As A Child
As a child I wanted to ask why I was handed a remote control; As a child I wanted to touch a leafI was told to wash my hands; As a child I wanted to hear the sounds of a bird I was told they were "dirty" and full of germs; As a child I wanted to reach for the starsI was told that weapons and rockets were already there; As a child I saw other children crying in the news and on the TV I was told we were "winning the war"; As a child I wanted to color a rainbowBut I wasn't allowed to play on the computer; As a child I took a stick and drew pictures in the soil, I was told that it interfered with the landscaping; As a child my heart was full of joyI was told to be quiet so everyone could hear the TV; As a child my eyes wanted to take everything in I was told to close them and dance to the beat; As a child I was bewildered and hurtingI was told that we live in a Great Nation; As a child - I grew up Into a world filled with greed, rage, and anger, Now my child asks, wonders, and feels, And I will let him discover, ask, and find; I will let him explore his world, holding in my heart the fear that there won't be one soon; But, in the meantime, he will know what love, and fun, and touching and feeling is all about So help me God.