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Saturday, April 16, 2011

<p> 7. company letter </ p> <p> Date </ p> <p> To Whom It May Concern, </ p> <p> This is to certify that your name, passport holder of your passport number ., has been employed as your job title since your first date in this company, and her present base salary is your salary RMB per month. </ p> <p> She is going to have her annual leave from date to date inclusive. < ./ p> <p> We further certify that your name would like to take her annual leave by joining a pleasure trip to France during her vacation.And she herself will afford all expense happen in France.Upon her return, she will resume her duty .on date in our company. </ p> <p> Your favorable consideration to her visa application will be much appreciated. </ p> <p> Your faithfully, </ p> <p> For and On behalf of </ p .> <p> Company name </ p> <p> (Signature) </ p> <p> _________________</ p> <p> (name & title) </ p> <p> Company's name, address, telephone .& fax number </ p> <p> Second, the ticket purchase </ p> <p> have found a lot of airlines: Air China, China Southern, China Eastern, etc., are Ctrip search several times, finally a travel agency .Friends said that the recent special super cheap airline Emirates. .So a check online (website: / cn), Sure, 09 April-June Special, Beijing, Paris and the minimum fare of 3,500 yuan (including various taxes). .</ P> <p> since it is special, then: 1. Must be stopping in Dubai; 2. From the date fixed; 3. Selectable combinations of flights up to 2-3. .The overall spirit is, cheap is not white accounted for, since you do not charge fuel tax, it would be around my site, always more or less consumption of thing ... </ p> <p> I have not been to Dubai, in addition to .purse size is limited, so do not hesitate to choose the Emirates. .</ P> <p> Moreover, as global economic recession, the United Arab Emirates has also launched a stopover item (Stopover), the visa + hotel package services. .Visa about 450 yuan, 1,000 yuan from the hotel. .I compared the various travel agencies, also tried his hotel looking for a visa agent (provided reservation and stay at the hotel) and found that Emirates package price is relatively fair. .Because, cheap airline tickets to reach, leaving time for most of the morning in Dubai, and if you are stopping one night, for example: 1 June 1am (that is midnight May 31) arrived June 2 1am to leave (ie June .1 at midnight), book the hotel needs to June 1 12am check-out, of course, you can also discuss with the hotels in the June 1 22pm check out, subject to only half the price. .But if you use Emirates Stopover services, be selected from a 24-hour stay and departure of the hotel, it seems to only count 1 day room rate, of course, but also save a lot of trouble, but certainly well in advance and confirm the specific Emirates .schedule and requirements. .</ P> <p> The airline's Beijing office phone is extremely difficult to access, make sure to be patient. .If you choose to go to the Office of the tickets, pick up a Dubai Airport Terminal 3 leaflets. .</ P> <p> buy cheap air tickets Tips: </ p> <p> 1. Airways a lot, do not easily shot. .More to the various airline sites to see their own, and not just in the travel agency site visit, may be able to find cheap airline tickets in particular. .</ P> <p> 2. The airline ticket itself more than 2 kinds of prices, online ordering directly to the office than to buy cheap, of course, online ordering can usually choose to go to the Office of the tickets. .</ P> <p> 3. If you know a travel agent friend, and your trip coincided with their tour match, sometimes they can provide you with a separate ticket service. .</ P> <p> Third, the formulation of travel </ p> <p> lesson is this the most complex step. .But the general principles are as follows: </ p> <p> 1. The total number of days you travel is the number? .</ P> <p> 2. Are you going? .</ P> <p> 3. You live in the hotel in which direction? .</ P> <p> 4. Please visit the many attractions of the physical capabilities, and do not be too greedy on a visit, perhaps at the expense of the original idle some beautiful scenery can be able to experience the joy of feeling. .(My schedule like a zipper, as always rush too hastily, Barbara regret dead ...) </ p> <p> 1. The total number of days of your trip is how much? .(For the development of large travel) </ p> <p> to travel to Europe, if a total of 8 days, then, to get rid of the travel time before and after 2 days (13 hours non-stop or through a total of 20 transit time Di Baijia .hours. to reach arrangements that day is not recommended attractions, the best seize the time to rest; the time difference, basically equal to the departure date of the first 2 days in Beijing, for example, the departure date is June 1, arrived to Beijing more than the basic 6 .2 May) </ p> <p> 2. are you going? .(For the development of large travel) </ p> <p> If you have only the actual time of 6 days, then only been one place in France are not enough. .</ P> <p> journeys principle recommendations are as follows: </ p> <p> a. .What cities do you want? .The city's attractions have? .How much time to visit each attraction? .All the attractions of the tour how much total time? .The above issues as lists. .</ P> <p> b. .Based on the above list to find interim city (conveniently out of consideration, usually in the Paris transit, but the more expensive hotels in Paris), calculated from the transit city to want to go to the city's travel time used, and lists the list. .</ P> <p> c. .Try not to turn back. .</ P> <p> 3. You live in the hotel in which direction? .(Used to develop specific day trip) </ p> <p> large travel booked, specific to the line every day to establish principles recommend the following: </ p> <p> according to the hotel where the position, arrangements to nearby attractions .principle, after the first major attractions secondary attractions, daily 1-2 major attractions, coupled with 1-2 minor spots, if the itinerary includes the museum, you need to set aside more time. .</ P> <p> hotel booking hotel from the directions on the network that, for more specific directions, can be sent to you in the booking confirmation e-mail network to find the hotel's email address, you can directly ask the hotel. .</ P> <p> 4. Take the train to a city, you can first travel office (general location of the station in the left hand side) pick up a local map, and to ask questions are still unclear. .There will be some hot city sightseeing tour train or bus, usually in the 7-10 euro range, contains all the basic attractions of the city is good to save time and energy methods. .In addition, the entire trip through the tour, the layout of the city you can have an overall understanding, focus more easily then choose to go to attractions. .</ P> <p> 5. Line to draw the line basically guide your daily activities in foreign countries, of course, there are several options if an accident happens to some of the options to change according to .plans to more perfect, so well prepared for a very, very important! .</ P> <p> line before they need to know what? .</ P> <p> a. attractions of the French or the local language name, opening hours, how to get (if it is subway, take the need to know which subway lines, as well as French or stops the local language name; if rural attractions ., need to know what the train ride after transport to the) </ p> <p> b. sights and attractions in the interface between the traffic </ p> <p> 6. Some useful websites </ p> < .p> Ctrip most important part of the community, many seniors from experience, after watching quite a benefit. .</ P> <p> the French Tourist Office official website </ p> <p> Paris Museum Pass website (Pass the basic information contained within the sites can be found here) < ./ p> <p> </ p>.