It's the discovery that's probably making UFO freaks look at each other and smile. Now when you first look at the picture, it looks like an ordinary rock desert but this image has got spacegazers talking!
If you look closely, you'll be able to see a an oddly shaped space boulder that appears to have eye sockets and a nose, this is leading to speculation that it might be a martian skull. I just got goosebumps.....
The photo was taken by a panoramic NASA camera known as Spirit, ironic isn't it? Internet forums are loving this and EVERYONE is talking about it. Some are even speculating about what it is. One enthusiastic individual said: ""The skull is 15 cm with binocular eyes 5 cm apart. The cranial capacity is approximately 1400 cc. There appears to be a narrow pointed small mouth, so this creature most likely is a carnivore."
Previous images of a skull spotted on Mars in 2006 were believed to have been the result of tampering.
The famous Face on Mars, snapped by the Viking 1 spacecraft in 1976, which showed the shadowy likeness of a human face was late, was found to be a trick of the light when the area was re-photographed in 1998.
I suppose only time will tell on this one but this is one fascinating picture.