According to Hindu Bali custom, nuptials conducted at home bridegroom on which assumed either by priest of Hindu Bali. Usually recently married remain with men family in one lawn of house.
There are two kinds of nuptials, that called as ‘ Kawin Lari’, and ‘ ngindih’. Kawin Lari is an ancient way which is doing East Bali, where the woman left her house to married without knowledge by her parent, but it is rarely conducted. The way of nuptials which commonly use is marrying Ngidih, where the men side apply to woman parent.
Running Marriage
On the day agreed by the couple candidates, others person or men asked to help, fetching the woman and bring him to house one of their family to be hidden at least during three-days or until woman parent fellow that the missy of having married.
Hereinafter, four people represent men side to submit a message to woman parrent that their girl was married. Banjar Kelian of woman family side follow to submit the message. They bring lamp as lighthening symbol and statement of couples that they has married on the basis of love and without any constraint from another person.
If the woman parrent accept that the daughter has been running and will be marry with her choice man, they will determine when the men side can coming again to finish the problem of this nuptials.
On the day agreed by the both of couples parrent, the family of man side coming to woman side house to submit desire of them to marry their son with the their daughter from women side. Then, laterly they will specified one day to collect all of woman family and asking men family and their families to coming back to apply and discuss nuptials process. After reached an agreement, bride brought to bridegroom house.
Pawiwahan (three-days ceremonial).
After three-days live at man house or often called as ‘cache of woman’, candidate of married recently will be execute a ceremonial with sesajen (a part of ceremonial) led by the priest who comes from Sudra family to authenticate the marriage based on Hindu Bali religion. This Ceremony only attended by close family from both of couples or only from man side if using elope ways.
Pawiwahan in family temples
On the day which agreed and showed by priest of Brahmin, larger ones ceremony will be executed in men side. The meaning of this ceremony is to send to all ancestors who are burried in that temples, that there is one new comer to become family member and will continue the clan.
In Ngidih marrying all members of banjar from men side and all big families of woman and another invitations witness this ceremony. While in eloping, close family of woman side is keep off. The invitation can reach hundreds of people.
This ceremony is usually continued with execution of ‘mepamit’ ceremony ( take leave ceremony) which conducted in bride family. The meaning from this ceremony is to ask to take leave to all ancestors because now they have and become men family responsibility.
Generally all marriage ceremony expenses accounted by men family including for Mepamit ceremony (Take leave ceremony) which conducted at woman parent house. Member of Banjar provide some of food-stufves for the party of ceremony materials and all invitation guests bring a gift for recently married.