It's no secret that I believe in extraterrestrial life, in fact, some of you might call me a UFO nut. I just cannot be so arrogant to believe that in universe upon universe there is no other intelligent life. And the way we behave on earth, I use the term intelligent loosely. So early one morning, while channel surfing I came across a documentary about AREA 51. Needless to say my fascination with all things conspiracy was immediately awakened and I was hooked within seconds.
The documentary primarily focused on Robert Lazar. He claims to have worked in the top secret facility, a facility that's existence was denied for decades, on technology that was alien, pardon the pun. In layman's terms, a spaceship. He came out with this information, even after receiving death threats and in my opinion, having his entire background rubbed out by the government. As I'm sure you can deduce, I am a believer in his story. He believed that the truth needed to be told and the world needed to know, this of course changes everything we believe as human beings. In other words, this blows religion right out of the water. I'm not an avid fan of religion,I believe we are controlled by it and lead like sheep through our lives. But let me not scare you with my out-there way of thinking!
Back to AREA 51, two theories were presented in this documentary, one....alien research technology is happening at AREA 51, secret government technology is being developed that cannot be leaked in any way to the public or the enemy. I happen to think that these two theories are both plausible and who's to say that both of these things are not happening there? The place is big enough......
I'm always on the fence, it's the typical Libran in me, so I can't help but wonder if it's a good thing that these alien tests are kept secret. Before you think I'm betraying the moral standards of truth, love and peace hear me out, would people be able to handle the fact that there is something out there? Racism, crimes of hate are a dime a dozen, can you imagine the reaction to aliens? Some people can't even accept people of a different religion and now we should expose them to a different species?? It's a recipe for disaster. But I am inclined to give Human Beings the benefit of the doubt.
All I know for sure when it comes to AREA 51 is that this mystery is going to continue for a very long time, in the mean time, I'll be biting my fingernails in anticipation for a great reveal that will probably never happen in my lifetime. But I have faith in my beliefs and I don;t need evidence to prove they exist, I know they do.