1. Holy place Taman Beji Temples, Bale Selonding, Bale Pepaosan.
2. Widya Kusuma library
3. Exhibition building Mahudara, Kriya building, Idol studio, art building (wisma seni), and Wantilan.
4. Open podium Ardha Candra and Close podium Ksirarnawa.
Padanggalak Area
Padanggalak area has different situation of tourism object. This place is has several facilities of recreation, including international swimming pool. Except international pool which is decorated suitable with international standard or even more, another facilities that available in this place is open podium that used to show the art festival or cultural activities that will shown for the public. Several kinds of exhibition held from classic until modern such musical concert. Despite open podium and close podium also available laser attraction which has background water fountain that used to support the art exhibition. The distance from Denpasar town is not too far at about 7 until 10 minutes that support with modern transportation unit. Padanggalak area is suitable with peoples that want enjoy the leisure time or just want to swim.
Puputan Yard
The yard of Puputan Badung is centre of bustle in Denpasar. Puputan have meaning ‘used up’ where in the 1906 when the Dutch invading Denpasar, the Balinese people which led by King of Denpasar choose to fight against the Dutch. At about 4.000 Balinese people including King of Denpasar within the family died in the battle to fight against Dutch. To memorize the war of Puputan Badung build the
Bajra Sandhi Monument
Bajra Sandi is a
1. The central building which has concept of Utama Mandala
2. The building surrounding central building which has concept of Madya Mandala.
3. The external building which has concept of Nista Mandala.