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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

As Superficial As It Gets....

The world is a mixture of tall, short, fat, thin and that only helps to diversify a race that thrives on individuality. We crave to be different because in doing so we become unique. I was told from a very young age that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it's whats on the inside that counts and never judge a book by it's cover. These cliche's have been my moral compass when the urge to judge arises and I find myself in a narrow minded moment. As time goes by, with everything in life, the only constant we can rely on is change and learn that in order to survive the society we live in today, we need to adapt and faster than ever before.

I couldn't help but wonder, as we learn the new ways of living from social networking to dating via webcam, how much are we willing to compromise our core beliefs? No one meets organically anymore, there are no coffee shop glances, or random meetings in the park, those are the stuff movies are made of, so what choice do we have? The World Wide Web. Dating site upon dating site has been launched and millions of people are googling their perfect match as we speak and as cold as this might seem, people are doing it more and more often.

I think it's the easiest option and although there are dangers involved there are many cases of people finding their happily ever after and retelling their hilarious "I met him on the internet" story. But as I mentioned before, times are changing and with it, the dating website world, thanks to a new dating service called and this is where my own core beliefs are challenged.

As the name states, you have to be beautiful to join. Who determines your beauty you ask? There is a rating system that all the current members use for judging and if you get the correct rating, you're in! Lucky you! For all the 'ugly' people in the world, it's a self esteem destroyer and a reminder of how superficial we can be. It angers me to think that a site like this could actually exist, but let's be honest, this is pretty small fry compared to some others I've come across, however it still stings the heart with it's blatant and hurtful message.

This is why people all over the world have serious issues about their appearance, I say we boycott who's with me??