If I had known a couple of years ago that my virginity was actually worth something more than just "making it special" I would have maybe considered doing what Unigirl from New Zealand did to ensure her education was paid for. This 19 year old from New Zealand sold her virginity online for around 45 000 New Zealand Dollars. This seems to be the 21st century way to financial freedom, an American girl did it, an Italian girl did it and these are just the ones we know about.
There are people who are up in arms about this claiming its immoral and horrifically sad. I can't help but wonder if this is just the proverbial means to an end. We are in a recession, times are tough and people are suffering. I was one of the lucky few who didn't have to worry about how my education was being paid for but what about the thousands that spend the rest of their lives paying off enormous education debts? And I can assure you no one wants to start off their new life, degree in hand, with a fat loan hanging over them.
But I also can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that there are people out there willing to pay (and well) to have sex with a virgin. Surely you would want to sleep with someone who has some sexual experience? or is that the crux of the issue here? A virgin can't really tell if it was good or not. I remember my first experience and it was nothing to write home about, it was uncomfortable, at times painful and was pretty mediocre now that I can look back on it with some reference. But I knew who he was, I had spent a lot of time with him and of course, feelings were there. It must be terrifying have sex with a stranger for your very first time.
I can't seem to find myself on either side, I'm once again somewhere in the middle. I understand the reasoning and pity the action but it's not my life and maybe we should all take a little sage advice, "keep your nose out of other people's business!"