Puncak Bogor, is the peak, a mountain resort in the area of Bogor regency and Cianjur Regency.
Peak area is known as cold and fresh and filled with natural mountain region, which became one of the major tourist attractions in West Java.
This area is very popular for both domestic and foreign tourists. In this area there are also places of recreation and a beautiful agrotourism, including Gunung Mas and glider.
Peak areas there are also many interesting places including the Safari Park, Flower Garden, and there is a beautiful mosque with a unique architecture that is simple and Atta'awun Mosque. In this area there are many villas and hotels owned by citizens around for a place to rest your visitors.
Region as a top vacation spot for a while, especially on weekends by many citizens of Jakarta. Not a few citizens of Jakarta who choose to have a villa in this area. In addition to the comfortable atmosphere, Puncak area also has an interesting attractions to visit. But remember, bad things will fall over Summit on weekends. One of the interesting activity is to eat corn during the night at the Peak.