Plane crashes, disease, disturbing revelations about Spanish dictator General Franco, the Spanish Kings passion for fast cars and a British tourist that fell to his death when his parachute wouldnt open, are some of the stories I've been reading about this morning. To say I am despondent is an understatement. I've said this many times before but when are we going to hear some good news? Everything is doom and gloom, my sunny disposition soon turned to sour grapes after 5 minutes browsing the net. I couldnt find anything to write about that was remotely inspiring.
I tried looking at conspiracy theories, 9/11, reptilian shapeshifters, illumanati and the list really is endless, trust me on that but my brow was still wrinkled from frowning and I thought of the saying "ignorance is bliss" and that rings true in most aspects of our lives. If the hubby is cheating do we really want to know? If we put on a few kilo's and ask the question, do I look fat? Are we really looking for the true answer? Do we really want to know if the world is being ruled by reptiles? I can honestly say that as much as I believe the truth will set you free our mentality remains the same, bury your head as deep as you can in that sand.
I then thought of rambling on about staying positive but let's be honest the last thing you want to hear when you're in a bad mood is to hold on, everything gets better. So that leaves me with a head full of mixed thoughts, a frown and a deep needed desire to search for the right answers. Sometimes I wish there was a formula or recipe for how to live life and live it to its fullest.
When I feel like this, as if I'm stuck, stuck in a life I didnt choose or want, stuck with so many unanswered questions on what to believe, are our destinies fixed? Does it matter what choices we make, we'll still end up where we are supposed to be? I think of a joke that instantly puts a smile on my face, so here it is, I hope it gets you smiling:
'Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving
safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in
sideways - Chardonnay in one hand - chocolate in the other - body thoroughly
used up, totally worn out and screaming,'WOO HOO, What a Ride!'