It's official, abortions are 100 percent legal in Spain. How is this affecting the people? As always with this particular matter, some are up in arms while others are in full support. There never seems to be a middle ground when it comes to the subject of abortion.
With the new law in place, it means that girls as young as 16 and 17 years old have the right to have an abortion without their parent's permission. I have always been pro abortion, I feel that women have the right to decide what they should do. In the case of rape, one can only imagine the detrimental effects on the mothers mental health having to raise her attackers child. It's a sensitive subject like religion or politics but its an issue that needs to be addressed, educating people on this subject is the key to overcoming this difficult situation. Every circumstance is different but with the world in the state that it's in, we don't need more unwanted children.
I am pro abortion but I don't necessarily think it's right, I think its a necessary step in cases that are influenced by the society that we live in today. If we lived in a perfect world, we could bring as many children as we want into it, but that is not the reality and we need to make the allowances for the problems we have at the moment.