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Monday, April 25, 2011

France from Belgium drove immigrants, takes approximately 3 hours in Paris. Compared with London Square, Paris is a beautiful and romantic. Street path is full of flowers, and elegant bars, cafe. With traditional antique houses phase partners, are still preserved in the gravel.

Autumn in Paris is glorious, El-Eiffel remains the derricks, accompanied by 100 years of standing still.

Seine river water is still so clear, the river cruise or walking to the taste of Paris's autumn.

Today can be seen in the novels of Notre Dame, tall tower stands on a small island in the Seine.

If you know little about the Catholic, then I am afraid that only cursory.

There is no doubt that the Versailles palace and the Louvre is the gem of France culture.

Louis XIV established Versailles everywhere highlight a virtual China and a stately and Louvre collection of Mona Lisa, the Venus statue and victory statue as the fragrance of 3, it attracts numerous eyeballs. In my impression, as if the London National Gallery of art painting is good at, and the Louvre on the statue has given me a deep impression. I am not an art connoisseur, but undoubtedly Louvre art is great.

Montmartre and the Sacre Coeur Church Highland I was nothing special, but in his next to an open-air art market is very attractive.

Place, surrounded by a few blocks of the low building surrounded not big courtyard, with yellow leaves of autumn and the open-air cafe chairs, some Street painter crowded in there to stop painting of tourists, 10 euro suffice. There are also paintings, paintings in dozens of hundreds of the price. Perhaps this will be the future of Van Gogh cardat!

Night in Paris is noisy.

The famous Moulin Rouge theatre with timeless drama, though no makeup, but did feel no obscenity, filled the audience, which also has many ladies, worth a visit! 2 nightly, fare of € 85-95.

Compared with the noise of Paris, the southern city of Nice is a good place for seaside holiday.

Although the values fall, but Eastern Mediterranean blue sea or let people Kiss. Nourished so much history and civilization, also gave birth to this too much better looking and sadness. United Kingdom people walking road stretches for more than 10 km, seems to embrace a plethora of waves, stroking her brow ...

To drive 30 minutes to arrive at the Casino of Monaco.

Pocket-sized country is famous for gambling and racing. Monte Carlo car Shuttle in narrow curved streets, it is the fear for drivers; and the Casino is Las Vegas than not a bright and stylish, the seaside scenery but let people forget to return. From the Grand Duke Palace looked down, and side wall of the mountain, is a quiet Bay-Park of private yachts, precipitous walls of the mountain stands the towering palaces and Cannon, a reminder here was the ancient battlefield. Monaco is worth a go.

A few days to go many places, in fact, is to get to sleep, off camera type of tourism.

Most of the Chinese European tour. Due to the different cultural, religious, historical background, most people in Europe the myth of architecture, art, are not widely understood, mind-blowing is possible, but it is certain yet.

European prices its expensive, hotel good point over at 100 euros, more than RMB 1000 kg.

The majority of France who do not speak English, even if you hear only answer your French, maybe the national pride. Even in the Louvre, all signs and callout text will be French, it is resistant to Ho!

In short, European tour before we must first look at European history, religion and culture, in addition to accompanying preparations, and enough money, then the beginning of the wine fills me with courage qiangang starting!

At the end of October 2004