Models, the epitome of style and luxury and envied by so many women across the globe. I've watched many fashion shows, beautiful women that grace the floor and sway so elegantly in front of millions, their features fine and defined, their skin silky and their hair always a taste of perfection. But what lies beneath the model? A fragile human being clinging desperately for some sense of normalcy? The have lives we could only begin to imagine and yet the media is rife with stories of suicides and drug abuse.
As with all types of success, the amount of pressure is most likely soul destroying. Late nights, long working hours, constant smiles and that's not even mentioning the stuff I really believe that happens behind closed, high powered doors. A came across a story about Daul Kim, an oriental masterpiece that felt the only option that was left for her was death. The worst part is that she had a blog and made some desperate cries for help that were left unanswered but as I'm sure we are all aware, the models of this world seem to many of us as untouchables.
What if someone had reached out to this woman, because in all truth, she was just a woman in trouble, even more heartbreaking, a young woman in trouble. 20 is far to young for a life to end, life is a journey and hers was cut off right at the beginning. Although I'm sure for her, she had probably felt like she had lived lifetimes with the high paced lifestyle she was living.
We all strive for success, we all wish for things to be better but maybe for just one moment we should take a look at the life we have right now, the people that surround us, the love we take for granted because as far as I can tell, the road to success is a lonely and dark one, so maybe appreciate the journey as much as you will the outcome.