Calpe, Alicante coast population of the Mediterranean, bathed by the blue water, sun, sand ...
It smells like salt. Invites visitors to enter into magical places through different routes: boardwalks, archaeological sites, hiking, and spectacular panoramic views across the Natural Park of Penon de Ifach.

Calpe provides 2 beaches accessible during the summer. These beaches have an area with services to facilitate access to the bathroom to Disabled people and are equipped with amphibious chair and crutch, bathrooms, showers and changing rooms. The Town has also a wide promenade adapted and accessible.
The Rock of Ifach, a large rock of 332 meters in 1987 declared a Natural Park. Called by the Phoenicians "Rock of the North" to distinguish it from Gibraltar, southern rock, because they were the most spectacular promontories they encountered in their travels around the Spanish Mediterranean coast. It has a reserve of over 300 plant species and a rich fauna of seabirds that nest in its recesses.

HAYA TRAVEL and adaptive architecture in collaboration with Aspaym CV organize trips to Calpe.
Reservations and more information:
Viajes Haya Travel Avda Cataluña, 20-1º Valencia
Telfs. 963 277 880 / 638 78 28 11 / 622 43 54 54
Fax 963 277 886 e-mail: turismoaccesible@hayatravel.com