There are some situations in life you cannot begin to understand, I'm speaking to the people that use their moral compass to guide them through the obstacle course of life. A young girl of 15 was gang raped at a school in California. This may seem like the norm, how many times have we heard about gang rapes? Horrific but news we've heard time and time again what makes this story different and caused a media frenzy is that it was at a Homecoming Dance, outside the hall, for everyone to see and can you guess what people did? I'm not talking about normal, sane human beings, I'm talking about sick and twisted teenagers that either stared, laughed, took photos or participated.
It went on for two hours, with a transfixed audience, mob mentality at its very best. Reveling in a poor girls misery and fear. I'm a parent and when I say that this story shocks me to my core, that would be an understatement. What the hell are parents teaching their kids? Why are atrocities like this happening in "civil" society? Inst this behavior reminiscent of the dark ages, seems we are heading backwards and at an alarming rate.
5 boys, I call them boys because real men don't rape, have been arrested and I think that every student that witnessed that event and did nothing should be held accountable like the rapists. I actually think it's worse when a person does nothing and let's something so horrific take place. Lock them all up and throw away the key and while you're at it, lock their parents up to. People like that don't deserve to be walking around free, cage them like the animals they are. And to that poor girl, my thoughts go out to you in this difficult time. I'm sorry.....
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Mob Mentality
dark ages,
Ferrari California,
gang rape,
homecoming dance,
mob mentality,