Bangli is one of Bali Sub Province that very attractive to visit. There lot of tourism object which included on this area make becomes one of the tourism locations that should be visited. With unique characteristic of Bangli that becomes the one from eight Sub Province who doesn’t have coastal region. But that way, exactly Bangli has biggest lake in Bali. Famous called as ‘Batur’ Lake that have beautiful panorama. This lake is irrigating almost all of agriculture area in South Bali that the systems called as ‘Subak’. Symbolically, according to the local people, ‘Subak’ (the traditional agriculture irrigation systems) look at Ulun Danau Batur as worship orientation to the God of Visnu the natural preserver by Hindus religion. Located on the high mountain with height at about 400 meter’s from the sea surface level make the weather on Batur lakes is cold, and interesting to see. With cold weather which always mist and rain, Bangli area becomes the producer of fruit that have good qualities. The mountainous area in Bangli also becomes the biggest producer of bamboo in Bali. Most of the traditional buildings in Bali make bamboo as the roof.
Bangli is also has important role in ancient history especially in the end of 10 centuries and early 11 centuries when the empire of King Udayana from Warmadewa Dynasty. A Lot of encryption and important note concerning to Bali history journey founded in Bangli. The temples of Bukit Panulisan in the north side of ‘Kintamani’ giving a description about the historical journey of Bali in ancient times. Further more, there also lot of archaeology artifact which saved on this temples. Gong Gede in temples of Ulun Danu is believed as the ancient archaeology that success to be saved when Pura Ulun Danu which located on ‘Batur Mountain’ destroyed by eruption in about 1926.
The society in Bangli is also describe the high culture that owned by this area. The spoken dialect and society culture in Kintamani area indicate that not only the archaeology artifact and encryption which prove the important role of Balinese history but it’s too. The resident models of Bali Mula society is care with better by the resident. And also the resident models in Pengotan, Panlipuran, Bayung Gde, Sribatu, and another ancient village proves the high value of society structure in the past.