Tooth Cutting Ceremonial
Tooth Cutting Ceremonial is mandatory ceremonial that should be done by Hindus people in Bali. This ceremonial is often called with Raja Sewala ceremonial by local peoples with purpose to eliminating ‘Sad Ripu’ or six enemies on human beings which covering: Kama (lust/desire), Loba (Gluttonous), Krodha (Angry), Mada (Drunken), Moha (Muzziness), Matsarya (Covet). This ceremonial has purpose to eroding Sad Ripu which on human beings. Sad Ripu symbolized with 6 (six) teeth that covering 4 (four) incisor teeth and fang teeth. This ceremonial held when the boy or girl entering teenager or growing adult, but this ceremonial should be conduct before the boy or girl married. In the special condition it can be done after married. Tooth cutting ceremonial held in house or often called as ‘Merajan’. The executor of tooth cutting ceremonial is led by priest, called by local peoples as ‘Pedande’ and helping by ‘Sangging’ (as the executor too).
The cutting teeth process is only a symbol, in the application the teeth smoothed down by tight-fist, and the teeth that only smoothed down is only six parts which drawn Sadripu (Balinese words) those teeth are four incisors and two fangs. The time which process held is only ten until fifteen minutes. The ceremonial led by ‘Sangging’ which is Hindus priest that have highest position among the priest in Hindus hierarchy.
A devoting which used in the ceremonial process is called as ‘Sorohan’ that have function to devote to the God. The next devoting are ‘Pabhyakalan Prasyatia, ‘Panglkatan’, and the device that used to cut the teeth likes: mirror, tooth sharpener, cloth for ‘rurub’ and also a jewel and ring, and bed which have been decorated.
Before the process began, the ‘Sangging’ (Hindus priest) said the superstitious formula first. On this matter the ring which used in the process is ruby ring that believed have big power to protecting the applicator from the evil. The used of the ruby is after the teeth tight-fisted then the ruby touched to the teeth as the protection symbol. Saliva which is out from the applicator mouth will be accommodated in the ivory coconut and hold by the applicators mother or blood brother. Ceremonial will be continued with praying in the family temples requesting to the God to bliss their life and return to born as human beings that clean from sin.