Prayers night, Ramadhan liven with Taraweh congregational prayers. Ramadan holy month, many expressions which describes the holy month of Ramadan as many lessons in it, one of them is Tarbiyah month or month of education, in this month we educated to discipline, and this should be the basis of views among Muslims on the other months. worship should not be multiplied in ramadhan month alone but the others months also must have a spirit as the month of Ramadan.

Besides Prayer Taraweh, this month we get a lot of enlightenment from the scholars who provide the motivation of all the things in this life. like how we organize life, manage our relationship with nature, other creatures, and even set us living in harmony with other people according to Al-qur'an and Sunahtullah. because Islam is a mercy to all beings without exception.
pictures taken at Masjid Raya date 18-09-09
coincide on the night of 29 Ramadan, the last night of worship of Taraweh, during Ramadan 1430H