Thursday, February 4, 2010
The North .................. The Northern highland of Thailand were once known as glorious Lanna Regain. This mountainous area contains headwater source of many important rivers, the nation's lifelines, which nourich all ethnic group on the high moutains and in the plants. In several province such as Chain Rai, Chaing Mai, and Nan, are situated research centers for temperate vegetation amidst the magnificant seas of fog and misty hills. In the river basins, people grow rice and vegetables. The north is also famous for some tasty fruite such as lychees in Chaing Rai, longans in Chaing Mai, golden orange in Nan, and langsat in Uttaradit. In addition to its agricaltural produce, The north is also rich in artistic, architecctural and handcraft heritage, which has been passed on to new generations for hundreds of years. The cultural riches are evident everywhere : in house, temple, handicraft, household items and even in the simple and peaceful daily routine that people perfrom.