Entry/Exit Requirements for a U.S. Citizen to India
Friday, July 31, 2009Americans wishing to visit India are responsible for requesting the correct type of visa from the Indian Embassy or Consulate, as there generally are no provisions for changing one's immigration category (e.g., from tourist to work visa) once admitted. Tourists are generally given 6 months of legal stay upon entering India; the Government of India rarely grants extensions within the country but it is considered acceptable to depart India to a nearby country and then return. As of October 1, 2007, the Indian Embassy and Consulates in the U.S. outsourced the visa application process to Travisa Visa Outsourcing: http://indiavisa.travisaoutsourcing.com. Diplomatic and Official visa applications, however, are still accepted directly at the Indian Embassy and Consulates. Visitors whose primary purpose of travel is to participate in religious activities should obtain a missionary visa rather than a tourist visa. Indian immigration authorities have deported American citizens who entered India with a tourist visa and conducted religious activities. All U.S. government employees, including military personnel, are required to get country clearance for travel to India.
American travelers to India who work in “designated institutes and technology areas” will be subject to a two week waiting period in the visa application process and will be required to submit supplemental information with their visa application. Scholars planning to conduct research in India often need research clearances in addition to their visas. Specific information is available at the Indian Embassy and Consulates.
Foreign citizens who visit India to study, do research, work or act as missionaries, as well as all travelers planning to stay more than 180 days are required to register within 14 days of arrival with the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) closest to where they will be staying. The FRRO maintains offices in New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai (known as the "Chennai Immigration Office"), Kolkata and Amritsar. In other cities and small towns, the local police headquarters will normally perform this function. General information regarding Indian visa and immigration rules, including the addresses and telephone numbers for the FRRO offices, can be found at the Indian Ministry of Home Affairs website for its Bureau of Immigration at http://www.immigrationindia.nic.in.
If a foreign citizen (e.g., an American) overstays his or her Indian visa, or otherwise violates Indian visa regulations, the traveler may require a clearance from the Ministry of Home Affairs in order to leave the country. Such travelers generally must pay a fine, and in some cases, may be jailed until their deportation can be arranged. Visa violators seeking an exit clearance can visit the following office any weekday from 10 a.m. - 12 noon: Ministry of Home Affairs, Foreigners Division, Jaisalmer House, 26 Man Singh Road, New Delhi 110 011 (tel. +91-11-2338-5748).
For the most current information on entry and exit requirements, please contact the Embassy of India at 2536 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20008, telephone (202) 939-9806 (http://www.indianembassy.org) or the Indian Consulates in Chicago (http://chicago.indianconsulate.com), New York (http://www.indiacgny.org), San Francisco (http://www.cgisf.org) or Houston (http://www.cgihouston.org). Outside the United States, inquiries should be made at the nearest Indian embassy or consulate.
Information about dual nationality and the prevention of international child abduction can be found on our web site. (Additional information on dual nationality in India appears below under "Special Circumstances.") For further information about customs regulations, please read our Customs Information sheet.
There are no disclosure requirements or restrictions for HIV/AIDS patients who enter India on a tourist visa. Disclosure regarding HIV/AIDS is required of anyone seeking a resident permit in India. Foreign residents found to be suffering from HIV/AIDS will be deported. Please verify this information with the Embassy of India at www.indianembassy.org before you travel.
The Importance of A Good Book

I've always been a firm believer in the power of reading, there's nothing quite like a good book, a hot chocolate and a roaring fire. I love all genres, history, romance, comedy, family sagas, the list truly is endless and that's the fantastic thing about it. When I go to the annual family gathering and give a book as a present to one of the many cousins I can see the disappointment in their face and that in itself is disappointing. The value of books and readings has declined at such a rate that everything nowadays is internet, gaming, ipods and playstations.
Reading is so important and many of us are losing sight of that. It increases vocabulary, general knowledge and takes the imagination to new heights. There is no better feeling than reading a classic and falling in love with the characters, imagining what they look like, how they move and interact with each other and enjoying the skills of a talented writer.
My dream is to be that writer, to have written the book that lies on the bedside table eagerly awaiting to be read by an inquiring mind. When I was younger I would soak up the information like the much heard of sponge and be transported to a world of stories that only the human imagination could have come up with.
While visiting a friend recently I could see that she was upset and had been crying, when I asked her what happened I was touched by her answer. Her four year old son had been given her old books, the ones she would read as a young girl, she treasured them then as much as she did in her adulthood. To her dismay, her son had decided to tear up the book and use the paper to make paper planes. Now as upset as she was, she knew he was young and didn't understand what he had done but she made it clear to him that what he had done was unacceptable and that books should be handled with respect and care.
It made me feel good to know that there are still mothers in the world that realize the importance of a good book. We should all take that lesson and apply it to our own lives as well the lives of our children. Books may be considered outdated and useless but I can assure you that that couldn't be further from the truth. There's a wealth of knowledge on those dusty shelves, get out the feather duster and give them a good clean and open your mind to infinite possibilities that only a good book can give you.
Technology shifts reflected in ‘shopping basket’
Thursday, July 30, 2009Changes in food consumption patterns also feature in the new basket, with broccoli and olive oil replacing Brussels sprouts and vegetable oil.
ONS collects about 120,000 prices every month for a “basket” of about 650 goods and services. The change in the prices of those items is used to compile the two main measures of inflation: the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) and Retail Prices Index (RPI). The Bank of England uses the CPI as its inflation target while the RPI is used to calculate increases in pensions and other state benefits.
The contents of the basket are reviewed every year, and changes can be made for a number of reasons. Some items enter the basket because spending on them has reached a level that demands inclusion to ensure that the basket represents consumer spending. Some are included to make collection easier or to improve coverage of particular categories.
Similarly, items are dropped for a variety of reasons. For example, diamond solitaire rings replace gemstone cluster rings for the simple, and unromantic, reason that it is easier to collect prices for them.
Among consumer technology items, spending on satnav systems has now reached a level that demands their inclusion. DAB radios, sales of which have grown steadily in recent years, replace radio/CD/ cassette players, on which expenditure has fallen.
The growing popularity of flat-panel TVs is illustrated by the inclusion of a second, smaller type in the basket, replacing portable TVs, while old- style deeper widescreen TVs drop out.
Digital cameras have been included in the basket since 2004. This year digital processing - now readily available at many shops and supermarkets - is included for the first time in place of mail order developing.
Holiday In Modern Amsterdam, The City Of Mystery And Romance
Flights to Amsterdam are getting more reasonable than ever before. Accommodations vary, from camping, hostels, inexpensive hotels, luxury hotels, to holiday apartments that are available for short let. If you are traveling with a group of friends, or your family, short let apartments are a great idea. You can find lovely, roomy apartments for one hundred euros a day in the Jordaan area to beautifully furnished two-story apartments in the Canal district where there is delightful shopping.
Do you want even more luxury? How about a gorgeous, fully furnished holiday apartment with several flat screen televisions, a couple of balconies, and modern kitchen and baths? Place it near the best museums, the Anne Frank house, some of the best restaurants, Dam Square, and the Central Station all for 235 euros!
Okay, so you need to take care of flights and accommodations first off. It will be easy, if you spend some time online checking out the various holiday deals, flights, and hotels-apartments. Before you choose a hotel or holiday short let apartment, it would be wise to figure out what you can afford and what your main interests are. In other words, if you are going there strictly for the legal sex, drugs, and thrills, you will want to locate in or near that district. While it is crowded and noisy at night, it is calm and quiet in the morning.
Driving is discouraged in the centre of the city. You have the option of bus and tram lines, free ferries that transport both pedestrians and cyclists, fare charging ferries, water taxis, rental boats, and a water bus, as well as canal cruises. Two of the best ways to see much of what Amsterdam has to offer is by bicycle (inexpensive to rent) or by taking a canal trip. These are fast ways to orient yourself to this busy and active city.
Seventh swine-flu death in Spain
Thanks To A Beluga Whale
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I love these kind of stories. The kind of stories that put a smile on your face and a warm feeling in your heart, I'm feeling quite good today, can you tell? (wink) In china Yang Yun was competing in a free diving competition that required participants to sink to the bottom of a 20 foot arctic pool and stay there for as long as possible. That really doesn't sound exciting to me but different strokes I suppose.
She went under and stayed there for as long as she possibly could and just as she was about to resurface her legs started to cramp. That can only be described as someones worst nightmare. Stuck at the bottom of a freezing cold pool and feeling your lungs about to burst. As she struggled to make her way to the surface, survival instincts kicking in, she felt an incredible force underneath her pushing her up. I didn't mention this before but the tank had a couple of Beluga Whales in it. Mila, a very popular Beluga Whale, saw the diver struggling and pushed Yang Yun to the surface with her nose. This particular whale is known for her sensitivity and how well she works with humans and Yang Yun owes her life to this incredible creature.
Now this is a story for the grandchildren, the day granny was saved by a Beluga Whale. Animals amaze me every day and just for interests sake the Beluga Whale is among the first whales that interacted with humans and they have facial muscles that allow them to smile. How adorable is that?? I think a round of applause is in order for Mila, good on you big girl! Tourism Radio gives you a flipper high five!
Keeping Your Car In Shape
Fixing a car that is noticeably out of tune or has failed an emissions test can improve its gas mileage by an average of 4 percent, though results vary based on the kind of repair and how well it is done.
Fixing a serious maintenance problem, such as a faulty oxygen sensor, can improve your mileage by as much as 40 percent.
Fuel Economy Benefit: 4%
Equivalent Gasoline Savings: $0.10/gallon
Keep Tires Properly Inflated
You can improve your gas mileage by around 3.3 percent by keeping your tires inflated to the proper pressure. Under-inflated tires can lower gas mileage by 0.3 percent for every 1 psi drop in pressure of all four tires. Properly inflated tires are safer and last longer. The proper tire pressure for your vehicle is usually found on a sticker in the driver's side door jamb or the glove box and in your owner's manual. Do not use the maximum pressure printed on the tire's sidewall.
Fuel Economy Benefit: up to 3%
Equivalent Gasoline Savings: up to $0.07/gallon
Use the Recommended Grade of Motor Oil
You can improve your gas mileage by 1-2 percent by using the manufacturer's recommended grade of motor oil. For example, using 10W-30 motor oil in an engine designed to use 5W-30 can lower your gas mileage by 1-2 percent. Using 5W-30 in an engine designed for 5W-20 can lower your gas mileage by 1-1.5 percent. Also, look for motor oil that says "Energy Conserving" on the API performance symbol to be sure it contains friction-reducing additives.
Fuel Economy Benefit: 1-2%
Equivalent Gasoline Savings: $0.02-$0.05/gallon
A new study shows that replacing a clogged air filter on cars with fuel-injected, comp
Tests suggest that replacing a clogged air filter on an older car with a carbureted engine may improve fuel economy 2 to 6 percent under normal replacement conditions or up to 14 percent if the filter is so clogged that it significantly affects drivability.
The effect of a clogged air filter on diesel vehicles will be tested in the near future.
The Spainsh economy ain't in a good situation!
All You Can Eat Special Takes On A Whole New Meaning........

While chatting to a friend the other day about the recession, go figure, we were having a laugh at the fact that the sex industry must be one of those industries that doesn't feel the effect and is continually booming. In all seriousness, there's nothing funny about the sex industry but to my surprise I found a story this morning that blows that theory right out of the water.
Brothels in Germany are coming up with a range of promotions in order to keep themselves afloat. I did a double take reading that, promotions and brothels are two words in the English language that I would never have put together but the recession is doing all kinds of crazy things, so I shouldn't be too surprised. You must be itching to know what kind of promotions I'm talking about. Well the first and most prominent is a deal that would knock any mans socks off, for a single fee you are allowed to sleep with as many prostitutes as you like. Sort of an all you can eat special. Tasteless joke.....
The sex trade industry has fallen around 30 percent in the economic downturn. Sex is clearly a luxury that some cannot afford. Other imaginative offers include rebates for pensioners and people on benefits, 10 per cent discounts for men who arrive by bicycle or public transport, and free shoe-polishing for customers who stay overnight. But it is the flat-rate deals – which are priced as low as 70 Euros – that have attracted particular controversy in a country where prostitution is legal and generally well-tolerated.
Now the conservative politicians of the country are calling this immoral and disgusting and are saying that it should not be allowed. I personally don't blame them but this promotion is not illegal and that's where the problem comes in. Don't underestimate a politicians sneakiness, raids are being organized by police that will focus on immigration and hygiene offences and I can only imagine how many offences are currently taking place in these brothels, it's a cunning plan that just might work.
It seems my friend and I were completely unaware of what is really taking place within the sex industry and I'm sure when I relay the message we wont be laughing anymore.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009Jambi City
Before what is now Indonesia was colonized by the Dutch East India Company, Jambi was the site of a well-established, powerful Srivijayan kingdom that engaged in trade throughout the Strait of Malacca and beyond. It succeeded Palembang to the south, which was a frequent military and economic rival, as the later capital of the ancient kingdom. The move to Jambi was partly induced by the historic 1025 raid by pirates from the Chola region of southern India that destroyed much of Palembang.
In the early decades of the Dutch presence in the region, when the future colonizers were just one of several groups of traders competing with the British, Chinese, Arabs, and Malays, the Jambi sultanate profitably traded pepper with the Dutch. This relationship declined by about 1770, and the sultanate had little contact with the Dutch for about sixty years.
In 1833, minor conflicts with the Dutch, who were well established in Palembang, meant the Dutch increasingly felt the need to control the actions of Jambi. They coerced Sultan Facharudin to agree to greater Dutch presence in the region and control over trade, although the sultanate remained nominally independent. In 1858 the Dutch, apparently concerned over the risk of competition for control from other foreign powers, invaded Jambi with a force from Batavia. They met little resistance, and Sultan Taha fled to the upriver, inland regions of Jambi. The Dutch installed a puppet ruler, Nazarudin, in the lower region, which included the capital city. For the next forty years Taha maintained the upriver kingdom, and slowly reextended his influence over the lower regions through political agreements and marriage connections. In 1904, however, the Dutch were stronger and, as a part of a larger campaign to consolidate control over the entire archipelago, soldiers finally managed to capture and kill Taha, and in 1906, the entire area was brought under direct colonial management.
Administrative divisions
Jambi province is divided into nine regencies (kabupaten) and one city (kota):
* Batang Hari
* Bungo
* Jambi (city)
* Kerinci
* Merangin
* Muaro Jambi
* Sarolangun
* Tanjung Jabung Timur
* Tanjung Jabung Barat
* Tebo
Automotive Assistance Programme (AAP)
The Automotive Assistance Programme (AAP) is 'Open for Business'.
The advice and guidance shown below is designed to inform and assist businesses assess themselves against the eligibility criteria.
Eligible companies: an initial expression of interest can be raised that should also include a short overview covering the criteria and how they are met, a synopsis of the project or initiative under planning, and the level and type of financial support being sought. This should be sent electronically to the email address identified at the close of the guidance.
What is the purpose of this scheme?
The Government has been listening carefully to the concerns of the UK automotive industry.
New investment is vital to ensure that the industry emerges from the current downturn with the skills and technology base needed to be competitive in the global automotive market and to develop lower carbon transport.
The primary aim of this package is to support the continued delivery of that investment - investment that will create or sustain jobs, develop cutting-edge technology, bring special value to the UK, reduce CO2 emissions and maintain R&D in UK vehicle manufacturing.
Thousand Islands Tourism
Monday, July 27, 2009Thousand Islands (Indonesian: Kepulauan Seribu) is the only regency of Jakarta, Indonesia. A string of 105 islands stretching 45 kilometres north into the Java Sea, with the closest lying in Jakarta Bay only a few kilometres off mainland Jakarta.
With total land area of 8.7 km² the population is about 20,000. Pulau Pramuka is the regency seat of the Thousand Islands although the most populated island is Panggang. The area is a marine national park although development is allowed on 37 of the islands. Some islands are uninhabited, others have resorts and a number of them are privately owned by wealthy Jakartans.
Thousand Islands Tourism
Thousand Islands (Indonesian: Kepulauan Seribu) is the only regency of Jakarta, Indonesia. A string of 105 islands stretching 45 kilometres north into the Java Sea, with the closest lying in Jakarta Bay only a few kilometres off mainland Jakarta.
With total land area of 8.7 km² the population is about 20,000. Pulau Pramuka is the regency seat of the Thousand Islands although the most populated island is Panggang. The area is a marine national park although development is allowed on 37 of the islands. Some islands are uninhabited, others have resorts and a number of them are privately owned by wealthy Jakartans.
Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park

In 1819, C.G.C Reinwardt was recorded as the first person to climb Gunung (Mount) Gede, followed by F.W Junghuhn (1839-1861), J.E Teysman (1839), A.R Wallace (1861), S.H Koorders (1890), M. Treub (1891), W.M van Leeuen (1911), and C.G.G.J. van Steenis in 1920 and 1952. They made a collection of plants which formed the basis for a book entitled "The Mountain Flora of Java", published in 1972.
Gunung Gede-Pangrango National Park represents a distinct diversity of ecosystems: a sub-montane ecosystem, a montane ecosystem, a sub-alpine ecosystem, a lake ecosystem, a marshland ecosystem, and a savanna ecosystem.
The sub-montane ecosystem is characterized by many large, tall trees like jamuju (Dacrycarpus imbricatus) and puspa (Schima wallichii). The sub-alpine ecosystem, meanwhile, is characterized by grassy meadows of Isachne pangerangensis, edelweiss flower (Anaphalis javanica), violet (Viola pilosa), and sentigi (Vaccinium varingiaefolium).
Among the endangered animal species that can be found in the Park are primate species which are now threatened with extinction such as the Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch), Javan leaf monkey (Presbytis comata comata), ebony leaf monkey (Trachypithecus auratus auratus); panther (Panthera pardus), leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis javanensis), barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak muntjak), lesser Malay mouse deer (Tragulus javanicus javanicus), Asian wild dog (Cuon alpinus javanicus), southeast Asian porcupine (Hystrix brachyura brachyura), stink badger (Mydaus javanensis), and yellow-throated marten (Martes flavigula).
Gunung Gede-Pangrango is widely known for its wealth of bird species: 251 of the 450 species in Java inhabit this Park. Among these are endangered species like the Javan hawk eagle (Spizaetus bartelsi), and the owl (Otus angelinae).
UNESCO declared Gunung Gede-Pangrango National Park a Biosphere Reserve in 1977, and it is a Sister Park to Taman Negara Malaysia, under a cooperation signed in 1995 between Indonesia and Malaysia.
This Park is surrounded by ancient superstitions and beliefs. Legend has it that the spirits of Eyang Suryakencana and Prabu Siliwangi guard Mt. Gede to keep it from erupting. Even now, at certain times of the year, people flock to the caves around Mt. Gede to meditate or hold ritual ceremonies.
Interesting locations/attractions:
Biru Lake: a small lake, covering about five hectares, situated at 1,575 m asl. It is located 1.5 km from the Cibodas entrance gate. Its blue colour (and name) comes from a covering of blue algae.
Cibeureum Waterfall: 50 metres high, this waterfall is located 2.8 km from Cibodas and attracts a lot of visitors. Around the waterfall, it is possible to see a kind of red moss which is endemic to West Java.
Thermal springs: about 5.3 km, or a two-hour walk from Cibodas.
Kandang Batu and Kandang Badak: camping, and plant and animal observation. At an altitude of 2,220 m asl., this site is 7.8 km, or a three-to-five hour trip from Cibodas.
Summit and crater of Mt. Gede: a magnificent place to watch the sunrise or sunset; the towns of Cianjur, Sukabumi, and Bogor can be clearly seen, as well as unusual plants around the crater. It is also interesting from a geological point of view. At this peak, three active craters - Lanang, Ratu and Wadon - are united in a single complex, at an altitude of 2,958 m asl. The craters are 9.7 km, or a five-hour hike, from Cibodas.
Alun-alun Suryakencana (Suryakencana Meadow): a 50-hectare plain covered with edelweiss flowers. The meadow is situated at an altitude of 2,750 m asl., and is 11.8 km, or a six-hour hike, from Cibodas.
Mt. Putri and Selabintana: camping grounds which can accommodate 100 to 150 people.
Best time of year to visit: June to September.
How to reach the Park: Jakarta-Bogor-Cibodas, about 2.5 hours by car (100 km), or Bandung-Cipanas-Cibodas, about 2 hours by car (75 km).
Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced nowadays that beginning May 15 the Secure Flight traveler vetting program will begin asking passengers to enter their name – as it appears on the management issued identification they will be traveling with – when making airline reservations.
This is the first publicly-noticeable step in implement the multi-phase Secure Flight program which shifts pre-departure watch list matching responsibilities from individual aircraft operators to TSA. The Secure Flight program satisfies a key recommendation of the 9/11 Commission, and congressional requirements from the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 and the 9/11 Commission Act signed into law in 2007.
By attractive and reformation the watch list matching process, the Secure Flight program makes travel safer and easier for millions of Americans," said TSA Acting manager Gale Rossides. "During this phase of the Secure Flight program, passengers are encouraged to book their reservations using their name as it appears on the government-issued ID they will use while traveling.
The second phase of Secure Flight begins August 15, 2009 when passengers will be required to enter their date of birth and gender when booking airline flights.
Once Secure Flight's advanced technology is fully implemented in early 2010, enhanced watch list matching will be done by the government. Airlines will gather a passenger's name, date of birth, and gender when making an airline reservation to determine if the passenger is a match to the No Fly or Selectee lists. By providing the additional data fundamentals of gender and date of birth, Secure Flight will more effectively help prevent misidentification of passengers who have similar names to individuals on the watch list and better identify individuals that may pose a known or suspected threat to aviation.
MCC Gardening Group - watering's the thing!
Do It In Style
Sunday, July 26, 2009The groom did a somersault at the end of the aisle. Someone grab that video camera, this ones going on the mantle for future generations. The great thing about this stint is that the guests were completely unaware of what was about to happen and they had only rehearsed the dance 30 minutes before they were supposed to walk down the aisle.
I'm really all for doing it in style or at least doing it differently. This particular video received 6 million hits on YouTube, now that's really going to make it memorable. "Honey, remember when we got married and 6 million people from all over the world watched our dance down the aisle?" Here's a toast to the bride and groom for getting into the groove and making it fun. I can only imagine how many people are going to follow suit on this one.
If you want to check it out, paste this link and get ready to have a good giggle.
Hutan Wisata Mata Kucing ( Forest Tourism )
Saturday, July 25, 2009visitors who try to give food to the monkey in the cage
I hope this forest can be maintained and repaired again, so that the number of visitors can be more, not only local visitors but also foreign tourists