I think many of us consider ourselves open minded but are we really? When I read in the news this morning that a woman in Spain is facing jail time after falsely claiming rape so that she would be permitted an abortion, my immediate thoughts surprised me, I immediately judged her and thought that she was getting what was coming to her, anyone who cries wolf in the case of rape should be punished. I realized that I had thought that without considering her circumstances. I've never walked a mile in her shoes, who am I to judge?
The story is that she had an affair and was carrying her lovers child and she didn't want to get caught by her husband. She seems to be digging herself a grave here, but I started wondering how desperate she must have been not to be found out. Relationships are complicated things, don't fool yourself into thinking otherwise and we all know the saying, you only know what you got till it's gone. So let's have a look at what happened, she was with her husband for many years, the romance had fizzled out and a new man paid a little more attention to her, being a hot blooded woman she succumbed to the advances and found herself in a very scary situation.
I'm not saying that fabricating a crime is in any way alright but I think she is paying a very hefty price for being human. Someone said to me the other day that they would never cheat on their partner, I was shocked to hear that, ever heard of the phrase "never say never". None of us know what the future holds and the only constant in our lives is change.
The next time you feel the need, as I did, to judge someone, stop and think for a second about what that person is going through and why they felt the need to do what they did. We all make mistakes and sometimes we pay a very big price but it's all part and parcel of the process. Live and learn.....Live and learn....