Some Small Tips When Moving To Australia
Monday, August 31, 2009Many of the following tips are actually quite ordinary and very mundane. However, these are the ones that are often easily forgotten by foreigners. And it is definitely not a good idea to forget them, as these will often lead you to some rather uncomfortable situations. Note that these reminders apply to both immigrants and simple visitors.
The first thing that you need to worry about when going to Australia is the weather. As you have already know, the continent is a large desert. Thus, you can definitely expect it to be very dry and hot. Remember to pack in clothes that are suited for such a climate. Here's one thing to remember, never bring in winter clothes. Unless you are going to the southernmost cities or the mountains, it is highly unlikely that you will ever encounter snow. Though the nights will definitely be a little bit colder than what you are used to.
And since the Australian climate is dry, you can also expect frequent dust storms, especially if you are going to live near the rural areas. You need to be ready for them as sand storms are known in Australia to be very troublesome. Also note that, while it is indeed very sunny in the country, this is not always a good thing. The rate of skin cancer cases in Australia is quite high, so remember to bring in a good amount of protection when going out. If you are living near forest areas, be also prepared for forest fires as these are quite common, But, of course, don't let this stop you from enjoying the various outdoor sights that the country is widely known for.
You will also need to get used to the set-up of homes in Australia. One thing that you need to be careful of is electricity. If you are coming from a country in the west, such as the United States, never try to plug any appliance that you brought in directly to a wall socket, as this might explode. The voltage ratings are higher in Australia, so you need to either provide an adapter or switch to a more suited equipment.
Also be aware of Australian business practices so that your transactions will be much easier. One thing to note is the trading hours. The hours is pretty much the same with that of other countries, which is from 9 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon. However, in some cases, business hours can be extended depending on availability. Businesses are also closed on certain holidays or when something occurs.
There are still many other small tips that you need to take into mind when living in Australia. But no need to hurry, since you will be learning them during your stay.
Alcohol Fuel Availability
Regional supply and distribution
ħCentered tightly in
ħNot generally available in
more heavily populated
areas on West Coast, East
E85 Service Station Locations in US
Further compounding these difficulties is the somewhat limited availability of
High distribution costs, mainly, restricts it’s use to a concentrated region in the
finding an E85 station, but the rest of us have to hunt around a bit to find them).
For future growth, obviously, this regional limitation must be overcome—either
through improved distribution means or, better yet, through utilization of more
Just Be Grateful.....
My mind started to wander as I looked at story after story of more and more horrific acts committed by people and I thought about being grateful. Simple concept, I realize but it seems that the simple concepts in this life are easily dismissed, do I even need to bring up "He's Just Not That Into You?" Yesterday while grocery shopping, I was horrified at the price of food and by the time I had packed the packets into the boot of my car, I had my head on my steering wheel ready to let out a self pitying wail of sadness. As I drove home, I started feeling more and more sorry for myself. Questions raced through my mind, "How am I going to make it to the end of the month?", "Why can't I have more money?", "My life is so horrible!! What am I going to do?" by the time I got home, I was completely miserable and found myself like a snapping turtle and anything anyone said made me want to lash out.
It's just my nature to be a worry wart, I seem to make it every month, not well but I do. As I wallowed in my misery, my 14 year old brother looked at me and said in a very even voice "It could be worse, think of my friend." It hit me like a ton of bricks. His friend who is the same age as him lost his mother two years ago and now lives with his 10 year old brother and their father who is dieing of HIV/AIDS. One morning while my mother was lifting this boy to school along with my brother they started talking and she realized that these kids didn't have money for food and that they were hungry every morning when they went to school.
That broke my heart, I have food on my table every night, I have a roof over my head and truth be told a damn good family that would do anything for me and here I was wallowing in self pity when a boy much younger than me has to deal with the harsh realities of life way before he should be. My grandfather, admittedly not a very wise man, once told me something that really stuck with me, he said, " If you sat around a table with a bunch of strangers and all put your problems on it, you would snatch yours back very quickly". Wise words. So the next time you check your bank balance and want to crawl in the depths of depression remember that you are so much luckier than most. I know it's a cliche people but sometimes the cliche's hold some powerful truths we just have to be wise enough to see it. We are all powerful and there is nothing that can get us down, we are adaptable, cunning and intelligent. We have it all on our side, we just need to learn how to use our skills and overcome any obstacle that stands in our way. Have a wonderful week readers!
Art exhibition by Mazarrón-born artist
Friday, August 28, 2009Kuliner Ramadhan (Culinary Ramadhan )
This several culinary from indonisia Archipelago (Nusantara) sold during ramadhan from various ramadhan market in batam.
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) provides authorized for-hire motor carrier, freight forwarder and property broker licensing and insurance data to the industry and public via telephone requests and paper reports. This web site makes it possible to offer this information electronically. All information displayed via a database query is public information which has long been available under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
The licensing and insurance information about authorized for-hire motor carriers, freight forwarders and property brokers, provided free-of-charge, is the real-time, up-to-date information contained in the FMCSA Licensing & Insurance database. Licensing application and insurance information will appear on this web site as soon as it is manually entered into the L&I database by FMCSA staff or electronically filed by authorized insurance filers.
More Innocent Lives Ruined......
What amazes me is the fact that these people can get away with this. I live in an area that admittedly has some really nosy people in it and I cant help but wonder if it's so different any where else, someone, somewhere, must have realized that something was going on. I don't like nosy people and I will be the first to say that people can really get irritating when they are constantly in your business but surely there is a middle ground? A place where things like this can be noticed and action can be taken accordingly.
Besides Jaycee and the two children she will now have to raise, who will likely look like the man that put her through this horrific ordeal, I feel so incredibly sorry for her parents. Can you even begin to imagine not knowing what has happened to your child? Living for 18 years, wondering if she's ok? If she's hurt? If she's dead? Two soulless pigs have ruined so many innocent lives and I truly believe that they should be shown absolutely no mercy. In fact, they are lucky I don't run the country because if it were up to me they would suffer a punishment worse than death.
Planning Your Australian Vacation
Thursday, August 27, 2009You don't really need to be very obsessive about mapping every tiny detail of your trip. That would definitely take out much of the excitement in the trip. Besides, it would be very tiring if you go out of your way to look into everything. However, you still need to plan the major details to make the most out of the trip. Here are some of the things that you need to consider beforehand.
First of all is the environment. Be forewarned, the Australian climate can be very hot and damp. Be sure to pack in suitable clothes for the weather. Basically, you need plenty of loose clothing for easier air circulation. And since most of your activities will probably be outdoors, it would be better if you bring durable clothes and shoes. A sturdy pair of jeans and rubber shoes will be more than enough, be sure to wear the right attire for specific activities.
And since your activities will be on the outside, you need to have ample protection. Bring in the necessary safety equipment with you when you go. Also be sure to have even a small first aid kit in case of accidents. One thing that shouldn't forget to bring in your trip is a mosquito repellant. These creatures are more than plenty in Australia so it would be better if you have protection.
And of course you need to have the means to travel. Car rentals are plenty in the various cities in Australia and they come in affordable prices. You can arranged for rentals online even before you leave home. This will save you the time of looking for rental shops in the place where you are staying. If you are going under a vacation package, car rentals are often already including in them so you need not worry. On thing that you need to remember is that the country follows left hand drive. Thus you need to be familiar with this one in order to get on the road. Also check beforehand if your license is valid in Australia, if not, you should get yourself an international license.
And of course, planning your activities is a must if you want to have the time to try everything. It would be easier if you get yourself if you get a vacation package since you don't need to think of the activities. But the downside of this is that you don't have control over the activities you will do. If you do organize your trips on your own. It would be better if you group the most related activities together. For example you can do city tours on one day and physical ones the next. This way, you won't have to go fumbling around on what thing to do next.
One thing that you need to always keep in mind during your whole vacation is that you are here to have fun. This will make your vacation even better.
Choosing the Vehicle
Selecting which vehicle to purchase is the most important fuel economy decision you'll make.
The difference between a car that gets 20 MPG and one that gets 30 MPG amounts to $610 per year (assuming 15,000 miles of driving annually and a fuel cost of $2.44).
That's $3,050 extra in fuel costs over five years!
Pasar Ramadhan Tanjung Uma (Ramadhan Market)
Seriously I Dont Get It
I'm talking about Tomatina, in Valencia. The event that requires participants to throw tomatoes at each other, a messy affair. It's the world's largest tomato fight, I feel a pang of sadness typing that. 45 000 people from all over the world gather to hurl 120 tonnes of tomatoes around the streets. Again I ask, What is the point?
I suppose I will never truly understand why people find certain things to do fun. maybe I need to experience this for myself to understand the fun behind it? Although the thought of being covered from head toe in tomatoes is not something I'm particularly keen on doing but who knows, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised?
Sydney, Australia: A jar of Honey
Wednesday, August 26, 2009Sydney, Australia is better known for its harbor, the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The dramatic and scene-stealer steel arch displays a very captivating view, perfect for lovers who wants calmness and prefer to enjoy the beauty of the sunset. Together with the bridge is the Sydney Opera House that appears with an astonishing shape, you wouldn't even mind entering the building. Inside the theater, you can catch Ballet dancers on their adorable performance. And if you can't get enough of your moments together, extend your romance on the harbor until the night, when gleaming lights all over Sydney illuminate the city. You can also try scenic flights over Sydney by riding a plane.
If you prefer a beach getaway with your partner, Sydney has world-class beaches that foreigners all over the world comes for. Bondi beach's white sand is admired by many tourists. You can enjoy sailing and other water activities on their blue water. The beach also have amenities like restaurants, hotels and souvenir shops that can accommodate all your vacation needs.
Sydney also has more quiet beaches especially for couples who want their trip private. It would be more romantic visiting resorts in Tamarama or Coogee. You can also have fun in Beautiful Avalon and Palm Beaches in the north for its small crowd and nice coastal setting.
Being in Australia, with your loved-one will make you wish for the day to never end. And if this happens, you wouldn't run out of activities to do. You can go shopping in Darling Harbor, The Rocks and Sydney Tower. After shopping relish fine dining on different restaurants, bistros and cafe around the city. There are restaurants that has a nice view on the shiny Sydney Harbor.
When the day is over you can have a good rest on cozy hotels found just inside the city. Sydney got 5 star luxury hotels that are romantic and secluded places to stay.
Sydney is very proud of the Marriott Sydney Harbour at Circular Quay. It is a hotel that has a nice House Opera view, convenient inn for shoppers. You can also stroll around the waterfront and catch a late-night ferry to the North Shore. Couples who have tried the place said that it is the best choice for Sydney honeymoon suite hotel. Sebel Pier One and Sir Stamford at Circular Quay and many selections
also make good hotel services.
For couples who want to fall in love deeper, visiting Sydney, Australia, the city where romance never sleeps.
Replacing a Clogged Air Filter on Modern Cars Improves Performance but Not MPG
Tests suggest that replacing a clogged air filter on an older car with a carbureted engine may improve fuel economy 2 to 6 percent under normal replacement conditions or up to 14 percent if the filter is so clogged that it significantly affects drivability.
The effect of a clogged air filter on diesel vehicles will be tested in the near future.
Pasar Beduk Ramadhan ( Sudden Market of Ramadhan)
Tourism - Keraton Yogyakarta Palace
Tuesday, August 25, 2009Yogyakarta Sultanate or Kesultanan Yogyakarta is a monarchy in the province of Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Yogyakarta is known as the second most important tourist destination in Indonesia besides Bali. Most tourists come to Yogyakarta for its strong Javanese culture and tradition, makes it prominent among other Javanese cities. Along with Surakarta or Solo, a city lies about 64 km to the east, Yogyakarta becomes the center of Javanese culture.
Tourism - Keraton Yogyakarta Palace
Yogyakarta Sultanate or Kesultanan Yogyakarta is a monarchy in the province of Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Yogyakarta is known as the second most important tourist destination in Indonesia besides Bali. Most tourists come to Yogyakarta for its strong Javanese culture and tradition, makes it prominent among other Javanese cities. Along with Surakarta or Solo, a city lies about 64 km to the east, Yogyakarta becomes the center of Javanese culture.
Starting a New Life In Australia
Starting a new life in Australia is new but a very enjoyable task. Settling there wouldn't be that hard if you studied or researched about values and culture of the country. Having a background will make adapting a bearable task. Knowing what it is being in Australia through research will make adjustments easier.
Settling in Australia might take years before you feel that you are fully established and independent. But it still depends on different factors like your English speaking capability, your health, or whether you came there as a family migrant or as a refugee. You may need help from natural Australian to settle successfully. Looking for schools, work, transport and health services are things you need to do right after you arrive in the country. Information are vital in settlement, just like in treasure hunting.
After you've worked with your self needs, you go on with your commitments with the government to become a legitimate Australian settler.
- Apply for a tax file number, to receive an income, this is the first thing you should do.
- Register with Medicare, an Australian government scheme that provides people with public health services.
- Open a bank account. Most incomes in Australia are paid directly through a bank account.
- Register with Centrelink, a government agency that delivers range of services to the community.
- Enroll your children in school, it is a must under Australian law that children are sent to school until 15.
- Apply for a driver's license.
Education in Australia is given much priority by the government. In each cities, private and public schools are available. Temporary visa holders however are required to pay for schooling fees.
In Australia, it is the family that regulates much of the day-to-day life of people. For a new settler there are groups or community that offers help for families.
Australia has quality housing, supply of food and medicines and water and sanitation to maintain the good health of its people.
There is a wide range of housing option in Australia. Most migrants choose to rent a house first before buying one. It is better if you reside in a place near to your workplace.
The country is separated by large distance, so it is advisable if you get your own car for convenient traveling. Nevertheless, there are also many public transports that exist.
Finding a job in Australia depends on economic factors, qualifications and skills, the type of work you are seeking, and particular circumstances, but the government provides rules to make employment fair and just for everyone. They also subtract tax from your income that is used for everyone's good.
Observe the Speed Limit

You can assume that each 5 mph you drive over 60 mph is like paying an additional $0.24 per gallon for gas.
Observing the speed limit is also safer.
He's Just Not That Into You.......

From the title I'm sure you can tell that I've recently watched the movie. Let me start off by saying that when the "He's Not That Into You" book mania happened, I thought I was being clever by not being sucked into the hype of something that is clearly so very obvious, so when I was approached by a very intelligent friend who convinced me to at least give the movie a chance, I was intrigued. Surely someone with a good head on their shoulders wouldn't be fooled by a money making scheme that states what we already know?
Women are smart, we don't need to be told when a man is not interested, the signs are all there! So I sat on my couch, feeling like a very superior woman, popcorn in the one hand and a cooldrink in the other and I delved into the world of "He's Just Not That Into You".
Wake up call is an understatement. Who knew such a simple concept would be so very profound? Apart from the compulsory Hollywood ending, the one where everyone ends up happy and in love, the beginning and middle part struck a chord. It was amazing to see how we rationalize things, how we seek hidden meanings and run straight into a concrete wall willingly. Some of the excuses and rationalizations I had used personally! Things like "Maybe he just doesn't have airtime", "Maybe he's just come out of a serious relationship" or my favorite, "He'll definitely call".
I was proved wrong and admittedly sucked into the hype of "He's Just Not That Into You". Things that never made sense before suddenly became so clear, I am officially a walking cliche but I feel enlightened. I feel like so many situations I have found myself in, could have easily been avoided if I had been equipped with this knowledge. It's the secret all over again. Let me end this by saying that now that I have the answer that so many of us women search for, I'm going to use it and take back my power.
Hotel Selection Tips for Australian Travelers
Monday, August 24, 2009There is a great selection of hotels in Australia. These offer can be a part of the services you get from your travel partner. Most of them are affordable and intentionally built for travelers. The only question remaining is “Do they offer you the best quality of services?”
A website called has just released their own version of pointers to consider when choosing and looking for the best hotel deals. The site is one of the leading provider of accommodation services on the web. They gave us tips on how we can thrift and enjoy our short stay in Australia. Here are the pointers that can help us on our stay in Australia:
Act quickly and be spontaneous
If you see a deal that fits into your budget – snap it up as it may not last. Travelers should also let the deals, not the location, guide their decision. You might just find a new holiday spot!
Be flexible on location
Look just outside the CBD areas when booking your accommodation. Hotels located in suburbs next to the central city locations offer great deals to entice bookings. Suburbs to look out for in Sydney are Darlinghurst and Potts Point and in Melbourne, St Kilda and Albert Park.
Check for inclusions and upgrades
Hotels offer some great deals online and many will offer free breakfast, parking and upgrades allowing you to save money straight away. Also, some promotions will include a free upgrade in the room price.
Be your own travel agent
Avoid paying travel agent commissions by booking your own flights and accommodation online. Be sure to choose your travel website carefully and book with a company you trust.
Consider self-contained apartments
With more space and the facilities to cook your own meals, self-contained apartments can save you money. Plus the addition of a laundry also means you can pack less.
Remember the kids
Use of complimentary tennis courts, swimming pools and playgrounds will keep the kids amused and entertaining costs to a minimum.
Don’t forget your manners
Be friendly when checking in, a smile goes a long way and may score you an upgrade.
One of the things we should always consider when traveling is the board and lodging. A place where you can bond more with your family. Because no matter how fun the day is, you will surely need some rest.
Increase Energy Sustainability
Sustainable energy use is energy use that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their energy needs. Achieving sustainable energy use requires that energy be
Developed from renewable resources
Produced by cleaner, more-efficient technologies
Used more efficiently and with greater conservation
Almost all of the cars and trucks we drive run on fuels derived from oil, which is non-renewable. While there is some debate as to how long this resource will last, we will eventually have to find new ways to power highway vehicles.
Researchers are hard at work exploring new fuels and vehicle technologies:
Hybrids, electric vehicles, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are areas of intense research, along with efficient technologies for gasoline and diesel vehicles.
Renewable fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel can help offset petroleum use.
Other fossil fuels such as coal, shale oil, tar sands, and natural gas are another possibility.
In the meantime, it makes sense to use fossil resources such as oil more efficiently to buy time to develop new and better energy sources and to make the transition to these sources smoother and less expensive.
MCC Gardening Group - Barbecue planned for 8th September
A Horrible Way To Go....

Jasmine Fiore, if you haven't heard about her by now, you've been living under a rock. She's the playboy model that's recently been murdered and her husband is the prime suspect, only problem is, he's disappeared. Reality TV contestant Ryan Alexander Jenkins is wanted in connection with her death after her mutilated body was found stuffed in a suitcase.
It looks to be a clear case of obsessive jealousy because as it turns out Jasmine was texting her ex Robert Hasman, after her death he received a text simply saying "suck it" sent from her phone from the killer, apparently her other half. I've always been fascinated by these barbie women, the women who spend their lives perfecting their looks and living a life of sex and decadence, in a way it sounds like a lot of fun and when we watch shows like Girls of the Playboy Mansion, we almost envy their lives but the reality of what these girls go through is a lot different to what we like to think it is. Surgeries, sex, most likely drugs, being treated as objects instead of people, it can't be all its cracked up to be.
When things like this happen it makes people like us, the regular joes, realize that the world of glitz and glamour has a nasty side that has no mercy. This woman, who was beautiful and probably had very low self esteem, was mutilated and shoved into a suitcase. She had to be identified by the serial number on her breast implant because her teeth and fingers had been removed. Where the hell is the dignity in that?
Women are starting to lose perspective. We need to start realizing that WE have the power. Embrace your crooked nose, love your small breasts, celebrate being a natural woman, we are all beautiful and we need to start recognizing it, low self esteem is making women who are naturally unique and special end up in dumpsters in a suit case. Love yourself!!! I promise its the way forward!
Interest Rates Frozen in Australia Despite Global Recession
Sunday, August 23, 2009While job employment decreases throughout Australia. People still find the country as a good place for business. With good financial services and protection, Australia is still a venue for investors and small time businessmen. Australian migration is still a very good step to take. Economists and analysts are doing necessary steps to make their economy stay firm.
“The talk about rate hikes was insubstantial and will remain unchanged until next year”. This was the statement collated from Australian economists by The Sunday Telegraph. Backed up by well studied economic data, the news insists that financial markets are pricing in two quarter-point hikes in 2010.
However, most economist who participated in this survey said that it is wrong to price in two rate hikes early next year. They also added that there would be no change until the latter part of 2010 or we will get a further cut in the cash rate later this year as unemployment stats keep on increasing.
Rory Robertson, a Macquarie Bank rate strategist said that this freeze on the interest rate was caused by the deteriorating unemployment rate. “Having a demand for job might mean increase on rates. But since analysts' forecasts says that unemployment will continue on the coming months, the agenda on the rate hikes is still off.” he added.
Bad news on the employment is a good news on the interest rates.
ANZ economists once predicted that there will be rate cuts late this year but scratched it and announced that there will be no more increase until November next year.
“But definitely, the next move will be up.” says Saul Eslake, the ANZ Chief Economist prior to his statement saying they got over the whole 2005 without a change on rates.
With this news, Australia can still endure more and more investments while assuring no bankruptcy. Business starters, small or big, are sure that their capital won't just be melted by the recession.
Anyways, Australia migration increases despite unemployment landslide. This proves that Australia can still bear the challenge of recession. The government has been making extra efforts to protect the investors and heighten up the business investment rates.
Marhaban Ya Ramadhan (Ramadhan Has Come)
The Picture taken at Tiban Indah and Tiban 1 (princess) - Sekupang.
AP7 Cartagena-Vera branded as 'ghost highway'
Saturday, August 22, 2009Tenders now open for covered swimming pool in Mazarron
Friday, August 21, 2009Water Transportation Occupations
Employment in water transportation occupations is projected to grow faster than average. Good job opportunities are expected.
Employment change. Employment in water transportation occupations is projected to grow 16 percent over the 2006-2016 period, faster than the average for all occupations. Job growth will stem from increasing tourism and growth in offshore oil and gas production. Employment will also increase in and around major port cities due to rapidly increasing international trade.
Employment in deep-sea shipping for American mariners is expected to remain stable. A fleet of deep-sea U.S.-flagged ships is considered vital to the Nation’s defense, so some receive Federal support through a maritime security subsidy and other provisions in laws that limit certain Federal cargoes to ships that fly the U.S. flag.
Employment growth also is expected in passenger cruise ships within U.S. waters. Vessels that operate between U.S. ports are required by law to be U.S.-flagged vessels. The staffing needs for several new U.S. flagged cruise ships that will travel to the Hawaiian Islands will create new opportunities for employment. In addition, increasing use of ferries to handle commuter traffic around major metropolitan areas should increase employment.
Some growth in water transportation occupations is projected in vessels operating in the Great Lakes and inland waterways. Growth will be driven by increasing demand for bulk products, such as coal, iron ore, petroleum, sand and gravel, grain, and chemicals. Since current pipelines cannot transport ethanol, some growth will come from shipping ethanol. Problems with congestion in the rail transportation system will increase demand for inland water transportation.
Job prospects. Good job opportunities will result from growth and the need to replace those leaving the occupation. Most water transportation occupations require workers to be away from home for extended periods of time, causing some to leave these jobs.
Maritime academy graduates who have not found licensed shipboard jobs in the U.S. merchant marine find jobs in related industries. Many academy graduates are ensigns in the Naval or Coast Guard Reserve; some are selected or apply for active duty in those branches of the Service. Some find jobs as seamen on U.S.-flagged or foreign-flagged vessels, tugboats, and other watercraft or enter civilian jobs with the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard. Some take land-based jobs with shipping companies, marine insurance companies, manufacturers of boilers or related machinery, or other related jobs.
Chicken Paella!
Thursday, August 20, 2009This is the real Chicken Paella recipe , an alternate way of tasting authentic Spanish recipes.
* Serves: 6
* Difficulty: Intermediate
* Preparation time: 60-90 minutes
* 1/2 pint of oil
* 1 chicken, cut to 8 pieces
* 2 bowls of rice (1lb. 5 oz. approximately)
* 5 bowls of meat broth
* 1 green pepper
* 1 red pepper
* 1 small can of peas
* 1 small onion
* 2 tomatoes
* Saffron
* 1 clove of garlic (optional)
* Parsley
* Salt
Start by heating half of the oil and once warm add the cut chicken and let it cook for 15 min. Once it's brown, reserve it in a dish. Add the chopped onion. After 5 minutes, add diced tomatoes, without seeds and peeled.
Let it braise about 5 minutes more, mashing the tomatoes with a skimmer. Strain it and throw it in the paella pan.
Add the rest of the oil to the paella pan. Throw the green pepper, cut to square pieces of half inch. Add the fried chicken. Keep stirring with a wooden tablespoon, without letting it go brown. Throw salt, and the meat broth, hot but not boiling. This is completed with the 5 broth bowls.
Shake the paella pan a little taking it by the handles so that it is broth flows all over. All this should be made to medium fire.
Meanwhile, in a mortar mash a little bit of garlic (optional), the parsley and the saffron, with a little bit of salt so that it doesn't slip, and it wet it with a couple of soup spoonfuls of temperate water. Spill this mixture on the rice and shake again the paella pan.
When the broth has reduced to the half decorate the paella with the red pepper cut to ribbons, and the peas.
Let it cook about 20 minutes.
Once the rice is cooked and the broth has reduced, retire the paella pan from the fire, on a wet cloth, leaving it rest for about 5 minutes.
Serve it with some big clusters of lemon without peeling like decoration.
Sydney among the Top child-friendly Cities in the World
Sydney was selected not only because of clean beaches, but mainly because of its high-tech aquariums and natural wildlife parks
Lonely Planet Publications or Lonely Planet is a distinguished international travel guidebook. It is one of the largest among all travel books. AS of 2008, the publication has published more than 500 titles in 8 languages. They also have their own TV programs, magazine, podcasts and websites. These makes them a reliable source to announce what are the top and ideal cities that families can visit as a treat for their children.
To complete the list here are the following cities:
1. Oaxaca, Mexico
This colorful Mexican city is pint-sized, charming and fun to explore on foot. A central plaza provides plenty of run-around space for kids and there's a vibrant market.
2. Istanbul, Turkey
With its mosques, palaces, museums, bazaars, multicolored carpets, food markets, Bosphorus cruises and sweet apple tea, the children will be fascinated and enchanted at every turn.
3. London, UK
In summer don't miss out on playing in the fountains at Somerset House where there's an outdoor ice-skating rink in the winter.
4. Los Angeles, US
A good destination for teenagers – choose between the original Disneyland, Universal Studios and Santa Monica. There's heaps to see and do in this sprawling city that encapsulates the American Dream.
5. Vancouver, Canada
The most liveable city in the world. There's lots of water as well as beaches, a huge urban park (Stanley Park) and numerous hiking and biking trails. All the attractions of the Rocky Mountains are just over 100 km (62 miles) away.
6. Lisbon, Portugal
With trams trundling up to a castle, a state-of-the-art aquarium and a fascinating museum that explores Portugal's great seafaring past, this city captivates kids. The fairy-tale town of Sintra, too, is also likeable for kids.
7. Copenhagen, Denmark
Oozes old-world charm, with a compact city center, a lively waterfront and pedestrian-only zones. Thrilling rides at Tivoli Gardens and Bakken, a royal palace and museums designed especially for children will keep you busy.
8. Singapore
Singapore is a gentle introduction to the cities of Southeast Asia – and an excellent jetlag-busting pit stop on the long haul between Europe and Australasia. Also, Sentosa Island with its beaches, butterfly park, dolphin lagoon and underwater world has to be seen to be believed.
9. Sydney, Australia
If beaches, swimming pools and numerous ferries aren't enough, there's Sydney Aquarium, Taronga Zoo and the Koala Park Sanctuary, which are all huge hits with the young ones.
10. Rome, Italy
Italy's best gelato, the impressive Colosseum and Castel Sant-Angelo, spooky catacombs under Via Appia Antica and the green spaces of Villa Borghese.
Automotive Assistance Programme Criteria
Market and Economic Criteria
In assessing applications a determination will be made on whether the Government’s support represents value for the use of public money.
Financial reports and internal business plans containing information on demand forecasts; cost forecasts; financial forecasts, documents that are submitted to an investment committee and that elaborate on various investment scenarios and/or documents provided to the financial markets by applicants are all likely to be helpful in assessing both 'additionality' and economic benefits as outlined below.
In assessing additionality, the following will be taken into account:
- Counterfactual analysis: assessment of an application will seek to understand how the firm’s activity would be different with and without this guarantee or loan. The difference between the two scenarios is considered to be the impact of the aid measure and describes the incentive effect of the guarantee or loan.
- Level of profitability: if a proposal would not, in itself, be profitable to undertake for a private undertaking, but would generate important benefits for society, it is more likely that the guarantee will have an incentive effect. To evaluate the overall profitability, analytical methods used might include evaluating the Net Present Value (NPV), the internal rate of return (IRR) and/or the return of capital employed (ROCE) on the project.
- Amount of investment and time path of cash flows: high start-up investment costs, limited appropriable cash flows and a significant fraction of cash flows arising in the very far future should be considered positive elements in assessing the additionality of an award under AAP.
- Level of risk involved in the proposal – support is less likely to be additional where the proposal is low risk
Economic Benefits
All proposals should contribute positive benefits to the economy. This means that the value of the tangible and intangible benefits must exceed the level of subsidy provided by the guarantee or loan. The net economic benefit of the proposal will be calculated drawing on the financial information for the proposal and market analysis.
Where there may be wider benefits not captured within the firm’s own data, these will also be assessed, they are likely to include:
- Research and Development activity: Often, where research and development is undertaken the benefits of the activity spread beyond the firm that invested. The assessment of economic benefits will take into account information from the applicant about their research and development plans to judge whether there may in fact be wider economic benefits. In this case, such benefits are likely to be priced in line with the EC R&D&I framework.
- General training: Where a firm invests in training, the benefits of improving the skills level of the workforce can be felt beyond the firm. Where this may be the case, such benefits are likely to be priced in line with the EU General Block Exemption training aid guidelines, so applicants will need to state whether they have training plans as part of their proposals.
In addition, an assessment will be made of whether the support represents value for money in terms of the employment created or safeguarded. The applicant should provide details of the jobs that (a) will be created and/or (b) will be safeguarded as a result of the proposal going forward. This should include details of both the skills and salary levels of the jobs created or safeguarded. In determining value for money, the level of deprivation and local labour market conditions will also be taken into account.
Technology Criteria
Applicants must provide the following information about their proposed projects covering how innovation will deliver reduced carbon emissions:
1. Is the proposal related to vehicle production? If yes, please provide details of how the new production process(es) will reduce carbon emissions, reduce the use of hazardous substances, and/or improve resource efficiency. Where relevant, please explain how the new process(es) will:
- Adopt renewable energy sources;
- Minimise heat loss;
- Provide more efficient water use;
- Introduce water-based/low solvent emission paint technologies;
- Reduce exposure to hazardous substances;
- Increase recycling of waste materials from production.
2. Is the proposal related to vehicle use? If yes, please provide details of how the project will ensure compliance with, or exceed the requirements of, the following European regulations on vehicle carbon emissions and air quality (where applicable):
- EU CO2 regulations on cars
- EU CO2 regulations on vans
- Euro 6 regulations on cars (air quality)
- Euro V/VI regulations on HGVs (air quality)
- European Directive 2004/26/EC (construction equipment sector)
3. For proposals related to vehicle use, please provide details of the technology that will deliver lower carbon emissions; for example, through innovation in vehicle design or engine technology.
4. For proposals covering both vehicle production and vehicle use, please provide a summary assessment of the contribution which the new technology will make to reducing carbon emissions over the life cycle of the vehicle.
5. For proposals covering both vehicle production and vehicle use, please provide an assessment of the research and development requirements of the project, including the R&D stages for which support is sought [basic, applied and/or demonstration].
6. For proposals covering both vehicle production and vehicle use, please provide details of opportunities for suppliers to contribute to the project, both in terms of intellectual property and manufacturing opportunities.
7. For proposals covering vehicle use, please provide an assessment of the technology’s wider market potential. What contribution will it make to vehicle sales?
Financial Criteria
1. Guarantees may potentially be provided to support the following investment areas directly linked to the project:
- Research & development (basic research, applied research and demonstration)
- Capital expenditure – e.g. investment in new production facilities; new materials; prototyping; tooling; land and building costs – but in all cases linked to the project and the project’s duration
- Staff costs linked to the project
- Training costs linked to the project
Recoverable indirect taxes are excluded.
2. The applicant must provide evidence of having exhausted private sector sources before seeking either a guarantee or loan eg. evidence that a bank/banks have refused to fund. In general, HMG would expect to offer loan guarantees rather than direct loans to minimise the risk to the tax payer. Applicants seeking loans must demonstrate why the project cannot be financed on the basis of a Government guarantee or a third party loan and ensure their project is in line with EU Commission conditions for loans. It must also give details and demonstrate how and when the guarantee/loan will no longer be required/repaid.
3. In accordance with the European Commission’s Temporary State Aid Framework, under which this support scheme is provided, the following conditions as a minimum must be met and we would ask applicants to provide evidence demonstrating2:
- that the company is viable and, in particular, was not a
firm in difficulty
before 1 July 2008 according to the EU Commission’s view of what constitutes afirm in difficulty
. The EU Commission regards a firm as beingin difficulty
in where it has lost more than half its capital, and more than a quarter of it over the previous 12 months. - That the maximum guarantee or loan sought does not exceed the total annual wage bill of the applicant (including social charges and the cost of on site subcontractors) for 2008.
- Under the current EU Commission’s Temporary State Aid Framework, guarantees or loans must be granted by no later than 31 December 2010.
- Loans must be specifically linked to projects that involve early adaptation to or go beyond future European Community product standards on environmental protection.
The applicant should provide evidence that their application meets the above conditions, particularly on viability.
4. The Government is likely to require part or all of any guarantee or loan to be secured against the applicant’s assets and/or those of a parent company (where applicable), depending on the risk exposure for the taxpayer. The applicant must provide a summary of assets, including their current value, that are available to provide security.
5. The Government will charge an appropriate fee or interest rate to reflect HMG’s administrative costs and expected risk involved and with the aim of ensuring that the Government achieves good commercial value. The actual fee or rate will be set on a case by case basis and must comply with State Aid law. The Government is prepared to use the flexibilities available under the Temporary Community framework for State aid measures to support access to finance in the current financial and economic crisis
in arriving at the appropriate fee or rate for the loan guarantee/loan.
Is It Fair To Judge?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009The story is that she had an affair and was carrying her lovers child and she didn't want to get caught by her husband. She seems to be digging herself a grave here, but I started wondering how desperate she must have been not to be found out. Relationships are complicated things, don't fool yourself into thinking otherwise and we all know the saying, you only know what you got till it's gone. So let's have a look at what happened, she was with her husband for many years, the romance had fizzled out and a new man paid a little more attention to her, being a hot blooded woman she succumbed to the advances and found herself in a very scary situation.
I'm not saying that fabricating a crime is in any way alright but I think she is paying a very hefty price for being human. Someone said to me the other day that they would never cheat on their partner, I was shocked to hear that, ever heard of the phrase "never say never". None of us know what the future holds and the only constant in our lives is change.
The next time you feel the need, as I did, to judge someone, stop and think for a second about what that person is going through and why they felt the need to do what they did. We all make mistakes and sometimes we pay a very big price but it's all part and parcel of the process. Live and learn.....Live and learn....
Pulau puteri - Nongsa
Island Princess in the note referred to the Government Regulation No.30 Nongsa Island as one of 92 islands that made the basic point of law NKRI boundaries. Coastal area of Singapore can be achieved only with a half-hour boating course from Nongsa. Nongsa close proximity with the Singapore community in the village until the 1980s more about Singapore dollar currency or Ringgit Malaysia than rupiah.