If there's one thing that gets on my last nerve it's sexism, specifically, when men happen to believe that women are inferior. I think that after we were given the vote and the fact that there are millions of high powered career woman that juggle motherhood, careers and still find time to be a dedicated gym buddy out there, it's pretty much been proven to be incorrect and a theory that originates from the stone age.
I was recently told by a good friend of mine that she encountered the worst kind of sexists. Two men, who shall not be named, thought that it was extremely funny that a woman run was running for president, the woman in question was Hillary Clinton at the time (in case you live under a rock), needless to say my friend was horrified and because of the circumstances had to bite her tongue.....till it bled.....
If I had been there I can easily say that the outcome of that conversation would have been a little different. It started to make me wonder why men still hold on to these ancient views of what women are like? The women I know, the women in my life, are intelligent, beautiful and strong and have admittedly have had to settle because very few men can handle the whole package. So is it because we are becoming a threat, that men feel the need to degrade us? Is it because of the insecurities of men that cannot handle a partner who is their equal or maybe even a little higher on the scale then they are?
I'm being a little unfair, I know, not all men are sexist pigs, not all men are intimidated by a strong, independent woman, but I would put my last penny on the fact that a vast majority of men are. So after a my thoughts had died down and I had rationalized the explanation in my head, I came across a story.... Yes, I come across many stories, stories that shock me, anger me, make me feel a little inspired (those are few and far between) but this one, it was different. It made me stop and think and come up with alternative conclusion to my original one.
It may seem simple, but if there's one thing I've realized in this life, some of the simplest answers, the answers that are staring us right in the face, are the ones that take us a while to grasp. A woman in America put an ad on that ridiculous Craigslist and offered herself to any man willing to give her tickets to the World Series. The penny dropped.....(sound of glass shattering)It's these kind of women that give the rest of us a bad name. She claims she didn't specifically offer sex she was "hoping to bat my eyelashes and score free tickets", you are an insult to your own gender! The fact that she believes that that is a better explanation shows me that she is the reason so many men out there still think the way they do about women. All I can do is shake my head in shame.