No, Britney Spears is not dead. Currently, online search engine has been fully loaded with this question again and again.
This rumor was started when Britney gave an interview, “she wanted her Body to be frozen after she dies so that when technology booms up in future , she could be brought back to life”
This is what she said and some guy started a false rumor that she is dead. However, the idea that she wants her body to be frozen is damn good. Who knows human’s have crossed limits of nature which led them to discover everything in this planet.
If technology progress, surely a mad scientist will discover a device that can get back the frozen body to live again.
Hey wait a min, this thing i have heard it. Yep, got it. The idea of body frozen and getting them back alive is currently experimented by NASA scientist so that they could send a body way out in space without the person knowing the year of journey or the total time spent.And the experiments on the rat has been successful.
This study is referred to as cryogenics.yeah i have seen it myself in a documentary on space.This is exactly what is reported in the following source “Britney gets these obsessions and this is the latest. It started when someone told her Walt Disney had been preserved by cryogenics to be revived in the future. That was a myth, but it got her researching the foundation and she became convinced it was worth a shot,” a Brit pal blabs. “Britney found the whole thing so interesting that she spent most of her Mother’s Day trip to Disneyland researching the subject on the internet.”
The source adds: “Jamie is quite happy to let Britney have her little obsession. And if she wants to invest her money in cryogenics that’s fine, we’re only talking around $350,000 maximum. “However, much more than that and he may change his mind.”