Kuta Beach
One of the location objects that very interesting to visit is Kuta beach. May be it’s not to strange to hear the name of ‘Kuta’ Beach, very famous, exotic, beautiful waves, grates of the white sand’s and beautiful place to visit. Almost all of foreign tourism who has visited Bali does not want to lose their moment to visit this place. With all of the reason many people come to the Kuta beach. Kuta beach provide several tourism object beside the main object is the beach. This place becomes famous tourism object, since 1930’ many western tourist visiting Kuta not just to see the beautiful sunset, but they comes to see another attractive activities, likes sun bathing, swimming, surfing, and enjoy the beautiful panorama. In deed, with developed the facilities since 1970’ make this place has complete facilities. Around Kuta beach there also facilities like hotels, café, bar, pub, shopping center, traditional shop around the road, Bungy jumping, water boom and another entertain to enjoy when visiting there.