Relationships are always the hot topic after New Years because people need people and at the end of the day we are all looking for a partner or we look for ways to spice up the relationship we are already in. However, as with all things in this life, there are stereotypes. We tend to believe that it's higher on a woman's priority list than on a man's and we've believed that for quite some time.
Sitcoms, movies, documentaries all depict the lonely and desperate single woman in search of true love. I don't think it's without just cause that it's depicted that way, I recently went to a wine tasting with a group of single gals and was a bit stunned at the way some of them behaved and realized that's it's those women that give the rest of us a bad name.
But this morning I was pleasantly surprised at a survey that was done in the UK. First on the list of New Years resolutions for everyone, regardless of gender, was to enjoy life more. Second on the list for men was true love whereas for women it was fifth on the list. They are saying that the recession has pushed up priorities such as debt and saving money but this is still a very interesting find and some good news for the single girls out there. Here's to 2010 and finding Mr Right, it seems it's going to be a little easier (wink).