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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Touchy Subject

It's a touchy subject and one that evokes blushing cheeks and avoiding eyes. I honestly cannot understand why, in the 21st century, we are all still so embarrassed to even broach the subject of masturbation. FACT....we all do it....FACT....some of us don't know how to do it properly...FACT.....we all have questions, especially when we're younger.

I remember wondering if there was something wrong with me and feeling too ashamed to discuss it with my parents, because it was a subject that was never discussed. It was only till I was much older, I realized that I was not a circus freak but a human being with needs. Needs is strong, more like desires and there is absoultely nothing wrong with satisfying yourself. I might be being a little harsh on this generation, I think we're a lot more open minded than our predecessors but there is still something a little taboo about talking about it.

The reason I bring up this uncomfortable subject, for most of you anyway, is because there is a new campaign happening in one of Spain's regions that helps youngsters understand masturbation and all that it entails. Their slogan is "PLEASURE IS IN YOUR OWN HANDS", that is nothing short of legendary. High fives all round, breaking the boundaries of a subject that we should be talking about, educating ourselves about, a natural human process that's been hidden in the closet for far too long. There are of course, people shifting uncomfortably in their skins and protesting the campaign. Ignorance is bliss and they're more than willing to stay in their uninformed comfort zones.

I wish something this wonderful had been available to me when I was younger, it would have prevented years of uncertainty and confusion and teenagers are confused enough as it is. I say, give the people the facts, even the adults that haven't quite gotten the hang of it yet, give them the information and trust in the fact that knowledge is power and who doesn't want to be empowered when it comes to something so prominent in our lives.