Panic has started to spread as reports of the first cases of Swine Flu reach Spain and the UK. A 23 year old was the first reported case in Spain and he and his 20 member family have been given anti-viral medication. The World Health Organisation has increased their level of global alert while the Mexican government claims to have the situation under control.
Although people have been warned not to go to Mexico or the US, reports continue to reveal cases in other parts of the world, including New York and as far as Hong Kong. Also called the H1N1 virus, swine flu has claimed 149 lives already in Mexico and hundreds more suspected cases.
According to the Center for Disease Control, the strain is a combination of avian flu, swine flu and human flu. Despite the 40 cases reported in the States so far (they just updated their website), swine flu is rarely transferred to humans unless an individual comes into direct contact with a sick pig. The first reported case of swine flu was in 1930. The real danger with swine flu is that it keeps changing as its passed on from species to species.
I have a certain soft spot for pigs, so for me I felt a little bad for all the Babes out there needing a day off work. If you're concerned about your own health and safety, check the list of symptoms: lethargy, fever and a loss of appetite. Other symptoms include a runny nose, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhoea and nausea. I'm not sure if that differs much from normal flu symptoms but rather err of the side of safety, just don't be paranoid, no one likes paranoia.
And for those of you who are interested, the symptoms of swine flu in pigs include sneezing, coughing, loss of appetite, fever and depression. That makes me a little sad. Makes me want to put up a picket sign saying something like "Equal health care benefits for pigs too!" or maybe "You're calling me a pig?" I hope the pigs get help too is all I'm saying.
Stay safe and healthy with Tourism Radio.