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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sea World Indonesia

Photo Tourism Sea World Indonesia

Asal usul...

Indonesia, sebuah negara kepulauan terdiri dari 17.508 pulau terhampar sepanjang 5000 km di garis khatulistiwa dengan panjang garis pantainya mencapai 81.000 km, sehingga negara Indonesia sering disebut sebagai negara maritim. Sejak dahulu, masyarakat Indonesia telah menjadikan laut sebagai urat nadi kehidupannya.

Dibawah perairan lautnya yang senantiasa di sinari oleh cahaya matahari terbentang kehidupan bawah laut yang sangat menakjubkan. Lebih dari 450 jenis karang dan ribuan jenis spons telah ditemukan. Sekitar 3.500 jenis ikan laut hanya ditemukan di perairan Indonesia yang merupakan sekitar 37% dari seluruh jumlah spesies ikan laut di dunia.

Nah sekarang tentang Sea World Indonesia:

New Product

Dugong at SeaWorld Indonesia
Bring your family to meet this cute yet endangered marine mammal. Learn more about its life and find out why it is important to save them from extinction.

3000 piranhas
Begin in June 2007, SeaWorld Indonesia marks its 13th anniversary with thousands of ferocious piranhas in one huge aquarium. See it first!


9.30 am 12.00 pm 4.00 pm

Open on October 6, 2007, AquArapaima is home to the giants from Amazon. About 19 Arapaima gigas in different size from small up to over 2 m in length live with other smaller fishes such as red-tail catfish, pacu, and alligator gar. The concept of AquArapaima brings every visitor to experience the view of underwater Amazon river while seeing a family of Arapaima gigas at the same time.

White Crocodile at SeaWorld Indonesia
Far from legend and fairy tale, white crocs do exist. These rare animals are now inhabit SeaWorld Indonesia.


FUN DIVE at SeaWorld Indonesia

Get wet, get fun, and get real experience..!

Starting on June 2006, everyone [posses license] can dive at SeaWorld Indonesia. Choose the package you like:


Fee : Rp. 300,000
- 1 hour diving in Main Tank
- Include diving equipment
- pictures in CD


Fee : Rp. 200,000
- 15 minutes diving in SharkQuarium
- Include diving equipment
- pictures in CD


Fee : Rp. 400,000
- 1 hour 15 min. diving in Main Tank + SharkQuarium
- Include diving equipment
- pictures in CD