schools and incentives for the best teachers to go to underperforming schools through schemes such as Teach First and Teach Next. The Government will also create a new "UCAS-style" system for matching apprentices with businesses and provide support for apprentices worth anything from £3,000 up to £15,000 for highly skilled jobs such as engineering.
The PM was accompanied by Ed Balls, Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families. Mr Balls will take part in a live webchat in Downing Street on 1 November at 15:00 GMT.
In a speech at the University of Greenwich, the PM called for a "culture change" and promised to assist all young people in "seizing the opportunities available to them". Low expectations and acceptance of failure have "held our country back for too long", he said.
The PM said:
"I believe that each young person has talent and potential. Each some gift to develop. Each something to give to the good of the community.
"The Britain I strive for is a Britain with no cap on ambition, no ceiling on hope, no limit to where your potential will take you and how far you can rise: a Britain where the talents of each contribute to the well being and prosperity of all."
Mr Brown outlined a number of Government priorities, including increased parental participation, improved early learning and the recruitment of the best possible teaching staff. The Government plans to introduce more one-to-one and small group tuition and increase the number of young people staying in education beyond 16, he said.
Other measures include annual improvement targets for schools and incentives for the best teachers to go to underperforming schools through schemes such as Teach First and Teach Next. The Government will also create a new "UCAS-style" system for matching apprentices with businesses and provide support for apprentices worth anything from £3,000 up to £15,000 for highly skilled jobs such as engineering.
The PM was accompanied by Ed Balls, Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families. Mr Balls will take part in a live webchat in Downing Street on 1 November at 15:00 GMT.
Problems with communications
This morning there seems to be severe disruption of the internet, presumably as a result of the weather (we are having heavy snow in Nairn just at present).I can get onto a few sites sporadically, but a lot of others simply won't load - for example my email provider website appears to be down, a few blogs seem to be available, at least partially, but the whole thing is very patchy.I'll try and
Ayurveda Treatment a Major Attraction for Tourists in Kerala
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Ayurveda has become a hit among tourists who are opting for a holiday in Kerala to enjoy the immense health benefits of ayurvedic treatments and massages.
Most of the resorts and hotels display the famed Indian Ayurveda for spa, medicines, therapy and special massages to lure the tourists.
They wish to try a form of medicine that ensures lasting results like Ayurveda does.
The Managing Director, Faizal of Emarald Group, owning a number of hotels and resorts in India, promoted by NRI's is already in the process of tying up with Arya Vaidya Pharmacy Coimbatore in all its chains, starting with Silent Valley Resort in Pulamanthole, Malappuram district of Kerala.
Hordes of tourists flock Kochi in Kerala which is the only place where Ayurveda is practiced with dedication. The climatic condition of Kerala is much suited for the traditional Ayurvedic treatment.
"This is a special Ayurvedic resort, specialty of this resort is that lot of foreign and domestic tourists come here because it is an isolated place. People visit this place to rejuvenate themselves," said Faizal the Managing Director of Emerald Group.
Apart from treatments and rejuvenation therapies, such centres have got highly qualified physicians, therapists and well-equipped pharmacy.
Faizal informed that the number of medical tourists from gulf countries are on the rise who visit India for 7, 15 or 21 days treatment or rejuvenation package.
Many upcoming and existing resorts, hotels
and heritage homes are lined up to open specialised ayurveda centres, only because it has now become a catch word to attract tourists, says Krishna Kumar, MD of Arya Vaidya Pharmacy Coimbatore Ltd., the company which has number of offers to franchise with such centres in the country and abroad.
Most of the resorts and hotels display the famed Indian Ayurveda for spa, medicines, therapy and special massages to lure the tourists.
They wish to try a form of medicine that ensures lasting results like Ayurveda does.
The Managing Director, Faizal of Emarald Group, owning a number of hotels and resorts in India, promoted by NRI's is already in the process of tying up with Arya Vaidya Pharmacy Coimbatore in all its chains, starting with Silent Valley Resort in Pulamanthole, Malappuram district of Kerala.
Hordes of tourists flock Kochi in Kerala which is the only place where Ayurveda is practiced with dedication. The climatic condition of Kerala is much suited for the traditional Ayurvedic treatment.
"This is a special Ayurvedic resort, specialty of this resort is that lot of foreign and domestic tourists come here because it is an isolated place. People visit this place to rejuvenate themselves," said Faizal the Managing Director of Emerald Group.
Apart from treatments and rejuvenation therapies, such centres have got highly qualified physicians, therapists and well-equipped pharmacy.
Faizal informed that the number of medical tourists from gulf countries are on the rise who visit India for 7, 15 or 21 days treatment or rejuvenation package.
Many upcoming and existing resorts, hotels
and heritage homes are lined up to open specialised ayurveda centres, only because it has now become a catch word to attract tourists, says Krishna Kumar, MD of Arya Vaidya Pharmacy Coimbatore Ltd., the company which has number of offers to franchise with such centres in the country and abroad.
Age-old anti-semitism rears its ugly head in Europe
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
According to a recent survey, reported on here, a startling near one third of Europeans blame Jews for the economic slowdown and geater numbers think Jews have too much power in the business world.In Spain, 74 per cent of respondents feel it is 'probably true' that Jews hold too much sway over the global financial markets, the highest in the survey. The survey used a sample size of 3,500, with
Legian Paradiso Hotel
Monday, February 9, 2009
Welcome to the Legian Paradiso, an oasis in the center of Bali's busy shopping and nightlife district. A mediterranean style building, with spacious rooms arranged around a central pool and tropical gardens, the hotel offers 124 rooms with a choice of one, two or three-bed accommodation, all within easy walking distance of Bali's best shops, restaurants, bars and nightclubs.The Legian Paradiso
Rajasthan: Destination of rich culture and tradition
Rajasthan tours to India reveals the rich history and culture of this historical state. The state is the land of monuments. It is a complete holiday package chained in forts, palaces, temples, monuments, deserts, hill station, wildlife sanctuaries
RAJASTHAN, KNOWN for its rich culture and tradition of great hospitality, is the largest state of India and boasts countless tourist attractions. In fact, the state is a complete holiday package that is chained in forts, palaces, temples, monuments, deserts, hill station, mountain ranges, wildlife sanctuaries, tiger reserves and national parks. During your travelling in Rajasthan, there will be hardly anything more that you can want. This is the most vibrant and colourful state of India and deserves the attention of travellers from all over the world not only for diverse landscapes and various places of tourist interest, but also for its rich culture, tradition, custom, history and rituals. Be sure that your tours to Rajasthan in India will never disappoint you. Rajasthan tours to India reveals the rich history and culture of this historical state. The state is the land of monuments. In whatever part of the state you will travel, you will find several timeless and magnificent monuments which reverberate with the spirits of bygone era. When you will visit its magnificent monuments like forts, palaces, havelis, temples, etc you will surely get satisfied with their royal grandeur. These monuments provide you wonderful opportunity to see the wonderful amalgam of Muslim, Hindu and Jain architectural features.
Mehrangarh Fort of Jodhpur, Junagarh Fort of Bikaner, City Palace of Jaipur and Udaipur, Amber Fort Palace of Jaipur, Lake Palace of Udaipur, Jal Mahal of Jaipur, Kumbhalgarh Fort, Samode Palace of Jaipur, Umaid Bhawan Palace, Lalgarh Palace of Bikaner, etc are among the most preferred attractions of Rajasthan tour packages. Some of the forts and palaces of the state now have turned into grand heritage hotels which are equipped with world class amenities, but maintaining their old-age charm. Residing in these heritage hotels provides you wonderful opportunity to spend your Rajasthan holidays in luxurious way and like a king or a queen.
Apart from magnificent, you will also have the opportunity to enjoy several other tourist attractions on your Rajasthan tours. There is the vast Thar Desert in this state which provides you wonderful and exciting opportunity to enjoy camel safari. Visiting to the Sam Sand Dunes by camel ride provides a pleasant experience of lifetime on your Rajasthan travel. Camel Safari is one of the most popular tourist attractions of the state. There are several wildlife sanctuaries and national parks in this state which provide you thrilling opportunity to explore them and see the birds and wildlife attractions. Keoladeo Ghana Bird Sanctuary, Ranthambhore National Park, Sariska National Park, etc are among the world famous wildlife parks. source:http://www.merinews.com/catFull.jsp?articleID=15709904
RAJASTHAN, KNOWN for its rich culture and tradition of great hospitality, is the largest state of India and boasts countless tourist attractions. In fact, the state is a complete holiday package that is chained in forts, palaces, temples, monuments, deserts, hill station, mountain ranges, wildlife sanctuaries, tiger reserves and national parks. During your travelling in Rajasthan, there will be hardly anything more that you can want. This is the most vibrant and colourful state of India and deserves the attention of travellers from all over the world not only for diverse landscapes and various places of tourist interest, but also for its rich culture, tradition, custom, history and rituals. Be sure that your tours to Rajasthan in India will never disappoint you. Rajasthan tours to India reveals the rich history and culture of this historical state. The state is the land of monuments. In whatever part of the state you will travel, you will find several timeless and magnificent monuments which reverberate with the spirits of bygone era. When you will visit its magnificent monuments like forts, palaces, havelis, temples, etc you will surely get satisfied with their royal grandeur. These monuments provide you wonderful opportunity to see the wonderful amalgam of Muslim, Hindu and Jain architectural features.
Mehrangarh Fort of Jodhpur, Junagarh Fort of Bikaner, City Palace of Jaipur and Udaipur, Amber Fort Palace of Jaipur, Lake Palace of Udaipur, Jal Mahal of Jaipur, Kumbhalgarh Fort, Samode Palace of Jaipur, Umaid Bhawan Palace, Lalgarh Palace of Bikaner, etc are among the most preferred attractions of Rajasthan tour packages. Some of the forts and palaces of the state now have turned into grand heritage hotels which are equipped with world class amenities, but maintaining their old-age charm. Residing in these heritage hotels provides you wonderful opportunity to spend your Rajasthan holidays in luxurious way and like a king or a queen.
Apart from magnificent, you will also have the opportunity to enjoy several other tourist attractions on your Rajasthan tours. There is the vast Thar Desert in this state which provides you wonderful and exciting opportunity to enjoy camel safari. Visiting to the Sam Sand Dunes by camel ride provides a pleasant experience of lifetime on your Rajasthan travel. Camel Safari is one of the most popular tourist attractions of the state. There are several wildlife sanctuaries and national parks in this state which provide you thrilling opportunity to explore them and see the birds and wildlife attractions. Keoladeo Ghana Bird Sanctuary, Ranthambhore National Park, Sariska National Park, etc are among the world famous wildlife parks. source:http://www.merinews.com/catFull.jsp?articleID=15709904
Wednesday, February 4, 2009VICTORIA – The Province and the BC Lung Association are congratulating approximately 7,000 British Columbians who are actively working to quit smoking by participating in the BC Lung Association’s QuitNow and Win contest, said Mary Polak, Minister of Healthy Living and Sport, and Scott McDonald, executive director of the BC Lung Association.
“As we kick off National Non-Smoking Week, it’s encouraging to see so many British Columbians make a commitment to improve their health by eliminating tobacco use,” said Polak. “The personal stories shared by QuitNow and Win participants on Quitnow.ca reflect the powerful and negative hold a nicotine addiction has had on many British Columbians and their families. It takes courage to make this commitment and I commend each participant and wish them every success.”
The QuitNow and Win contest launched on Nov. 24, and British Columbians began registering their plan to quit smoking. When registration closed on Jan. 5, 2009, more than 7,000 smokers had registered, and those who live tobacco-free between Jan. 6 and Feb. 2, 2009 are eligible for $20,000 in prizes.
“We are thrilled by the number of people who entered the QuitNow and Win contest,” said McDonald. “They’re already winners in our eyes. Smoking is a terrible addiction, and quitting remains the single most important thing a person can do to ensure a long, healthy life. That’s more valuable than any contest prize could ever be.”
QuitNow and Win is supported by ActNow BC, which is government’s healthy living initiative to encourage British Columbians to lead healthier lives through increased physical activity, healthy eating, eliminating tobacco use and healthy pregnancies.
“I’ve always wanted to quit, but haven’t had the motivation,” said Torrie Cherot, a Victoria resident who is participating in the contest and celebrating her 24th birthday. “QuitNow and Win has provided me with a jumpstart to quit smoking. I feel better about myself and have more energy every day that I don’t smoke.”
Since 1977, National Non-Smoking week has promoted a wide range of support for smokers to quit, while helping prevent non-smokers from becoming smokers and promoting the rights of individuals who do not smoke.
“As we kick off National Non-Smoking Week, it’s encouraging to see so many British Columbians make a commitment to improve their health by eliminating tobacco use,” said Polak. “The personal stories shared by QuitNow and Win participants on Quitnow.ca reflect the powerful and negative hold a nicotine addiction has had on many British Columbians and their families. It takes courage to make this commitment and I commend each participant and wish them every success.”
The QuitNow and Win contest launched on Nov. 24, and British Columbians began registering their plan to quit smoking. When registration closed on Jan. 5, 2009, more than 7,000 smokers had registered, and those who live tobacco-free between Jan. 6 and Feb. 2, 2009 are eligible for $20,000 in prizes.
“We are thrilled by the number of people who entered the QuitNow and Win contest,” said McDonald. “They’re already winners in our eyes. Smoking is a terrible addiction, and quitting remains the single most important thing a person can do to ensure a long, healthy life. That’s more valuable than any contest prize could ever be.”
QuitNow and Win is supported by ActNow BC, which is government’s healthy living initiative to encourage British Columbians to lead healthier lives through increased physical activity, healthy eating, eliminating tobacco use and healthy pregnancies.
“I’ve always wanted to quit, but haven’t had the motivation,” said Torrie Cherot, a Victoria resident who is participating in the contest and celebrating her 24th birthday. “QuitNow and Win has provided me with a jumpstart to quit smoking. I feel better about myself and have more energy every day that I don’t smoke.”
Since 1977, National Non-Smoking week has promoted a wide range of support for smokers to quit, while helping prevent non-smokers from becoming smokers and promoting the rights of individuals who do not smoke.
Mazarron Country Club and its current utilities problems
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I've noticed quite a few visitors to this site (through my visit statistics) in the past couple of days whose visits here have resulted from searches relating to the current problems at Mazarron Country Club (MCC) in connection with its electricity supply and the water supply (with specific reference to its water purification and pumping services), as a result of the builder Huma Mediterraneo SL
20 per cent of Mazarrón residents are British
Monday, February 2, 2009
According to recently-published data, the population of Mazarrón municipality continues to grow, rising from an estimated 35,149 in November 2008, to an estimated 36,436 toward the end of January 2009. However, one fact I noticed particularly is that there are estimated to be 6,987 British citizens locally, or almost 20 per cent of the population; I presume this refers to the numbers registered
Local British charity 'PALS' donates again to Mazarrón
The local British charity 'PALS' has made another donation to the town of Mazarrón, this time in the form of medical equipment comprising 9 defibrillators (7 manual and 2 mobile units).The speed of availability of a defibrillator to a person suffering a heart attack is a critical factor in the rate of survival - the town has thirty personnel trained to use such equipment, comprising those in the
Speak the Language: Spanish!
Sunday, February 1, 2009Most people who visit Spain think that Spanish is the only language spoken in the country. This could not be further from the truth.
Spain actually has four official languages: Spanish, Catalan, Euskera and Galician.
Spanish is the most prominent of the four as it is a compulsory subject in every school, whether it is taken as a first language or as a second.
What’s interesting to note is that at least a third of the Spanish vocabulary comes from Arabic. This is because Spain was ‘owned’ by the Arab caliphs for hundreds of years.
Good Morning – Buenos dias.
Good Afternoon – Buenas tardes
Good Night – Buenas Noches.
I do not understand – No entiendo
Do you speak English - ¿Hablas inglés?
Catalan is in fact an older language than Spanish. It was developed around the ninth century from Vulgar Latin. It is a much softer language than Spanish and wasn’t really influenced by Arabic in the same way that Spanish was.
Catalan is mainly spoken in the regions of Catalunya, the Balear Islands and Valencia.
Please, where is the bathroom? – Si us plau, on es el bany?
Good Morning – Bon Dia
Hello – Hola
Good-bye – Adéu
Thank you – Gràcies
This is the language primarily spoken in the Basque country. The most interesting thing about it is that no one has any idea about where it comes from. Euskera is not related to any European languages or Arabic and it is nearly impossible to make out what any word means without knowing it. (On a side note, people who can speak Euskera can learn Japanese much more easily than other people).
Good Morning – Egun on
I don’t speak Euskera – Ez dakit euskaraz hitz egiten
Do you speak English? – Ba al dakizu ingelaraz hitz egiten?
Galician is the language spoken in Galicia (of course!). The language, while being close to Spanish, is also very close to Portuguese. In fact, in medieval times, Galician and Portuguese were a single language called Galician-Portuguese, Medieval Galician or Old Portuguese.
Sorry, I don’t speak Galician – Sintoo, non falo o galego
Good Morning – Bos días
Thank you – Graciñas
What’s your name? - Como te chamas?
Excuse me - Desculpe
Spain actually has four official languages: Spanish, Catalan, Euskera and Galician.
Spanish is the most prominent of the four as it is a compulsory subject in every school, whether it is taken as a first language or as a second.
What’s interesting to note is that at least a third of the Spanish vocabulary comes from Arabic. This is because Spain was ‘owned’ by the Arab caliphs for hundreds of years.
Good Morning – Buenos dias.
Good Afternoon – Buenas tardes
Good Night – Buenas Noches.
I do not understand – No entiendo
Do you speak English - ¿Hablas inglés?
Catalan is in fact an older language than Spanish. It was developed around the ninth century from Vulgar Latin. It is a much softer language than Spanish and wasn’t really influenced by Arabic in the same way that Spanish was.
Catalan is mainly spoken in the regions of Catalunya, the Balear Islands and Valencia.
Please, where is the bathroom? – Si us plau, on es el bany?
Good Morning – Bon Dia
Hello – Hola
Good-bye – Adéu
Thank you – Gràcies
This is the language primarily spoken in the Basque country. The most interesting thing about it is that no one has any idea about where it comes from. Euskera is not related to any European languages or Arabic and it is nearly impossible to make out what any word means without knowing it. (On a side note, people who can speak Euskera can learn Japanese much more easily than other people).
Good Morning – Egun on
I don’t speak Euskera – Ez dakit euskaraz hitz egiten
Do you speak English? – Ba al dakizu ingelaraz hitz egiten?
Galician is the language spoken in Galicia (of course!). The language, while being close to Spanish, is also very close to Portuguese. In fact, in medieval times, Galician and Portuguese were a single language called Galician-Portuguese, Medieval Galician or Old Portuguese.
Sorry, I don’t speak Galician – Sintoo, non falo o galego
Good Morning – Bos días
Thank you – Graciñas
What’s your name? - Como te chamas?
Excuse me - Desculpe
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This is just a small excerpt from one of the many shows found on Tourism Radio.
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