There are moments in all our lives that will be remembered forever. One big moment for me is when my daughter was born. It was the most intense moment of my life, staring into innocent, dark blues expecting me to teach her the ways of the world. From that moment on, I had a purpose that would take every single fibre of being to complete. An ongoing journey of discovery, joy, pain and an unexplained range of emotions. A person never stops being a parent, as well as teaching our kids, we learn in the process.
I have a friend, who has literally traveled the world, a real jetsetter. The other day she was staring at her computer screen with a crooked smile on her face, I knew the look immediately. It was the look of remembering a moment in time that brought a period of happiness that stays with us long after it's gone. It was picture of magnificent beach in Hawaii, she told me that she remembered that exact moment so clearly it almost made her shed a tear, she loved Hawaii and I can almost be certain it loved her back.
The unfortunate side of memories are the bad ones. As clearly as we remember the momentous ones, the bad ones are just as clear, unless we choose to box that memory and lock it away in the closet of the recesses of our mind. Losing a loved one, a failed trip to England, a childhood trauma, they all stay with us long after the moment passes. But like everything in life, there's an amusing side, there are good and bad memories and then just down right funny ones. There are memories that still make us laugh until our sides hurt. Memories we thrive on to give us the best medicine available on this planet, laughter.
One of the funniest memories I have was when I was quite young, I had just learn't to ride a bike and of course, I was invincible, never mind the fact that I had fallen so many times I was surprised I hadn't sustained a serious injury. While riding my bike with a friend I started showing off in front of the neighbour kids, I was riding as fast as I could, up and down, up and down. There was quite a big bush at the end of where I was riding and I would stop abruptly and spin the bike around, I was quite a tomboy was I was younger. Everyone other girl I knew was playing barbies and I was getting muddy and dirty outside. Anyway, I came a little too fast and landed up riding my bike right into the bush, I got stuck right in the middle of it and cut to ribbons by small thorns. My friend had to get my dad to cut me out of it. Needless to say, I wasn't feeling very popular after that.
I still laugh myself silly when I think of that moment, my friend and I still laugh about it to this day. If only someone had been filming it. Granted this is quite a juvenile memory, but the reason I'm babbling on about memories is because I came across a story that I personally think is equally, if not more, funny than my moment but it has to have an age restriction attached because this memory is not for kids.
Picture Sydney, Australia, the clock tower that has become a favorite for tourists and locals alike standing proud in the midday sun. Now add lovers having a grand time at the top of the tower. Yes, getting down and dirty, making love, christening the tower, whichever suits your vocabulary. I can almost feel the disapproving faces but I cant help but think this is hilarious. The couple, who are unknown, obviously knew they could be seen, so whether it was a prank or a spur of the moment outrageous idea is still to be decided. But I can guarantee one thing, they will be laughing at that moment for a very long time, I know I will. It might not be a belly laugh but it'll be the naughty snigger that makes life a little more interesting.