From the title I'm sure you can tell that I've recently watched the movie. Let me start off by saying that when the "He's Not That Into You" book mania happened, I thought I was being clever by not being sucked into the hype of something that is clearly so very obvious, so when I was approached by a very intelligent friend who convinced me to at least give the movie a chance, I was intrigued. Surely someone with a good head on their shoulders wouldn't be fooled by a money making scheme that states what we already know?
Women are smart, we don't need to be told when a man is not interested, the signs are all there! So I sat on my couch, feeling like a very superior woman, popcorn in the one hand and a cooldrink in the other and I delved into the world of "He's Just Not That Into You".
Wake up call is an understatement. Who knew such a simple concept would be so very profound? Apart from the compulsory Hollywood ending, the one where everyone ends up happy and in love, the beginning and middle part struck a chord. It was amazing to see how we rationalize things, how we seek hidden meanings and run straight into a concrete wall willingly. Some of the excuses and rationalizations I had used personally! Things like "Maybe he just doesn't have airtime", "Maybe he's just come out of a serious relationship" or my favorite, "He'll definitely call".
I was proved wrong and admittedly sucked into the hype of "He's Just Not That Into You". Things that never made sense before suddenly became so clear, I am officially a walking cliche but I feel enlightened. I feel like so many situations I have found myself in, could have easily been avoided if I had been equipped with this knowledge. It's the secret all over again. Let me end this by saying that now that I have the answer that so many of us women search for, I'm going to use it and take back my power.