The automotive service and repair sector covers all aspects of servicing motor vehicles including automobiles. The Department of Commerce formerly classified this industry under the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification code 753; the sector is now classified under the 1997 North American Industry Classification System as 811.
The automobile assembly sector covers all aspects of assembling automobiles. The Department of Commerce formerly classified this industry under the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification code 37; the sector is now classified under the 1997 North American Industry Classification System as 336.
The auto salvaging sector includes establishments primarily engaged in dismantling motor vehicles for the purposes of selling parts. The Department of Commerce formerly classified this industry under the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification code 5015; the sector is now classified under the 1997 North American Industry Classification System as 4211.
Additional Compliance Assistance information is provided based by statute (e.g. Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act) or through compliance incentives and auditing. Note that multiple statutes may apply to your entity. Information on EPA's compliance monitoring program also is organized by statutory programs. All regulated entities may be subject to EPA's statutory and civil enforcement program.
Additional Compliance Assistance information is provided based by statute (e.g. Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act) or through compliance incentives and auditing. Note that multiple statutes may apply to your entity. Information on EPA's compliance monitoring program also is organized by statutory programs. All regulated entities may be subject to EPA's statutory and civil enforcement program.