It's war of the words and today's topic, how long should you hold out for Mr Right? I happen to believe that there is no such thing as Mr Right, I believe in Mr Right Now but that might just be my sarcastic side coming out again. I think we all have soul mates but I don't believe in just one, this one is quite limiting don't you think?
Hollywood promotes this idea of the perfect man waiting to sweep you off your feet. The reason I bring this up is because American author Lori Gottlieb has written a book, in which she declares that singletons who are still searching for Mr Right by the age of 30 should give up and settle for Mr Second Best. I think it's brilliance in a book! I think it's a competitor for He's Just Not That Into You! The men of our dreams don't exist ladies, it's time we came to that realization and I'm not saying settle down with drunk-beat you-crotch scratching-bob, I'm saying be realistic in your choice of a partner.
I tend to live with my head in the clouds, I often read Mills and Boons Novels, in fact, I want to write some, but all of these mediums whether it's TV, a romance novel, a Hollywood romance or a story from a friend claiming to have found Prince Charming himself, influence us to believe in the perfect male specimen and the reality is unfortunately very far from the fantasy.
I'm not saying don't believe in love, believe in it, revel in it, savor every moment, but remember that we as people all have faults and cracks and that finding the perfect guy is never going to happen. Deal with it!