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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Oh How The Mighty Can Fall

I've always wondered what it would be like to be fabulously wealthy, to not have to worry about "the common mans problems". I discussed this with a friend of mine recently, I remember saying to her that if you had all the money in the world, everything would be alright, all my problems would simply fade away. Of course, this is clearly naive thinking on my part. As always, my friend imparted her pearls of wisdom and calmly said "You would have a new set of issue to deal with." I realized that I had never really thought about it like that. What would it REALLY be like if you had all the money in the world?

One thing I have always believed is that when a person struggles financially, when there are limitations to what can be done, respect is nurtured. A respect for other people, a respect for what is right and even though bound financially, there is a freedom in knowing how difficult life can really be and a deep appreciation for the important things in life such as family, children, friends, love and truth.

So after I felt better about myself and the fact that I don't have millions but I have what is important (and that just might be the poor person in me talking) I came across a story in the news that almost confirmed what I believe in.

A socialite, Clare Irby, a descendant of the Guinness brewing family, behaved appallingly on a long haul flight. She stripped down to her underwear after getting drunk, allowed her son to run around without a nappy on, treated the airline staff know the rest and started getting it on with a passenger, who's girlfriend happened to be on the same flight. Now, of course, because of her wealth she will never fully understand the consequences of her actions. She will never learn to be respectful because I'm sure daddy will always be more than willing to bail out his little princess.

Another great example of someone lacking any kind of respect for his fellow man is Kanye West who stole a momentous moment from Taylor Swift after she had received an award for best video. I watched the video in horror as he so callously told the audience that Beyonce's video was better. These are people who have no boundaries, who don't realize the consequences of their actions because they have never been made to face them. Don't even get me started on Paris Hilton.....

These are examples of people who can afford to do whatever they want and I consider them to be ignorant jackass's, thanks for that one Obama. So much good can be done with the power and money that these people have and instead they behave like mindless idiots, maybe it's the parents that should be blamed, for not teaching their privileged children right from wrong.

With great power, comes great responsibility. Running with scissors.......I'm sure that many poor people have uttered these words but I'm laying them on you today, one day when I am rich, I will use my power and money for the good of my family as well as mankind, and you can hold me to that. In the meantime, I will continue to read these ridiculous stories and hope that one day these fools will understand what life is really about and stop living in their lala lands.