I'm going to go out on a really precarious limb on this one and say something that's recently been on my mind, are we meant to be in monogamous relationships? There are so many instances of cheating that I'm really beginning to wonder if we're going against the grain on this one. I've been told by a wagging, disapproving finger (obviously attached to an unimpressed person's hands) that saying something like this is almost as bad as denouncing God. There are rules, rules that need to be followed and if not, you're shunned as a leper and banished to your colony, called names like "Hillbilly" and "White Trash". But thoughts are thoughts and if we don't challenge ourselves in our thinking where do we land up? one of the herd.....baa-ing in line and waiting for our rears to be sheared.
I'm not ashamed to think about the box, or bed, in this case. I love my partner, deeply but I know from past experience that relationships are hard work, I've been told that anything that comes easily should be questioned, but why can't love be easy? It's hard merging two lives, different attitudes, different mind sets, different habits and for what? Putting your trust and faith in a person that has animal urges and instincts, praying that their mind will save them if they happen to walk into a tempting situation? I know what you're thinking, and you're absolutely right. I've been hurt, but let me ask, haven't you? Haven't we all?
That's what I'm trying to say, I seem to stray from my point every so often, can't be helped, I'm a woman discovering the world, shaping it in my minds eyes and trying to find my footing. It's not easy when your mind is constantly full of thoughts and I've always felt a little different, a little odd, sort of like a small green ball in an ocean of pink ones. But I wouldn't change it for anything, I wouldn't want to be anyone other than I am. And right now in this moment, I'm questioning monogamy, it's my right to change my mind at any stage, it's my right as a woman or so I've been told. So I'll continue to wonder, not necessarily act, on this newly formed question and I'd love to hear an opinion or two on what you think, believe, feel.