Jasmine Fiore, if you haven't heard about her by now, you've been living under a rock. She's the playboy model that's recently been murdered and her husband is the prime suspect, only problem is, he's disappeared. Reality TV contestant Ryan Alexander Jenkins is wanted in connection with her death after her mutilated body was found stuffed in a suitcase.
It looks to be a clear case of obsessive jealousy because as it turns out Jasmine was texting her ex Robert Hasman, after her death he received a text simply saying "suck it" sent from her phone from the killer, apparently her other half. I've always been fascinated by these barbie women, the women who spend their lives perfecting their looks and living a life of sex and decadence, in a way it sounds like a lot of fun and when we watch shows like Girls of the Playboy Mansion, we almost envy their lives but the reality of what these girls go through is a lot different to what we like to think it is. Surgeries, sex, most likely drugs, being treated as objects instead of people, it can't be all its cracked up to be.
When things like this happen it makes people like us, the regular joes, realize that the world of glitz and glamour has a nasty side that has no mercy. This woman, who was beautiful and probably had very low self esteem, was mutilated and shoved into a suitcase. She had to be identified by the serial number on her breast implant because her teeth and fingers had been removed. Where the hell is the dignity in that?
Women are starting to lose perspective. We need to start realizing that WE have the power. Embrace your crooked nose, love your small breasts, celebrate being a natural woman, we are all beautiful and we need to start recognizing it, low self esteem is making women who are naturally unique and special end up in dumpsters in a suit case. Love yourself!!! I promise its the way forward!