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Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Mistakes. We all make them and we all suffer the consequences of our actions, but is that statement entirely true? Are there people out there that seem to get away with a lot more than is acceptable? Every action I have taken in the 24 years I've been on this earth has had a consequence, some good, some horrible but I've had to face up to my decisions. This is where my mother-in-law comes into the equation.

This may sound like a rant and to a certain extent it is but I find it unbelievable that some people can get away with the proverbial murder and be forgiven purely on the basis that they are weak people and nothing more can be expected from them. How do you think the strong became strong? I can guarantee it wasn't from lack of pressure and being held accountable. I recently found out that my mother-in-law made the worst mistake, the unforgivable kind, the extremely frowned upon kind. And has not been confronted or made to deal with the consequence of her careless action.

She took her own mothers funeral policy money and used it for a plane ticket to England. Now, there have been many incidents that have made my skin crawl but this one takes the cake. And funnily enough I am the one dealing with the consequences. I am having to deal with the funeral home who are expected to be paid and the money is gone. And as much as I am trying to be sensitive to my partners needs in dealing with the devil for a mother, I can't help but feel my blood boil more and more each time an unpleasant secret is revealed.

The term pathological liar instantly springs to mind, and to be frank, I do not have time for those kind so people in my life. I find myself in a very difficult predicament, do I confront her or keep the peace for my partners sake? The only thing I know for sure is that I have a very real monster-in-law and know idea on how to get rid of her. Witness protection programme anyone??