Once an obscure corner of Arabia, the United Arab Emirates has transformed itself into an Arabian success story through a mix of oil profits, stability a sharp eye for business. Visitors are attracted by beaches, deserts, oases, camel racing, Bedouin markets and the legendary duty-free shopping of Dubai-all packed into a relatively small area. Dubai is the Singapore of the Gulf, with bustling harbours, gigantic shopping malls and bold architecture. Each of the seven emirated bears a unique character.
BEST TIME TO VISIT: November to April
SURPRISES: The United Arab Emirates is the cheapest place outside lran to buy lranian caviar
The oil-rich emirate of Abu Dhabi has two beautiful oases: the attractively green and orderly Al-Ain and the spectacular contrast of green farms and towering pink dunes at Liwa. Sharjah offers the country’s best museums and art gallery, and a magnificent zoo, as well as the charming port of Khor Fakkan. The smaller emirates quieter-Umm as-Qaiwain is the closest thing to what the frishing and pearling towns of 50 years ago must have been like.
In 1990, Dubai’s government became aware that they depended entirely of fossil energies (petrol) and decided to start reconversion in favor of new technologies, commerce and luxury related business. In 15 years, the contribution of petrol in the GNP (Gross National Product) dropped from 80% to 10%.