For the first time, regular whale watching tours have commenced in Broome and Rosemary from Best Of The Kimberley ventured out on a perfect Friday afternoon last week aboard the fastest charter boat in WA "Observer", to experience the wonder of these great mammals. A spotter plane quickly located whales as Observer sped to the location. Within minutes water spouts and giant splashes from the whales were seen. Over the next 2 hours, numerous humpback whales were seen making their way along the coast. Seasnakes, green turtles and a pod of Indo-Pacific dolphins also kept us in wonder.
Broome has not been well known for whales, but they are often seen just off the coast by local fishermen and they have been known to come quite close to shore off Cable Beach. Now one of Broome's best kept secrets is available for all to enjoy. Contact Best Of The Kimberley on freecall 1800 450 850 (or http://www.kimberleytravel.com.au/) to book your whale watching tour. $120 per person, for a 3 hour tour includes hotel transfers.