As the one of tourism destination Bali has own international airport which can directing all of the visitor from all over the world. This airport has unique design which build based on Bali architecture design. This airport has wide at about 265.60 with specification as the 1 class airport. With huge capacity, this airport able to take several kind of aircraft, from the little up to the big aircraft like version boeing 747-400 and airbus A 380. This airport is also facilitated with high communication tools like ADC, APP, ACC, RDARA, MWARA, DIRECT SPEECH, TTY (AFTN), Faximile, Radio Link, Message Switching Centre, Communication Radio, and Telex. For the public facilities it also there are facilities like restaurant, hotel, bank, duty free, and anothers. The airport is located close to the extensive tourist developments of southern Bali; the resort center of Kuta is 2.5 km north of the airport. Divided into two part departure and arrival made this airport has complete facilities.