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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences Post-MSc PhD, Integrated PhD (IPhD-PH) 2011, Admissions 2011

S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences Post-MSc PhD Admission 2011 Integrated PhD Programme in Physical Sciences (IPhD-PH) 2011
The S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences invites applications from students with consistent excellent academic record (First Division/Class) to apply for its Post-M.Sc.-Ph.D Programmes 2011 and Post- B.Sc Integrated Ph.D Programme 2011. The students who apply are expected to be motivated to make a career in Research. Both the programmes are fully residential and the students are offered on-campus accommodations and boarding facilities. The centre charges no fee for the programmes. The centre is a premier research centre fully funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. In addition, the centre receives extramural funding from various funding agencies of India and abroad for its different research programmes.

The Centre has extensive collaborative programmes with other premier institutions in India and abroad through bi-lateral exchanges in which the PhD research scholars take active part. The centre is fully equipped with state-of- art infrastructure (experimental and computational) including a digital library for advanced research in chosen areas of Physical, Chemical and Mathematical sciences.

The research profiles of the members of the faculties are given the web site. At present the centre has nearly 130 students in its post-M.Sc-PhD programme and post-B.Sc Integrated PhD programme. The Alumni of the center are placed in academic and research sectors in India and abroad. The centre offers an excellent atmosphere for academic development of students which is continuously monitored by a thesis committee. The students in all the programmes have to undertake a prescribed course work and have to abide by the basic rules and regulations. A minimum scholastic standard and research output have to be maintained for continuation in the programmes and the fellowships.

The students can register for PhD degree in one of the following Universities: Calcutta University, Jadavpur University and West Bengal University of Technology.

A. PostM.Sc.Ph.D. Programme 2011

Basic qualification: M.Sc in Physics including Biophysics and Chemical Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics with First Class/Division.

1. Eligibility for Interview: Shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview during the period from April to June 2011, based on their JEST 2011 score and/or CSIR-UGCNET (JRF/LS). For exact dates for interview, please see the website after 1st April 2011.

2. Monthly Fellowship: Rs.16,000 pm for JRF. Rs.18,000 pm for SRF. After 2 years the students (JRF) are eligible to be assessed for upgradation to SRF. The assessment is done by a committee based on academic and research performance. The total fellowship period (JRF+SRF) need not exceed 5 years.

3. Application Deadline: 15th April 2011.

B. Integrated Ph.D. Programme in Physical Sciences (IPhDPH) 2011

Basic qualification: B.Sc with First Class/Division with Honours/Majors in Physics with mathematics as one of the subjects.

1. Eligibility for Interview: Shortlisted candidates (with eligible score in JEST/NGPE 2011 will be considered for interview. In addition, a written test (BoseTest) will be conducted by SNBNCBS in June 2011 at different Centres throughout the Country and the successful candidates will also be considered for interview.

2. Monthly Fellowship: Rs 12,000 during M.Sc (Degree awarded by the University of Calcutta), and thereafter, upon meeting the eligibility criteria, the students will be inducted as JRF.

3. Application Deadline: 15th April 2011.

The candidates have to apply on-line. Please log on to for further details. The facility will open on 28th March 2011.

In matters of admission the decision of the Director of the centre is final and binding. The candidates have to apply on-line at link:

For details, logon to the website links: OR