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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Generation S

I've blogged before about how oversexed people have become and when I read the news, I'm only more convinced that I'm right. What concerns me the most is that children are no longer having childhoods that consist of imaginary games, climbing trees, riding bikes, enjoying being young and carefree. Our society has created Generation S. A generation filled with sex, drugs and violence. Children as young as 9 are having sex and participating in activities that would make any parent's skin crawl. Just recently two 13 year old girls were gang raped, in two separate incidents, by underage boys who have escaped charges because of their age. One of the girls was mentally disabled.

A proposal is going to be brought forward in September by Partido Popular to ask parliament to draw up a reform of the Juvenile Law so that it will allow criminal charges to be placed against juveniles under the age of 14 in the most serious of cases. Those aged 13 and under cannot be charged under current legislation. When we, as a society, need to start doing this, alarm bells should be ringing in all of our heads.

We are creating a generation of people that will ultimately run the country, our future judges, presidents, lawyers, doctors and the fact that they are oversexed, revel in violence and want to get high, scares me to my core. These kids weren't born like that, they didn't come into this world wanting to gang rape innocent little girls and escape reality by getting high, somewhere along the line, whether it be the media, society or the parents, we are failing.

Another story that caught my eye was a 15 year old girl that was having sex with a 21 year old adult, when she didn't want to see him anymore, he posted their sexcapade on the internet for all to see. My question is, why is a 15 year old girl having casual sex with a man that clearly has issues? Where are the parents? I can understand that parents cannot be around all the time and cannot watch their children like hawks but the level of control is clearly dwindling and should be brought up a notch. We need to equip children with the skills and the knowledge to make well informed decisions, if this is how society continues to function. Communication, motivation and understanding need to be top on our list of priorities for the safety and well being of our children.

I'm scared for our generation as well as future ones, I want my daughter to live a happy, healthy, productive life but with society the way it is today, is that even an option?