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Monday, October 26, 2009

Suicide Statistics

It's official, suicide has become the norm. I've always thought that the society we live in is too high paced, we are constantly bombarded with information and we, as human beings, can't take the stress. In Spain, suicides outnumber traffic accidents, worldwide, it is estimated that one million people commit suicide every year. This translates to one suicide every 40 seconds.

The recent study done in Spain says in 95 per cent of cases, suicide arises through social or demographic matters (such as job loss), isolation and loneliness, problems with family or friends, ongoing stress or illnesses, and a genetic disposition. Women are more inclined to take overdoses, whereas men tend to use more violent means of killing themselves such as hanging, drowning or hurling themselves off bridges or cliffs.

These are sad times when suicide becomes such a frightening statistic. What I want to know is why so many people are getting this right? Surely family members, friends, educators can see when there is something wrong? Or have we become so good at fooling the rest of the world? The second face that saves us the humiliation of how we really feel inside. Be more aware, you could save a life. Suicide- the new epidemic.