The Authentic Spanish Omelette
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Along with paella, the ubiquitous Spanish omelette - tortilla de patatas - is perhaps one of the best-known Spanish dishes. It is impossible to find a self-respecting tapas bar that does not feature tortilla in its repertoire.
As delicious as it is versatile, this Spanish staple lends itself to countless variations according to personal taste. Some cooks mix in mushrooms, beans, spinach, and tomatoes, while others choose to omit the onion and instead cover the tortilla in tomato sauce. Others still would never dream of serving the tortilla without heaping mounds of mayonnaise. Each region, and each tapas bar, will have its own variation of the traditional tortilla. This delicious tapa can be served warm or cold.
* Serves: 4
* Difficulty: Very easy
* Preparation time: 35 minutes
* 1/2 pint of olive oil
* 5 medium (40 oz each) baking potatoes, peeled, sliced
* 1/2 yellow onion, chopped
* 3 cloves garlic, minced
* 5 eggs
* Salt
Heat the olive oil in a 9-inch skillet and add the potato slices carefully, because the salt will make the oil splatter. Try to keep the potato slices separated so they will not stick together. Cook, turning occasionally, over medium heat for 5 minutes. Add the onions and garlic and cook until the potatoes are tender. Drain into a colander, leaving about 3 tablespoons of oil in the skillet.
Meanwhile, in a large bowl, whisk the eggs with a pinch of salt. Add the potatoes, and stir to coat with the egg. Add the egg-coated potatoes to the very hot oil in the skillet, spreading them evenly to completely cover the base of the skillet. Lower the heat to medium and continue to cook, shaking the pan frequently, until mixture is half set.
Use a plate to cover the skillet and invert the omelette away from the hand holding the plate (so as not to burn your hand with any escaping oil). Add 1 tablespoon oil to the pan and slide the omelette back into the skillet on its uncooked side. Cook until completely set. Allow the omelette to cool, and then cut it into wedges. Season it with salt and sprinkle with lemon juice to taste (optional).
Serve warm or at room temperature.
Keep Tires Properly Inflated

The proper tire pressure for your vehicle is usually found on a sticker in the driver's side door jamb or the glove box and in your owner's manual. Do not use the maximum pressure printed on the tire's sidewall.
The World's Lovers
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Just for a laugh courtesy of the
German men have been voted the world's worst lovers, narrowly beating English men to the unwanted title.
A poll of 15,000 women found that Germans are considered "too smelly".
English lovers came second because they are so lazy, while men from Sweden were branded "too quick to finish" and came third.
Spanish men topped the table as the best lovers, followed by Brazilians and Italians.
The poll, carried out by global research site, asked women from 20 countries to rate nations on their ability in bed and give reasons for their answers.
Germans were deemed to have bad body odour, Englishmen were accused of letting women do all the work, whilst Swedes were a bit too quick to finish.
Men from Holland were "too rough" between the bed covers and Americans were accused of being "too dominating" in the bedroom.
Greek men were said to be a bit too soppy.
Other countries who didn't fare well in the poll were Scotland (too loud), Turkey (too sweaty) and Wales (too selfish).
Russian men crept in at tenth place amid accusations they are too hairy for the average woman.
A spokesperson for added: ''These results are an eye-opener for thousands of men around the world and female travellers might judge potential new lovers by looking at these results.''
1. Germany (too smelly)
2. England (too lazy)
3. Sweden (too quick)
4. Holland (too dominating)
5. America (too rough)
6. Greece (too lovey-dovey)
7. Wales (too selfish)
8. Scotland (too loud)
9. Turkey (too sweaty)
10. Russia (too hairy)
1. Spain
2. Brazil
3. Italy
4. France
5. Ireland
6. South Africa
7. Australia
8. New Zealand
9. Denmark
10. Canada
Special Tax Break Available for New Car Purchases This Year
“For those thinking about buying a new car this year, this deduction may give them a little more drive to make their purchase this year,” said IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman. “This deduction enables taxpayers to buy now and get cash back later on their tax returns.”
The deduction is limited to the state and local sales and excise taxes paid on up to $49,500 of the purchase price of a qualified new car, light truck, motor home or motorcycle.
The amount of the deduction is phased out for taxpayers whose modified adjusted gross income is between $125,000 and $135,000 for individual filers and between $250,000 and $260,000 for joint filers.
IRS also alerted taxpayers that the vehicle must be purchased after Feb. 16, 2009, and before Jan. 1, 2010, to qualify for the deduction.
The special deduction is available regardless of whether a taxpayer itemizes deductions on their return. The IRS reminded taxpayers the deduction may not be taken on 2008 tax returns.
Converting different measures of rainfall
Changing With The Times

Sex has always been and always will be a controversial issue. I doubt that anyone likes having the birds and bees discussion with their wide eyed and bushy tailed 10 year old. But what is becoming clear is that sex education needs to be taught and at an even younger age. As parents, we desperately want to believe that our children will remain virgins forever because I don't think we could handle the mental image of our children being sexually active. But the reality of today's situation is becoming more and more alarming.
I would rather have my daughter equipped with the knowledge about sex and all that it entails, than have her blindly walking into situations with second hand information. Knowledge is power and in this case, it's power one cannot afford to be without. STD's, AIDS/HIV, teenage pregnancies, the list of frightening problems is truly endless.
TWO leading medical societies have stressed that sex education should be taught in schools ‘from a very young age’. The Spanish Contraception Foundation (FEC) and the Spanish Contraception Society (SEC) say that children rarely receive necessary information about sexual relations at home and they are not taught enough – nor sufficiently early – in school. This means they learn about the birds and the bees via the internet, or via classmates of the same age.
Another recent survey revealed that a significant number of heterosexual adult women believed the contraceptive pill helped to prevent the transmission of HIV in addition to stopping pregnancy. This is a concept that seems to stem from the stone age and is still being believed in the 21st century, that should be enough of a wake up call.
The two associations have also reminded doubters that evidence has shown that the availability of the morning after pill over the counter does not lead to an increase in underage sex. The organizations also said they were in favor of teenagers being able to have an abortion without parental consent or knowledge. Breathe.....
They said that children should feel able to discuss sex and unwanted pregnancy with their families, but in cases where parents and children do not have a good relationship, a young girl’s lack of freedom to choose to abort without telling her mother and father could have harmful consequences all round. I tend to agree with this line of thinking. As frightening as this must seem to some parents, these are problems we cannot afford to ignore. Pretending these things don't happen is making the situation worse, let's be honest and provide these solutions so that we can safeguard our kids. It's not the ideal situation but it's the best we can do.
Sights To See In Sydney
Monday, September 28, 2009Definitely the first thing that you will see once you arrive in Sydney is the Opera House. The most unique feature of the Opera House is it's roof. Here's and interesting fact about the oddly shaped roof. All of the distinct “sails” will fit in exactly into a hemisphere. But the Opera House isn't just beautiful on the outside. Once you get inside, you will find out that it is the same inside. The various theaters and concert areas are very spacious and there are several restaurants and shops that you can visit after watching a performance.
And the performances another big attraction for the Sydney Opera House. It is the home of several world class orchestras and many other play in it yearly. For theater buffs, the Sydney Opera House also presents plays by both classical and modern playwrights, starring renowned stage actors.
And while you're in the vicinity, it would be a very good idea to explore the rest of Sydney Harbor, where the Opera House is located. Here, you definitely would want to try to walk across the bridge just for the fun of it, which luckily is allowed. There are also observation outposts on the bridge supports so you can get a much better view of the bridge and the surrounding areas. But if you want something that is more breathtaking and exciting, why not try the Bridge Climb? This gets you on the top of the bridge's arches on foot. This one is not for the faint of heart though.
You can also find many other attractions in the city proper itself. For animal lovers, the Taronga Zoo is a good place to visit. Here you can get up close and personal with the varied wildlife of not only Sydney, but also other parts of Australia. The zoo also includes many specimens representing other continents as well. You can get to the zoo in many ways, though the best would be through the ferry services, since you get a tour of the Circular Quay as an added bonus. The Sydney Aquarium is also a must see. The underwater tunnels are sure to be breathtaking, with all the sharks and other creatures swimming above you.
If you prefer to get a little more closer to the water, then there are many beaches that you can visit in the city. Bondi (properly pronounced as “Bond-eye”) is still one of the most popular here. The beach is visited by countless local and foreign tourists all year long. There are also several sports clubs based on the beach and which offer their services to tourists. Another equally popular beach is the uniquely named Manly beach. The beach is know for its white sands and scenic waters.
There are still many more places to discover in Sydney. And you will definitely have the best time discovering these hidden wonders.
Parts of Murcia on 'RED ALERT' because of torrential rains
The Green Eyed Monster
Sunday, September 27, 2009
A reoccurring theme has caught my attention. At first I dismissed it as my imagination running wild and playing the "victim" one too many times but through the mist of self doubt and a naive optimism of the human spirit, I am starting to see people a little more clearly than I would like to. Ignorance truly is bliss.
My circle of friends is admittedly not large but I've always treasured the fact that the people in my life are honest, decent and people I can call, without reservation, friends, in every sense of the word. But how well do we really know each other? It can take years for someones true colors to show and by then you're so invested that you start making excuses for behavior that is mean, spiteful and down right nasty.
Unfortunately this has happened to almost all of the relationships, I believe I have nurtured, in the last few months. I have always prided myself on the fact that when a friend is in need, I have indeed been that friend to turn too. But as my life has started taking unexpected turns and certain aspects are changing, I've found a disturbing amount of jealousy. It's an unmistakable look. It's an unmistakable turn of the lips into a forced smile. Needless to say, it has made me very wary to share any kind of good news, there will be no spreading on my part, in fact, I find myself down playing my achievements and trying to be less of who I am.
A trip has unexpectedly come my way and as joyous as I am, I find that I have no one to share it with. The people I used to call "friends" have all but told me to jump off a bridge, I had one friend say "I'm going to Mozambique!" another said "Don't get your hopes up, a lot can change in a year" and another said "Oh......good for you", the pain on their face saying that one simple statement, is something that has plagued me for a while.
I remember when they went overseas, I was shouting from the rooftops, "Congrats!! Whoohoo! You're going to love it, take loads of photos and I want to see them when you get back!" and all that they can muster for me is negative sentiments, competition driven statements and forced good will toward men, in this case, myself.
My daughters first birthday, a day that was as important to me as to my little angel, was marred by a jealous and clearly insecure woman, I had considered a kindred spirit. It made me wonder how long the wool had been pulled over my eyes and how long I had been dancing ignorantly in the dark to the tune of insincerity.
I'm not saying in anyway that I am immune to the charm of jealously but I have never (yes, I can say that with absolute certainty) lowered myself to making someone else feel bad about the good news they are sharing with me. I have, actually, gone above and beyond the call of duty when feeling happy for someone else, because let me tell you, no one likes a bitter Betty. Well that's what I thought, but apparently bitter Betty's are a dime a dozen. Go figure.
My naive way of thinking is fast becoming a thing of the past and I find myself wary of the intentions of others, as much as I don't want to live like this, as much as I want to believe in the best in people, I have yet to be shown that that part exists. Show me a genuine person and Ill show you the optimistic and loving side of myself until then I'll keep my eyes open and my heart shut.
Jodoh Boulevard - J-Walk
Friday, September 25, 2009J-WALK will be developed as a cultural art form of tourism and shopping tourism. Supported by the availability of hotel and resort facilities with an international-class standards, and the various events organized in the Calendar of Batam City Tourism Activities that are expected to ensure the comfort and satisfaction of domestic and foreign tourists visited the city in Batam.
Dazed and Confused
Thursday, September 24, 2009Ever since that moment, I have had a deep respect for people that are gay, I do not for a second believe that they choose to be different or that they would want to "complicate" their lives according to the normal rules of society. And I can only imagine the pain that comes with feeling trapped in a skin that doesn't mirror who you are on the inside.
I recently read about a young boy of 12 who is undergoing a sex change, now as scary as I think that is (does a 12 year old know how to make a decision like that?) I felt enormous pity for him and his family. His school was informed that this was going to happen and instead of taking the appropriate action, they left it and when he arrived at the school, in a dress and pigtails and insisted that everyone call him by his new name, I'm sure you can only imagine the chaos that followed. Parents should have been notified so that they could equip their children with the knowledge of what was happening. Instead this little boy, soon to be a little girl, was bullied mercilessly.
We are all aware of how cruel children can be, some of the insults thrown at me at a young age, still haunt me to this day. If only we could all be taught the ability to think about what it would be like in someone else's shoes, I think our sympathy levels would sky rocket. And this does not only apply only to children but to some adults as well. Ignorance knows no age restriction.
My thoughts go out to that child and his family. It's going to a difficult road but at the end, you'll be better for it.
MCC - "There may be trouble ahead"
Some Misconceptions About Australia
Australia itself is not exempted from misconceptions. These range from the more humorous and comical, to those that are rather unpleasant. To avoid getting into trouble over them, you as a tourist or immigrant, should familiarize yourself with them. And so here are some of the things that you need to know to avoid them.
One of the more common, and rather embarrassing, misconception about the country is its wildlife. Since marsupials, the native mammals, are found only here, many foreigners easily gets confused with them. Take the case of the koala for example. Because of its teddy bear-like appearance, many foreigners call them koala bears. And to a large extent, they actually think that it is indeed a bear, which it is, of course not. Thus, foreigners are advised to not use the term when in Australia to avoid confusion.
Another popular misconception is that regarding whether there are crocodiles in the country. This though, is simply is a confusion in identifying the differences between the crocodile and the alligator, the latter is the one found in Australia.
The Australian environment can also lead to many foreigner misconceptions. Due to the rather idyllic environment, many tourist often think that the country is a bit backward and don't have any modern amenities. Truth is, Australia is as modern as any other country. This one is actually very common when pertaining to the outback, though this again is not really correct. Though there are many in the outback who live by farming, they are very much as modern as city dwellers.
Another popular misconception is about speaking English in the country. This usually come from Westerners asking whether they can speak in English there. This arises due to the fact that the country has many people of different nationalities, speaking different languages. In fact, the official language of Australia is English. Take note though that the English used by Australians might sound different from the one the Americans and British people use, so needs getting used to them.
The Australian way of life can also be as source of misconception. One misconception is that Australians are too laid back , mainly due to their fun loving nature. The truth is, they are very much industrious. Another popular misconception is that Australians are loud and heavy drinker. In reality, though, not all Australians are noisy. Also, though many do drink, not all dink too much beer.
There are still many other misconceptions that you need know when going to Australia visa application. Once you get them all broken, you'll find out soon enough that the land is definitely a great place to live in.
Recharging Your Car's Air Conditioner with Refrigerant

When servicing automotive air-conditioning systems, vehicle owners generally have several options to recharge a/c systems with refrigerant. One option is to top-off your car's system with refrigerant, and another is to evacuate and recharge the system. Both of these options will provide cool air in the passenger compartment for some period of time. Neither service, however, involves permanently fixing the a/c system leaks that allowed refrigerant to escape resulting in a lack of cool air. You might therefore also choose to have any leaking components in your a/c system repaired or replaced.
By stopping the leak, you will prevent refrigerant from leaking into the atmosphere. The refrigerant in older vehicles is CFC-12 (also known as Freon, a brand name), which is no longer manufactured in the United States because it depletes the ozone layer. As nationwide supplies dwindle, it is becoming increasingly expensive to purchase CFC-12, so that fixing a leak may be more economical in the long run than continuing to purchase CFC-12. This document will provide answers to certain questions you might have about recharging your car with refrigerant during the course of a/c servicing.
- What's the difference between a "top-off" and an "evacuation and recharge"? Why would I want one service or the other?
- I came into the shop with some refrigerant in my car, so why is my technician charging me for the full amount of refrigerant charge -- shouldn't I get credit for the amount I came in with?
- My technician told me that EPA regulations prohibit topping-off the refrigerant in my car without getting the leak fixed first. Is this true?
- My technician told me he could not locate the leak in my system, so he topped-off the refrigerant in my car, but did not perform any leak repair. Now it seems to be low on refrigerant again -- I know the leak is still there. What can I do?
What's the difference between a "top-off" and an "evacuation and recharge"? Why would I want one service or the other?
A top-off involves simply charging refrigerant into your vehicle. An evacuation and recharge service includes removing whatever remaining refrigerant is in your vehicle, removing impurities from that refrigerant using recycling equipment, recharging it into the vehicle, and adding new refrigerant to replace whatever has leaked out. The cost of both the top-off and the evacuation and recharge will usually include a performance check, and may include a test to discover the source of your leak.
Topping-off alone is less expensive than the evacuation and recharge service. So why would you consider the more expensive evacuation and recharge? The manufacturer of your vehicle has determined that a specific amount of refrigerant -- 2.2 pounds, for example -- is correct for your car. When you bring your vehicle into a service facility, your technician has no way of determining precisely how much refrigerant is left in your vehicle's system. As he tops off the system, then, he relies on his experience to guess how much refrigerant to charge into the system; however, he may undercharge or overcharge the system, thereby affecting system performance. Most recent models have a feature that shuts an overcharged a/c system down in hot weather.
On the other hand, during an evacuation and recharge, once the technician has extracted all remaining refrigerant from the system, he will then be able to charge the system with the precise amount of refrigerant recommended by the vehicle's manufacturer.
Some technicians may tell you that evacuation and recharge is better for the system than a mere top-off because, after the refrigerant is evacuated, it gets cleaned in the recycling equipment, and it's a good idea to clean the refrigerant in your system. There is, in fact, no reason to clean the refrigerant in your system unless you open up the system. If you request that your technician repair or replace system components in order to fix leaks in your system, then he will need to open the system and should recycle the refrigerant.
I came into the shop with some refrigerant in my car, so why is my technician charging me for the full amount of refrigerant charge -- shouldn't I get credit for the amount I came in with?
Your service technician has no way of determining precisely how much refrigerant is left in your vehicle's system, so it will be extremely difficult for him to determine how much credit to give you. As a result, many shops charge a flat fee for the service, whether it's a top-off or an evacuation and recharge. Other shops may charge a fee for the labor, and a separate, flat fee for a set amount -- perhaps two pounds -- of refrigerant, whether they've actually charged 1.8 or 2.2 pounds into the vehicle.
EPA requires that shops use special equipment to recover and recycle refrigerant. Some shops pass that cost through to their customers by charging a recycling fee; others choose not to charge a separate fee, but instead to keep whatever refrigerant they recover, in order to make up for the cost of the recycling equipment.
In order to find the source of a leak, the technician will need to add refrigerant to the system if only a small amount of refrigerant remains, and the refrigerant is at a pressure of less than 50 pounds per square inch. However, if there are at least a few ounces of refrigerant already in the system, a technician should not need to add refrigerant in order to identify which components will require replacement. (Keep in mind that a greater quantity of refrigerant -- usually a minimum of 1-1.5 pounds -- must be in the system in order to determine if the system will provide cooling.)
Once the technician has provided his diagnosis and estimate of repair costs to the customer, the customer may decide not to have the repairs performed. The technician should then either remove all the refrigerant that was installed in order to perform the diagnosis, or, if the customer prefers, the technician can top-off the system.
Technicians may occasionally tell their customers that any refrigerant that was in the vehicle when it came into the shop cannot be returned to the customer due to federal regulations. No such federal regulation exists, however.
Even though you are entitled to the refrigerant that was in your vehicle when you brought it in, you should keep in mind that technicians are unable to determine precisely how much refrigerant they have removed from a/c systems -- their recovery equipment does not indicate the amount extracted. So if your technician attempts to remove any refrigerant he added to your system in order to perform a diagnosis, he can only rely on his experience to make an educated guess as to when to turn off his recovery equipment.
My technician told me that EPA regulations prohibit topping-off the refrigerant in my car without getting the leak fixed first. Is this true?
EPA regulations do not dictate any particular service, as long as your technician is certified to work with refrigerant and any recycling equipment he uses meets EPA standards. EPA does not require that leak repair be performed before refrigerant is charged into a vehicle, although certain states and localities may require leak repair.
In addition, EPA does not require that the refrigerant be evacuated and cleaned prior to recharging the system with refrigerant. In other words, if your technician tells you that EPA requires evacuation and recharge and does not permit top-off, he is mistaken. If you are unsure about any EPA regulations governing auto air-conditioning, call the Hotline at 800-296-1996.
My technician told me he could not locate the leak in my system, so he topped-off the refrigerant in my car, but did not perform any leak repair. Now it seems to be low on refrigerant again -- I know the leak is still there. What can I do?
Leaks can be identified most, but not all, of the time. Your technician may have difficulty locating very small leaks in your a/c system, even if he is very careful and uses the most sophisticated equipment available.
Keep in mind that even when pinhole leaks cause slow emissions over long periods of time, your system may seem to lose its cooling capacity suddenly. This is because most motor vehicle a/c systems have controls that shut off a system when the system pressure drops below a certain point.
In order to maximize the chances that your technician can locate the leak, make sure he uses an electronic leak detector certified under the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) J1627 standard. Note that the system does not need to contain a full charge of refrigerant to locate the leak -- a few ounces of refrigerant (about 10% of the normal charge) is sufficient to perform the leak check. Some technicians may also use a trace dye and a black light to help find persistent leaks.
New Zealan - Travel to the lonely planet
In 2007, around 2.2 million overseas visitors tramped, wheeled, wined and dined across the country, up almost 40% from a relatively meagre 1.6 million in 1999. But at what cost? Extra visitors strain the clean, green environment NZ is renowned for, and all this wilderness frenzy is having an impact: the skies above Franz Josef Glacier buzz with droning aeroplanes, tourists still shampoo in creeks, and locals simply avoid entire chunks of NZ because of the tourist hordes. In response, the Department of Conservation (DOC) has implemented a booking system for its Great Walks - there are nine including the Milford Track, Routeburn Track and Abel Tasman Coast Track - to avoid overcrowding and minimise environmental damage. The NZ tourism industry is embracing all things ‘eco’, while regionally, eateries and farmers markets selling local produce present sustainable options. Regardless, hardcore environmentalists claim the industry and government aren’t moving fast enough. Drought and climate change are fanning the flames...
Kompleks Pemakaman Nong Isa - Nong Isa cemetery
Wednesday, September 23, 2009BATAM (BP) - pilgrimage tourism became one of the mainstay of tourism in Indonesia, including in Batam. For that, City Government of Batam began seriously working on the pilgrimage tourism potential in order to welcome tourists visiting year or Visit Batam Year (VBY) 2010. "In this near future will be held restoration of the tomb zuriyat (relative)Nong Isa in Nongsa . Batam Board of Commerce (BP) has allocated areal over there to the Office of tourism and culture batam city. Besides to restoring the tomb, Batam City Government through the Department of Tourism and Culture will also build the road to Pantai Nongsa Malays. So access to the beach and to the tomb of Nong Isa easier.
Tips For The Australian Tourist
Planning for Freight on Inland Waterways
The U.K. Government wants to encourage more freight to travel by water instead of road where this makes sense. To achieve this will often require engagement with the planning process. It is vitally important that the planning process is used effectively.
This Good Practice Guide has been produced for the Government by the Association of Inland Navigation Authorities to show, through practical advice and examples, how good planning can help support and encourage the use of inland waterways for freight transport.
It is designed to help policy makers and planners, bodies responsible for the management and use of waterways, carriers, regional development agencies and any other bodies with an interest in exploiting the potential of inland waterways.
Case studies highlight how different organisations have worked together to resolve specific issues by implementing good practice.
The World and It's Evils
I wasn't sure what I wanted to blog about today so as I was surfing the net I came across a story that put my life in perspective. One of those stories that wants to make you hang your head in shame at even thinking for a second that you actually have it bad, because there's bad and then there's BAD.
Eight bodies were found after a small sailing boat carrying would-be African immigrants to southern Spain sank off the coast of Morocco. Seven of the deceased were women, two of whom were pregnant. Three babies and four pregnant women were among the eleven survivors of the shipwreck and most were Senegalese and Nigerian nationals attempting to enter Spain via the ‘back door’. The majority of those on board the dinghy had lived on the streets of Tangiers for up to a year, saving up for the crossing by begging.
I want you to read that paragraph again. Is your life nearly as bad as you think it is? I highly doubt it. It's stories like these that really knock my soul. The fact that human beings have to suffer like this makes me even angrier at how the world is operating today. There are sports players, movie stars, television stars that are receiving ridiculous amount of money in the name of entertainment and these people are risking their lives and the lives of their unborn children for a better life.
It's so incredibly backwards isn't it?
US Holidays
Tuesday, September 22, 2009Valentines Day (February 14) is the holiday of love. This unofficial holiday dedicated to the Christian Saint Valentine is a day for sweethearts and lovers. Admirers send each other Valentine Day greeting cards. Lovers and spouses buy flowers, candy and gifts for their sweethearts. Many couples go to restaurants for intimate dinners. All stores and businesses are open.
Easter is primarily a Christian holy day commemorating the death and resurrection of Jesus. It is celebrated on a Sunday in early spring. Most activities are church or family oriented and usually includes a gathering of the family for a dinner feast. Children often search for colored eggs that the Easter Bunny has hidden in their yard. Businesses are little affected since this holiday is always on a Sunday. Most restaurants, gasoline stations and convenience stores remain open but some shopping centers will close or open only for abbreviated hours.
Memorial Day is usually celebrated on the last Monday in May. It is the traditional beginning of the summer vacation season and the start of the long school break. Originally, this holiday was a time to remember deceased relatives and friends and a time to visit their graves. Today, Memorial Day is a celebration of the beginning of Summer. Most people use this long weekend for picnics, excursions, short vacation trips, or just relaxation and shopping. Businesses and office will be closed but all attractions and shopping facilities will be open.
Independence Day , the Fourth of July, is a time for patriotic celebrations, picnics and relaxation. Many cities and towns across the country hold parades, musical performances and fireworks displays. Business offices will close but all stores, restaurants and attractions will remain open.
Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday in September. It is the traditional end of the Summer vacation season when most schools begin their new terms. This long weekend is usually celebrated with an excursion, a picnic or one last mini vacation of the season. Many folks choose stay at home to relax or catch up on chores. All attractions and shopping facilities will be open.
Halloween is celebrated on the 31st day of October. This "hallowed evening" preceding the ancient church holiday of All Saints Day, was superstitiously believed to be a time when the souls of the deceased would return to earth to roam about. Today it is a festive occasion in the USA. Some people decorate their homes and yards with images of ghosts, goblins, witches, skeletons and Jack o' lanterns. (Hollowed out pumpkins carved into scary faces and illuminated by small internal candles) In the evening, small children dress in costumes and visit houses in their neighborhoods collecting sweets. Many towns and cities have costumed Halloween parades. The most elaborate and outlandish Halloween parades are held at Greenwich Village in New York City and in San Francisco, California. All businesses and stores are open for normal business hours on this holiday.
Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. This is equivalent to the annual harvest festivals in many other countries. It is a time to reflect on all of your blessings and to express thanks for a bountiful harvest. It is not a religious holiday. Most people in the USA celebrate this holiday by gathering at their family home for a feast. The traditional dish for the Thanksgiving Day dinner is a large roasted Turkey. After dinner, the preferred recreation is watching football matches on the Television. Most business offices will close on this day. Some stores, shopping centers, restaurants and bars will remain open. The Saturday after Thanksgiving is the traditional opening of the Christmas shopping season. Stores and shops all offer bargain prices and people flock to the shopping centers in great number.
Christmas is primarily a Christian religious holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus. It always falls on the 25th of December, but the holiday season actually begins weeks earlier. From the beginning of December, people begin shopping for gifts to give to their children and other family members. They attend holiday parties at their offices, at friend's homes or at restaurants throughout December. Many families decorate their homes and yards with multicolored sparkling lights.
Most families erect small evergreen trees in their homes and decorate them with colored lights and glittering ornaments. On Christmas morning, children awaken to find brightly wrapped gifts under the Christmas tree. Christmas day is an intimate family holiday. Children and grand children all return home for an annual Christmas dinner and exchange of gifts. Close friends, relatives and neighbors often visit each other on Christmas evening. Nearly all businesses, tourist attractions and shopping centers are closed on Christmas. A few restaurants, bars, gasoline stations and convenience stores will remain open.
Hanukah and Kwanzaa are also celebrated in December. Hanukah, or the feast of lights, is a Jewish holiday that also includes a tradition of gift giving. It is usually celebrated in mid December. Kwanzaa is a relatively new Afro-American holiday celebrated from December 26 through January first. It has no religious affiliation but is a joyous celebration of the oneness and goodness of life with an emphasis on Afro-American heritage and culture. Together the three holidays of Christmas, Hanukah and Kwanzaa make December the most joyous and festive month in the USA.
New Years Eve (December 31) is a time for big parties and celebrations in the USA. Nearly every restaurant, bar and club hosts a grand New Years eve ball. The festivities usually include music, food, drink, dancing and a lot of noise with a traditional champagne toast at midnight. Some cities and towns host large outdoor celebrations that usually culminate with a huge fireworks display at midnight. The most famous outdoors New Years Eve celebration is held at Times Square in New York City. Most businesses and shops will be open normal hours on New Years Eve, as the celebrating does not begin until evening.
Throughout Marion’s lifetime, she amassed a world-class collection of over 800 utilitarian and fine baskets from 85 tribes throughout California and western North America. In addition to collecting baskets, Marion also collected Native clothing, jewelry, tools and pottery. Pottery from Maria Martinez is featured in the collection.
Desire for knowledge about the art of basket weaving sent Marion looking for the few Indian women who were weaving fine baskets using traditional methods. Trips to remote areas frequently led to an afternoon sitting under a big shady oak tree, visiting with a weaver. Marion cultivated relationships with these women, and would sit with her notebook and pencil, taking meticulous notes, trying to learn as much as she could about this art. Her fear was that one day, these older women of great skill would be gone and fine basket making would become a lost art. Sharing her knowledge by teaching basket weaving classes, talking with others and showing her baskets gave Marion much pleasure.
Along with her collection were extensive notes about basketry techniques and records of where, when and how much she originally paid for each basket. The collection was her treasure that she wanted to share with others. Her wish was that the baskets remain together as a single collection, and that all of them would be on display at the same time. After her passing, the North Lake Tahoe Historical Society received the collection from Marion’s family, and helped to realize Marion’s dream with the construction of the Steinbach Indian Basket Museum to house her collection.
Southwest Museum of the American Indian
The Braun Research Library, located in a separate building at the Southwest, will continue to be open by appointment. The Casa de Adobe on Figueroa Street, remains open for special activities and tours.
The Southwest Museum currently holds one of the nation's most important collections related to the American Indian. However, some of the collection has been damaged, while other objects have been put at risk due to over crowding and the significant deterioration of the Southwest building. Most recently, water leaked into the museum building necessitating the entire pottery collection and tunnel dioramas to be moved for their protection. The elevator tower was flooded, causing it to be shut down because it posed a temporary electrical threat. Vermin, including silverfish, have infested both the artifacts and the containers in which they are stored.
Insufficient and antiquated storage facilities have imperiled the collection. The inadequate exhibit space in the Southwest Museum requires 98% of the 250,000 items in the collection to remain in storage at any given time. Currently, the collection is largely stored in the seven-story Caracol Tower, which is inappropriate in size and condition for the conservation, documentation, and scholarly requirements of the collection.
Until new facilities are constructed, the collection will be moved into the exhibition galleries until proper storage and exhibition facilities are built as part of an expansion of the Autry's Griffith Park campus. Relocating the collection will result in more than five times the current gallery space, as well as state-of-the art storage and scholarly facilities.
California Indian Heritage Center
"This is an extraordinary place in our region," says West Sacramento Mayor Christopher Cabaldon. "It's unspoiled but still urban. What better way to honor and celebrate Native American people who have been in West Sacramento much longer than the city.” The CIHC will be the home for one of the state's largest collection of American Indian artifacts, including over 3,000 California Indian baskets and priceless regalia.
The California Indian Heritage Center (CIHC) will honor the diversity and history of California Indian people by preserving cultural and tribal traditions, nurturing contemporary expressions, and facilitating research and education for California, the nation and the world.
The CIHC will be world-class in both content and design. The design will reflect Indian values in form, materials and the Center’s placement on the land. Plans for the facility include formal exhibit galleries for historic and contemporary exhibitions and programs. The Center will house the State’s extensive collections of California Indian baskets and other cultural treasures and will provide a research center, meeting rooms, museum store and potentially will include food service facilities. The grounds will be restored to their natural state and will accommodate seasonal outdoor programs and ceremonial areas for special events and traditional gatherings, as well as becoming an asset to the local community in which the center is located.
The CIHC will fill a long standing need in the state, serving Native and non-Native people. It will be a place where Indian people can come together, celebrate and preserve their past, and promote the continuation of their traditions. It will also be a place where all Californians can learn about the history and contemporary life of the state’s indigenous people. The California Indian Heritage Center will be a destination for tourists from around the world to learn about Native American culture in California.
State Indian Museum
California Indian cultural items in the museum include basketry, beadwork, clothing and exhibits about the ongoing traditions of various California Indian tribes. Descendents of the first Californians, tens of thousands of them, still live in California and still cherish and carry on their unique cultural heritage. Indigenous people have donated many photographs of family, friends and memorable times for use in the museum. A section of the museum features a hands-on area, where visitors can try their hand at using Indian tools, such as the pump drill, used for making holes in shell beads and other materials; the mortar and pestle and soap root brush, made from the soap root plant, all used for grinding acorns.
Location and Parking:
The California State Indian Museum is located in the downtown area of Sacramento at 26th and K Streets.
Traveling on I-80, from San Francisco, take Business 80/Hwy 50 east. Take the Business 80 exit (north towards Reno) to the N Street exit. Travel straight on 30th Street, then turn left under the freeway at L Street and travel on L Street to 26th Street. Bus parking is available on L Street by Sutter's Fort. Metered automobile parking is available on 26th and K Streets.
Seasons/Climate/Recommended Clothing
Summer and spring are warm; fall and winter can be cool. Layered clothing is advised.
The Antelope Valley Indian Museum is closed until Spring 2010.
Check this website for more information on the museum's reopening. A comprehensive online catalog of the museum's collection is here and information about the American Indians of the Great Basin is here. Virtual tours of the museum before the exhibits were de-installed for stabilization are here.
The Antelope Valley Indian Museum is a unique and eclectic folk art structure located in northeastern Los Angeles County. The museum houses objects created by the American Indian cultures of the western Great Basin, California, and the Southwest.
Other American Indian cultural centers, museums and parks to visit in the region are here.
Take this virtual tour of Kachina Hall. More tours here.
Built in the 1920s among towering rock formations in the Mojave desert, the museum is a unit of the California State Department of Parks and Recreation system.
Antelope Valley Indian Museum
Avenue M between East 150th & 170th streets
Lancaster, California
For information, call California Department of Parks and Recreation, Mojave Desert Sector: 661-942-0662
NASCAR racing
From its 1948 beginnings in Daytona, NASCAR, by 1951, had crossed the country. The first West Coast race was held in Gardena, California. Detroit hosted a Grand National series race in honor of the 250th anniversary of the city. And also in 1951, NASCAR added to the competition schedule the "Sportsman Series," races that were originally for amateur, weekend racers.
By 1954, NASCAR began receiving television coverage, when a half-hour show celebrating speed week in Daytona, "Wire Wheels," was aired in New York. Other television shows followed. 1954 was also the first year a driver used a two-way radio to communicate with his crew during a race. Lee Petty, father of NASCAR legend Richard Petty, won the Grand National championship in 1954.
In 1958, Richard Petty began his NASCAR career. That same year Fireball Roberts was the first NASCAR driver to be voted "Professional Athlete of the Year" by the Florida Sportswriters' Association.
By the 1950s and 60's, stars such as Fireball Roberts and Junior Johnson emerged from the pack of speeding stock cars. The racetrack in Darlington opened in 1950 and began the era of super speedway racing. In the 1960s, the racetrack in Charlotte, North Carolina, still known as the "Mecca of motor sports" opened.
Richard Petty dominated the sport in the early 60's. He's still called the "King of NASCAR." Like many other racers, Petty is following a family tradition. He's the son, father, and grandfather of racers.
From the South to the rest of the States
NASCAR was a regional sport; it is now a national phenomenon. The FOX television network's coverage of NASCAR attracts huge audiences. Former racer Darrell Waltrip mans the mike while his younger brother, Mike, is a competitor in the races.
Tracks across the country from New England to California host NASCAR events. Even glitzy Las Vegas has opened her doors to this down-home sport. You can keep up with the fast cars and racing news daily throughout the season from its beginning in February through its end in November.
NASCAR today consists of three primary "big events." The premier NASCAR series is the Winston series whose cars have 750 horsepower engines and reach speeds of 200 miles per hour on some tracks. The 2001 Winston Cup schedule lists 36 events at 23 tracks. Busch series cars pack 550 horsepower and attain less speed. Many drivers compete in both series. Some drivers use Busch series racing to move up to Winston Cup racing. NASCAR also runs the Craftsman Truck series where pickup trucks that hit speeds of around 150 miles per hour take to the track.
Anny in a NASCAR Car
A race weekend is a several day event
Before the main event racers compete for starting positions in the race. In addition to the driver, a NASCAR team is composed of a pit crew and crew chief. Many races have been won or lost by the skill of these men who can change four tires, refuel cars, and make minor adjustments in under 15 seconds. The team also has skilled spotters who communicate with the driver throughout the race, telling him where other drivers are on the track. At many raceways, you can rent radios that will allow you to eavesdrop on these conversations.
Currently events are held at tracks all across the United States. Winston Cup events are scheduled in Atlanta, Georgia; Bristol, Tennessee; Fontana, California; Chicago, Illinois; Darlington, South Carolina; Daytona, Homestead-Miami and Talladega, Florida; Dover, Delaware; Charlotte, North Carolina; Indianapolis, Indiana; Phoenix, Arizona; Watkins Glenn, New York; Las Vegas, Nevada, and other venues. For a complete listing of Winston Cup or Busch Series races check at
Transportation Services in Australia
Australian government has an alternative for this problem. A solution that is crucial now that we are compelled to tighten our belts. Transportation services are made available for Australian so they can keep up with the speedy movements of events. Public buses and trains are provided to millions of people in a cheap cost, yet effective travel. The government are humbly saying that their trains are not much like of what Britain has, but alike or not, it can fulfill the needs of travelers. Buses and trains services are much cheaper than what people usually pay on fuels for their cars.
Bus Transportation in Australia is available in most of the cities. It offers the most convenient way to move across the island. It is usually provided by Bus Travel Australia. All travelers can get desirable discounts, especially the students. Purchasing is also economical. Buses also recognize passes, people can get it from different cities. There are scheduled buses that are comparatively cheaper than the recurrent ones. Riding a bus instead of owning a car is a big save for them. Over all, people in Australia prefer a bus more than any type of vehicles.
Trains are also available in the country. Train is a form of transportation that is cheaper than a car and more comfortable than a bus. Trains don't just give you flawless journeys, it also brings you to the wonderful outback of Australia. You can enjoy your travel while waiting for the next stop. Passenger rail operates on state-by-state basis. You can reach your destination the fastest that you can, and it doesn't matter if it is on the other end of the island. Train travels in Australia, in contrary of popular belief, are not boring. Entertainment is presented abide with a long travel. You can also get-off the train during long hours stops if you want to explore the state.
Transportation is one of the vital factors of survival when resettling to a country like Australia, next to owning a property. It is good to know that, as a novice or not, you can go anywhere in the country without spending a lot. This will put a better distance between you and the new setting that you are in.
The Youth Awareness Programme
The Urban Art Project at Heathrow
In June 2001, an eight-metre wall at Heathrow Airport was spray painted in graffiti as part of an Urban Art Project by Hillingdon's Youth Awareness Programme (YAP). Eight young people aged 19 to 25 (naming themselves the YAP Stars) spent a week creating the artwork. BAA Heathrow commissioned the artwork.
The objective for BAA Heathrow was to enhance the experience of passengers and staff using and working at the airport. It was seen as a commercially viable project and the commission was professionally structured and managed. Now completed, the artwork will be photographed and reproduced into 'actual size' prints for display in terminal lounges and walkways used by passengers.
The YAP was given a brief for the project incorporating BAA's requirement for the designs to relate to aviation and travel. The young people produced their designs on this basis. Working on this project was unpaid and voluntary. It was said to be a very positive and responsible experience for the young people involved. The young people's families were invited to the unveiling of the artwork and the young people were given a VIP tour of Heathrow. The YAP manager considered the whole process was important as a means of showing the young people that they were valued.
Heathrow's Managing Director commented in the press release that accompanied the unveiling of the artwork that:
The YAP manager commented in that same press release that the project had created:
Although the press release for the artwork at Heathrow referred to the development of the YAP Stars to help tackle graffiti and vandalism in the Borough, the YAP manager commented that the project is primarily about promoting expression and channelling the young people's skills and energies into positive outcomes. As such, it is not an anti-vandalism project, although the involvement of the young people in urban art projects does raise awareness about their environment and a greater sense of ownership and responsibility.
Uxbridge town centre subways
The origins of the YAP stars
The YAP in Hillingdon is one of ten projects managed by the national charity In-volve. The other projects in London are based in Newham, Merton, Sutton and Thamesmead. Hillingdon's YAP aims to provide a holistic youth support service that empowers and enables young people to make informed decisions. The Hayes and West Drayton Single Regeneration Budget Partnership Board, the Drug Action Team, the local authority and the health authority contribute monies to Hillingdon YAP.
In the initial stages of setting up the urban art project, young people were invited to a meeting to discuss their interest in graffiti. It was evident from the views expressed that young people are interested in graffiti and it was not just about writing their name or spray painting but also about music, skateboarding and break-dancing. The YAP identified that graffiti and vandalism were symptoms rather than the problem, and what these young people wanted was a voice and for the community to listen to what they wanted to say.
Engaging the young people in artwork was seen as a solution and an outlet for the young people's talents and energy. As a first step, the YAP sought to gain the young people's trust and involvement in a public art project. The young people needed to feel that the project as real and would value them.
Gradually the interest built up and the young people first worked on a kickabout area in Hayes that had long standing problems from racist and sexist graffiti. The young people involved in this vandalism were then involved in the painting and artwork. The success of this initiative led to other contracts. Including a skateboard area in Uxbridge and the painting of murals in some of the Borough's subways.
In the subways at St Andrew's roundabout in Uxbridge town centre, eight young people created murals with themes from the RAF and underwater scenes. The young people were helped in this and the BAA Heathrow venture by A. Dee (the Artful Dodger) who is a member of the YAP staff. A. Dee is well known and respected in the international graffiti subculture. Hillingdon Borough Council provided the funding with the aim of tackling graffiti in the subways and creating a pleasant and less threatening pedestrian environment. Past experience had shown that efforts to remove the graffiti only had temporary success.
When Teachers Go Bad....
I remember my teens, it was a confusing time. What does a 15 year old girl know about love? I can guess pretty much nothing and they are saying that the young girl instigated the relationship. What the hell is that about? Dare the teacher, the supposed responsible one, to say no? She's been jailed for 15 months for her foolish behavior.
I can completely understand the fury that the parents are experiencing. Teachers are there to teach, to be the one responsible when the parents are not around and they are abusing that power. You cannot tell me that you can experience anything closely related to love with a child.
It's unacceptable, enough said.
Why Australia is the Most Preferred Country for Migration?
Monday, September 21, 2009Different reasons make up the high record of Australian migration. Some come for work, some are for reunion, others come for education, others are for business. But behind all these, the country per se, is already an attraction. Let us see why Australia is the most preferred country by immigrants.
Whether you came to see someone or to study, your Australia visa will give you the right to work legally in the country. You can do it because it is a part of the Australian law. The possibility of a decent work is high for anyone who chose the country, just be sure that you entered the premises legally.
Low living costs is another reason why Australia is in demand. Australian living don't need so much money and glamor. Australia is one of the few countries where a student can support him/herself financially. He/she can work part time during the school season but has a chance for a full time job during vacations.
Students from all over the world receives quality education. Australia has a modern educational system found on their excellent universities and colleges. English skills are easily enhanced because of the modern approach. Foreign students don't need so much adjustments to fit on the system. Graduates are assured of a job inside or outside the Australia.
Since it is open to everyone, you will find different cultures brought by different nationalities. It's like you're a having a world tour by meeting different people and getting to know the culture and background.
It is easy to adapt on Australia' climate. Winter lasts from June to September and summer from December to March. Hottest month is January and the coolest is July.
A short or long stay in Australia can give you the best of the world. Landscapes and rainforests are found anywhere else. It has a wide range of animals exclusively found in the country. Beaches are perfect places to unwind. You can also see some of the world's greatest architectural structure like the Sydney Harbor and the Parliament Building in Canberra.
Insurance are available to everyone who wants to apply for it. You can ensure your life, property and health with their effective insurance policies that you can apply for.
Australian migration would probably keep on rising on the years to come. And the very reason to some up all their goals for traveling is, “People prefer Australia as the place where they can find a good life.”
Emergency Transport Technology
Emergency Transport Technology (ETT) of Milperra, is part of the Byron Group, and employs 115 people (140 globally). ETT is a world-leading ambulance and emergency vehicle manufacturer, and consults in providing ambulance services internationally.
The company has received assistance from the NSW Government to exhibit at Arab Health 2009 in Dubai. The funding came from the NSW Government’s Bio and New Export Opportunity programs.
Emergency Transport Technology head office, administration and manufacturing facilities in Milperra, are supported by workshops in Brisbane, Newcastle and Melbourne, and internationally by a sales office in Malaysia, China and Dubai. It has an accredited paramedic training academy in Malaysia.
Emergency Transport Technology has two fully equipped test facilities in-house. One is a dedicated in-vehicle test area for testing fittings and fixtures inside the vehicle. The other is for testing components such as seat strength, restraint belts, harnesses and other components.
Australian Lifestyle
Sunday, September 20, 2009Being in a new place or setting can make you literally stiff. Anything you do should undergo a lot of consideration to know if it will be okay or not to the people around you. Australian lifestyle is seen as high class and competitive. But if you'll give it a shot, it is effortless to break the ice. The location of Australia is what makes the lifestyle unique, but it ends there. Living in Australia is very easy because of its endearing friendly people, abundant resources and effective services program.
It is very easy to get along with Australian lifestyle. Starting with its the community and its people. Most people prefer coastal areas to avoid struggling on the “outbacks” or deserts. It is possible to meet new friends within just a week-stay. Aussies love to talk. They hate unnecessary silence.
One of the first thing that a novice looks for is a property or a house. This is a sign of security. Buying or renting houses in Australia is very easy. It is actually the most in-demand property in the country. The government gives incentive to first time home buyers.
When it comes to the basic commodities like clothing, Aussies are casual and basing what to wear on the climate and special events. They are very informal despite the requirement of a good standard of dressing on work places. Tie, jacket or tuxedo are worn only during business meetings. At the beach, most Australians, both men and women, prefer shorts instead of Speedo or bikinis. Just a trivia, Melbourne is the top fashion place in the country.
On a typical or rest day, you won't run out of activities to keep your mind and body going. Fishing and swimming are two of the famous recreations in Australia. There are also some sports like cricket, hockey, soccer and surfing. Women are so into shopping. On rainy days, instead of going to the beaches, people would rather go to Shopping Center. Rainy Season, Christmas period and Boxing Day are the time of the year when parking lots are full. Australian buyers are some of the world's biggest credit card debts holders. Cigarette smoking is strictly prohibited in all shopping malls.
Australia is also dedicated on environment preservation. Even though they have gainful economy, they don't forget to take care of the natural resources. On the cities, streets are kept clean by the people observing proper garbage disposal. Australians love Australia. They commit themselves on ecological matters and take part on its preservation.
Living in Australia is easy, everything will come automatic. Just keep in mind that you will observe human virtues and government laws.