Some might think we are living in the age of enlightenment. Personal growth is at the top of every one's list, its all Dr Phil and Oprah's Live Your Best Life reruns and books by Eckard Tolle. Regardless of your personal opinion, we are without argument living in the age of technology too. High speed Internet and social networks have replaced loneliness with the hope that we are in fact, never alone.
Revenge doesn't seem to fit into either of these categories, its an antiquated notion that we are to forget forgiveness and repay eyes with eyes and teeth with teeth. Optometry and dentistry have never had it so good. So, with the idea of revenge categorised with other acts of pre primary evolution its rare to come across a gem like I found today.
A woman in Malaga was arrested after posting an ad on the net promising sex from her ex boyfriends new girlfriend for free! Too good to be true? Yes, unfortunately. The new girlfriend started getting calls from hopefuls and before you could say "wow, that was nasty" the old girlfriend was caught, arrested and will be charged with something like Defamation of Character. So, she's not smart - this old girlfriend but she probably got a little thrill out of it. Lets hope it was enough to keep her warm at night in a cold, lonely jail cell. Seems that mathematically, this love triangle made the victim look like a square and the perpetrator and her plan decidedly pear shaped.
Here's my advice to anyone listening...don't do that. Maybe the new girlfriend isn't your choice for the man you used to love but here's the thing - if you're capable of that, how nice a girlfriend could you have been to start off with? OK, I'll cut her some slack, no one likes a judger but if you are hell bent on revenge, keep it old school.
That's bad advice I know. So don't take my word for it, tune into Tourism Radio and keep your eyes open for a brand new product coming end April...its going to rock.