Sidan Village
Natural tourism objects Sidan located on Sidan village part of Sub province of Gianyar, precisely 4 km from Gianyar town to the Bangli town and 31km from Denpasar town. It is said that Sidan village (the Kingdom of Sidan) located on Pegesangan orchard at about 1 km from south of Sidan village. Causes by a reason this kingdom was moved to the north which until now famously known as Sidan Village. Naturally Sidan village has beautiful panorama because located on the hill area. Beside the natural condition, Sidan village is also has various tourism object, including the ancient historical place or even the new building. Both of them are:
1. Pura Dalem Sidan Temples.
Temples of Dalem Sidan founded around 17 (seventy) centuries by the old leader of Sidan temples I Dewa Gede Pindi , laterly on the year 1948 re-renovated by his son which called I Dewa Kompyang Pindi. Temples of Dalem Sidan is not different with others temple, but this temple have unique characteristics, because of the glorious and also decorated with multi various relief and typical engraving which shown Hinduism philosophy.
2. Pura Bukit Camplung Temples.
More than 100 Meters toward north-east from temple of Dalem Sidan there are temples which called as Bukit Camplung temple, standing luxury above bank, where the banks have full of ancient article, which till now doen’t no the source of articles. In the northside bank there are small wellspring moat which trusted by society it can be heal skin disease. It is said that on this temples all of God award Gambelan Angklung Sidan which very famous internationally. Bukit Camplung temples also called as Masceti temples, beacuse of the society organization composed from 9 subak (Classic Organizational Farmer in Bali) in the Sidan Village.
3. Stage Barong Sidan
In the west side of Dalem Sidan temples, precisely in the beautiful rice field terrace, have been woke up a show stage to present the arts which coming from Sub province of Gianyar. Nowdays, the tourit who wants to watch the Barong art dance special from Sidan (often called as Barong Taru Pramana show) can be directly reserved on the Duty Tourism Office in Gianyar sub Province. When we are looking inside of this village we will felt the beautiful natural panorama with the high value of culture.
Mount of Kawi Tampaksiring.
After passing the Gate with 315 doorstep in Pakerisan river bank which have high historical value, located Gunung Kawi temples area. This tourism object is the part of Tampaksiring, 40 km from Denpasar town. About the name of Gunung Kawi is not clearly known the source, but on etimological side that told comes from words of ‘Mount’ (Gunung) and Kawi, which means that mount is mountainous and kawi means a chisel. So the whole meaning is chisel on the mountain or rock ledge. According to the history of among the king’s who command the most famous King in Bali is Dynasty of Warmadewa. King of Udayana is represent this dynasty and he is a child of Queen of Campa lifted as a child by Warmadewa. After adult Udayana married with Javanese Princess which called as Gunapriya Dharma Patni. On this marriage degrade Erlangga and Anak Wungsu. Finally after Erlangga pass away in the year of 1041, his emperor in East Java divided into two parts. Budhist Priest whose called as Empu Baradah sent to Bali to give the message that Bali island giving into one of the Erlangga son’s, but refused by Empu Kuturan. Hereinafter Bali governed by King Anak Wungsu among year 1029 –1077 and according to his command Bali becomes the fertile area and peaceful. After his died the ash kept in the one of the temples on Gunung Kawi temples area. The articles which above sham door wrotes : Haji Lumah Ing Jalu (Balinese language) have meaning that the King buried in Jalu which means equal with Susuh (a part in the head of cock) with the form is closely same ‘Kris’ (tradional weapon Javense and Balinese). It has a meaning as a direction Kali Kris or Pakerisan. The kings who is burried there is Udayana King. And the second articles ‘Rwa Anakira’ have means his two sons, may be it purposed to grave of Udayana, Anak Wungsu and the fourth King’s wife and also the prime minister. In the south east there is a Wihara (budhist temples) which use to life the priest. The temples predicted build on XI cemturies.
White Cow and Elephant of Taro
In the Taro village, part of Tegallalang, sub province of Gianyart, located more than 40 km. Form Denpasar, there is a village forest which dwelt by a group of cows. This animal is sanctified by the surrounding society because this animal is the one of ceremonial complement facilities which called as Ngasti. This cow is bring to the ceremonial location and by the organizer led to encircle the ceremonial area start from the east finish at south then it done in three times finish in the east. This ceremonial called as Mepada ceremony. After the ceremonial finish the cow sent back to the Taro village forest. With the beautiful nature of Taro villager is interesting to visit. There are also a new attraction of elephant which called Trakking elephant. If you want you can swim with the elephant in the pool which is available.